Accidental Genesis
Copyright VidarGander  


Suddenly a round object hit one of the icebergs in the Oort cloud. It must have come from outside the belt, because it attached to its dark side. After securing the grip, it started to drill inwards. Soon, it could not be seen. Everything seemed to be as before, until another object hit a second iceberg. While it secured the grip a third object hit a third iceberg. Then the second object started to drill. At the first iceberg, the silence was broken once again. The object appeared at the front of the berg. It buzzed and rotated for a while, and then stopped.

When twelve icebergs were hit by objects, the back side of the first iceberg exploded. A flow of plasma steamed out of the back like a constant geyser. The front part of the object, rotated and buzzed several times, while the geyser at the back pushed the iceberg forwards.

Once again, there was an explosion, this time at the back of the second iceberg. In the same way, it adjusted the course while the geyser steamed out of the back. Soon it was in stabile acceleration too. Finally, the twelve icebergs accelerated in row towards the centre of star system.

Long before the icebergs reached the outer planets’ orbits, the geysers faded out. Almost invisible in the dark, they sailed at constant speed. Their distance grew and soon they formed groups of three.

The star system consists of 8 planets. The inner four are rather small and called the Terrestrial planets. The four outer planets are much larger and called the Jovian planets. Well passed the sixth planet, the stars warmth reached the icebergs. They became visible and their ice started to melt. Soon there were tails of gas from the twelve. The tails did not indicate the comets’ direction, though. They pointed away from the star.

The four groups of comets targets became clear when they passed the fifth planet’s orbit. The groups did no longer have the same direction. The enormous gravitation of the star pulled the comets despite the long distance. Soon it was clear that the first group headed towards the fourth Terrestrial planet.