OutpostPeter took control of the Christian colony shortly after to Asir and Vanir fractions had left. There was no doubt about his legitimacy because there were merely Christians there. In a few days, the colony became rather effective. There was a collective spirit at work. Praying was an important part of that. There were sessions in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Their minds were set to the common tasks. One of the priorities was to remove the foundation of the temple and start building a house of worship. Peter himself wanted it to be purely Christian. However, he figured that some Norse symbols had to remain for a while in order to keep all the colonists content. One day, five large ships arrived from east. The ships’ hulls were dark, but the sails were white, with a big red cross. The ship in the front and the two on the wings sailed into the shore of the colony. A small rowing boat was tied to the fourth ship with a long rope. They stayed at the sea. Peter understood that these were important visitors. He picked some of his closest men and went to greet them on the shore. It seemed to be a well organized party that was heavily armed. Everyone had a shirt that showed a crucifix in a few variations. Peter and his men guided the leader and his men to the temporary church. This was a meeting for the leaders. Kristen, the leader of the visitors, said; we have heard of this new colony and are here to investigate it. Peter was glad the Norse was not present anymore. He sensed that heathens would not be to much help in the coming diplomacy. You are very welcome and we will be very happy to assist you. As you can see, this is now a Christian colony. Kristen looked around. This looks better than we anticipated. How many are you. We are 219, Peter answered. That is strange, Kristen said. I was expecting to see about a thousand people here, since it is basically the remains of the Greenland colony. I can understand you are well informed, Peter said. And I will most certainly help the best I can to inform you further. The colony split into three fractions earlier this year. Although there was no religious conflict, there were the differences in opinion. Anyway, the Norse divided into two groups. The 300 Vanirs sailed to the Riverlands to the west and the 500 Asirs sailed southwards to Vinland. The visitors’ leaders discussed the information in a language Peter could not understand. After that, Kristen turned to Peter. Correct me if I am wrong, but what you basically say is that you are a Christian colony of 219. A colony of 300 Heathens has gone to the inland and another colony of 500 Heathens has gone south. Peter nodded. Kristen asked; where is Harald? Harald and Thorleif went southwards together. They caught great interest in the land and some strange tribes further south. I do not know what they were up to, and quite frankly we have no interest in them anymore. We certainly have, Kristen stated. He hesitated and finally said; we will deal with that later. Now we want to know what we can do for you. We are servants to the Vatican. Even though we do not take orders directly from there, you should consider us as such. My men are basically Nordic and have been true Christians for a long time. It means that heathen religions are as alien to us as it is to the Pontifex himself. We are here to secure that Europe stays Christian and that there will be no more surprises from the north. Therefore we will help you in securing your colony. That means helping you in leading the Christian way, and helping you in protecting you from any heathen influence. In return we will see to that no heathens ever pass this outpost and goes to Europe. Peter was honored that his colony was about to get such resourceful help, although he wondered if his colony was pure enough. Quite briefly, we will see to that this colony is true Christian and take the necessary steps to ensure that in the next few days. Do you comply with that Peter, he asked. Peter hesitated, but he could clearly see that it would not wise to state any objections. You have the full authority to make this a purely Christian colony, and you have my support. Dan could not hide that he was surprised to such a submissive decision. That is very good, Peter, Kristen said smiling. For a starter, this house of worship should not have any symbols that confuse the Christians. These two symbols have to go; he said and pointed at the hammer Mjolner hammer and a Christmas wreath. His men went to take down the symbols. Wait a minute, Dan said. Let me explain. He had everybody’s attentions, and Kristen gave him permission to state his mind. Dan hesitated and everyone waited for him to continue. Eh, this is a colony with cultural traditions, he started. We are Christians indeed, but we also enjoy our cultural heritage. This wreath is a decoration of fertility. It does not oppose Christianity. On the contrary, it supports it, by showing that Christianity is about life and not death. Christ was born at Christmas Eve and we celebrate life. Christ got eternal life on Easter we are told. The crucifixion is really about life too, because it symbolizes life after death. Dan look at the others. There were not the objections that he feared. That gave him courage to go on. This hammer is about religious power. Although it belonged to the Asir Thor, it is used to protect the good from evil. I can tell you, there are many evil beings in the Norse mythology, and a strong protection is required. I am sure you bold men can understand that, he said and winked to Kristen. Quite frankly, Dan continued. Jesus could certainly need some protection from those Romans. A little help from Thor would have altered the powers considerably, and made Jesus a proud winner rather than that petty thrall nailed to a cross. In fact he needed some more qualities. Odin could have given him wisdom; Balder could have given him charm, in addition to Thor’s bravery. Peter noticed that Kristen was irritated. Dan did not. By the way, Dan continued. Who was Jesus’ farther anyway? We know it was a god, but whom? He asked himself aloud. It could be Thor of cause, the rage indicates so. But a son of Thor should at least show a little bravery. And where is Jesus to be placed in the family tree of gods? He asked himself aloud again. We know Jesus was the son of a teenage girl that does not really put him in the family tree of god. Even Loki ranges higher in the hierarchy. Anyway, Dan concluded, I believe I talk for the whole colony when I say; we certainly welcome White Christ to the family of gods. Then it was a deadly silence. Kristen turned to Dan and asked in a cold voice; are you done with your statement? Yes I am, was the last words from his mouth before it, and the rest of the head, rolled away from the body. Kristen dried of his sword and asked Peter. Did he talk for you too? Peter ensured that Dan did not talk for anyone, but himself. Then Kristen’s guards removed the symbols and put up some large white flags with red crosses instead. We will decorate this house properly on a later occasion, Kristen said. Now we need to meet ever single colonists personally. By the way, remember the word Trinity, and learn its meaning. And I ensure you, he added, it does not mean thirty, but three. Peter obeyed. Soon all the colonists were gathered in the centre of the colony. Peter told the crowd that the colony was officially Christian from now on, and that Kristen had the full authority to ensure that they all were truly Christians. Peter stressed the importance of complying. The people were lined up in front of a desk. One priest asked each of them to repeat a declaration after him. Then the colonists went one by one to be baptized. It did not take long before a colonist had objections. The guards did not hesitate in taking him away and behead him. The colonists were in shock, but soon understood the seriousness of the acts. Lars made up his mind when the second head fell off. It’s time to leave, he thought. He managed to sneak out of the line and walk for a while. Soon he was discovered by a guard and they started running. Lars, who was the scout leader in the Riverlands exploration, ran to the boats. He took of faster than ever and paddled southwards. He noticed that the guards did not go by boat after him. He though they had more important things to look after. Anyway, Lars did not slow down. He continued all the way to the rivers. Then he dragged the boat ashore and took a long rest. Eventually he had time to think about what to do next. Meanwhile, the colony was declared a hundred percent pure. There were 195 newborn Christians and a pile of heads. The relatives to the beheaded felt the need to grief, but it was made clear that there were no relation with the past, not even the dead ones. Therefore everybody joined in for a three days celebration of their new existence. The colonists became very convinced in their belief during these days. It was a program that showed all the positive sides of the religion and made sure that they all were a part of it now. Never before had they felt such a stronger belonging to a society. A few days later, Kristen told Peter that it was time for him to leave. A ship with guards was going to stay behind to protect them from any enemies. But we need to go further, Kristen added. I have an assignment of utmost important for your colonists. I need 20 voluntaries to a dangerous but glorious mission. We must go on and render harmless the pagans. These voluntaries do not need to be warriors; they simply should not fear death. It means; a girl is as important as a man. But I suggest you convince the once that might not be quite pure yet. Peter was intrigued. He asked Kristen, do you want twenty weak colonists to fight all the pagans of this continent? Please trust me and let me manage the strategy, Peter responded. Oh, yes, one more thing, we could use a small boat and you should leave your weapons behind. Peter had surely heard that belief could move mountain and believed in that. He remembered very well what belief did to the heathen Icelandic volcanic berg Hekla. But this, needed a miracle, he thought. Peter gathered the colonists and asked them in his own way. Dali was thinking hard. He feared his days in the colony were counted. Surely he had persuaded most Christians that he was a believer, but still he could sense sceptism. He could get away with calling God Allah, claiming that was the same in his native language. He could even convince himself that it was forgivable considering the situation. However, calling the White-Christ a prophet and not the son of God was harder to get away with. He feared he could be confronted soon and that he might suffer like Rafka. He was also thinking a lot about the rumours about demons in the attached boats. Hasn’t he heard something like this previously, - about some great mission to convert pagans? Wasn’t that what happened in the ancient Egypt? He knew that big things were about to happen and was tempted to see what it was. After thinking about it, he said; I volunteer. Fifty people volunteered, when he addressed the colony and asked them to join Kristen in a glorious mission. Peter then decided not to pick the strongest men. He even chose his own son to show his good faith. At the shore they were divided into two groups and entered two large ships. Soon they sailed southwards. There was the leader’s ship in the front, followed by to large ships with colonists. Each of the colonist ships dragged a small and covered boat. There were two people in each boat. Peter knew he had to show that his faith was strong. But the whole thing was troubling his mind. He simply could not figure out what this war strategy was about. Finally he had to ask Kristen directly. I wondered how long it would take you to finally ask, Kristen laughed. I can very well understand your disbelief in the strategy, but you have proven your trust in me. You know, we are fighting a religious war. Therefore swords and shield does not help much. Kristen asked; what do you think would be the most powerful weapon to use against pagans? Well, if you mean unconvertible pagans, I think goodness. Kristen hesitated; it is a good answer, but quite the opposite. There is a saying; fighting evil with evil. Peter was getting the idea. Beating bad guys was surely common to him. In fact, we are about to release a demon on the pagans. Peter was shocked, do you have a demon here. Not quite, over there, Kristen said and pointed at the boats they dragged. The demon is silent now and the two carriers have a pleasant time back there. They have anything they want, and they can do whatever they want, as long as they stay back there at clear distance to the rest. After about ten days the demon wakes up. He tortures their bodies for another ten days and then they usually die. Meanwhile the patients nurse each other as good as they can. In the end, they get help. We provide the carriers with any merciful means we can. I only hope we could do more to help the poor souls. But since the demon needs a body, this is the only way we can carry it to the pagans. When the carriers are dead, they have a proper Christian salvation and funeral to ensure their martyr way to Christ. Then two new carriers take place in the boat and execute the ceremonies. Then it is their turn to carry the demon further for another 20 days. So basically the plan is to let the demon loose at the pagans, Peter asked. Exactly, Kristen answered. I am curios, Peter said, how did you get the demon in the first place. Neither you nor I will ever get the whole truth I guess. We were simple ordered to get the shipment at the far freezing north of Norway. No other Norwegians were allowed to get to the site. It was delivered to us in two Skrallings in large dark cotton cloaks. Two of our men got that cloaks and got possessed in ten days. I think the demon is in the cloaks, Kristen added. Peter was puzzled, Skrallings at the north of Norway? They could not have come from the west. Kristen was thinking, but revealed no more. Kristen turned to go, but Peter had a final question for him. It does not by any chance have a name, this demon, does it? Oh yes it does, and you should avoid its presence. The demon is called Variola. |