‘Basic Income’ is the first issue in this IR4 sub-theme of P5GO. Even though the 4th Industrial Revolution is basically technological, the previous IRs caused social revolutions that were abused in Games of CdE (Coup d’ Etat). This IR4 has already started and cause changes to man, machine and societies. We learned a lot about the previous outcomes and should respond more intelligent this time. ‘Basic income’ is definitely preventive to CCD, CdE and WW. We also know that Game Player of the 3rd and 4th Pyramid Games lured citizens in distress into civil wars, believing that the Game Players ever would pay back as promised. Consequently, the public social services are organized by such oligarchic criminals that systematically violate international laws and human rights, - quite the opposite of their public images. Yet, this is easy to fix by proper and sound use of IR4 technocracy, bureaucracy and democracy. In order to argue this, this blog provides a rather profound reference to the theoretical arguments, after the introduction and before some concluding remarks.
Political philosophies, like the right to a basic income to satisfy the basic needs, are as old as civilization itself. It is the very foundation of any family. Similar social systems are adopted into larger organizations of Thrones, States and Temples, - simply because the systems are made mankind’s image. Most apparent, during crises of war and force majeure, humans organize free supplies for food (meal-ticket), housing (hospice), other rations, collective transport, etc. However, previous management systems were too primitive for such complex situations. They were remote and central driven via oligarchic and standardized logistics. Those management systems were seriously dysfunctional and caused corruptions, crimes and crises. Similar cold-war systems of the 4th Pyramid Game are still dominating most civil state-aid systems concerning food, housing, transport, schooling, health-care, pension etc. Most fortunately, those inherited dysfunctionalities can be fixed with means of the ‘Industry 4.0’.
Now, the technical IR4 is about to cause similar social changes, like the previous IRs did. Yet, we know that the peoples in such temporary existential crises will not tolerate to be ignored and will organize in riots to survive and provide proper LQ for themselves and their related. There is no valid moral, rational or ethical reason to hinder its usage. Such reasoning is fundamental, but not a main focus in this blog, though. The psychosocial model used in the P5GO theme was summarized in UU 2016.sept.23. “They are explained in UU 2014.sept.12 as; a consistent definition of “LifeQuality; a 3D ethics model, a 3D ethical system of GCR (Good/Constructive/Right); a 3D political model relating to the constitutional LEJ powers (Legal/Executive/Juridical); a 3^3 (3*3*3) psychosocial model of Drive, Will and Belief; an extended psychosocial Game models; a 5D scenario model for past as well as future (UU 2014.sept.12); and extended terminology by extended use of suffixes. (UU 2015.juni.12).”
The previous blog (UU 2017.mai.19) introduced this issue in this way. “Even major high-tech celebrities say it has to be done. Elon Musk (Tesla) says that automation will force governments to Introduce Universal Basic Income (UBI). Bill Gates (Microsoft) says that the productions’ robots should pay tax like the workers they replaced to finance the required re-schooling and LifeQuality. There are 3 traditional claims against Basic Income. 1) That it is too expensive. Yet the social costs of poverty are higher. 2) People will not work if not forced to. On the contrary, most people want to self-realize, be social and contribute. 3) It is politically too complicated. True, this is most certainly serious a challenge, since UBI has actually been a legal Human Rights obligation for all United Nations for 50 years - and in the EU for 20 years due to competition rules of State Aid. (See UU 2014.okt.17 about LQ, UN, EU, HR)
Generally, Wikipedia says that: “A basic income (Citizen's Income) is a social security where all citizens receive an unconditional sum of money, from a public institution in addition to any income received from elsewhere. Basic income systems, which are financed by the profits of publicly owned enterprises, are major components in many proposed models of market socialism. Basic income schemes have also been promoted within the context of capitalist systems, where they would be financed through various forms of taxation.” “Similar proposals for ‘capital grants provided at the age of majority’ date to Thomas Paine's Agrarian Justice of 1795, there paired with asset-based egalitarianism. The phrase ‘social dividend’ was commonly used as a synonym for basic income in the English-speaking world before 1986, after which the phrase ‘basic income’ gained widespread currency. Prominent advocates of the concept include Rutger Bregman, André Gorz, Ailsa McKay, Guy Standing, Karl Widerquist, Hillel Steiner, Peter Vallentyne, Philippe Van Parijs and Milton Friedman.”
In contrast: “A commission of the German parliament discussed basic income in 2013 (in response to the challenges discovered by ‘Industry 4.0’). They concluded that it is ‘unrealizable’ because: 1) It would cause a significant decrease in the motivation to work among citizens, with unpredictable consequences for the national economy. 2) It would require a complete restructuring of the taxation, social insurance and pension systems, which will cost a significant amount of money. 3) The current system of social help in Germany is regarded more effective because it's more personalized: the amount of help provided is not fixed and depends on the financial situation of the person; for some socially vulnerable groups the basic income could be insufficient. 4) It would cause a vast increase in immigration. 5) It would cause a rise in the shadow economy. 6) The corresponding rise of taxes would cause more inequality: higher taxes would translate into higher prices of everyday products, harming the finances of poor people. 7) No viable way to finance basic income in Germany was found.”
Such arguments based on a IR3 mentality are dominating the evaluations of basic income. However, IR4 provides solutions to such outdated mental barriers.
That ‘East’ German commission was simply very wrong in claiming that ‘Basic Income’ is ‘unrealizable’ in this century. In contrast, a main argument is as follows: Now that the majority of humans live in the cities, they no longer have any means or rights to grow or hunt their own food, find themselves housing or other basic needs that nature provided for free. During the IRs, when work and income is removed from them, - they are practically trapped in an ‘urban cage’. Therefore, there has to be alternatives to satisfy the basic needs to maintain proper LifeQuality. This problem is not merely about to preventing self-destructive uprisings, or the international legal obligations. This is simply to prevent civilizations’ dysfunctionality and decay into CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder).
Yet, Europe is a forerunner for Basic Income. “ ‘Europe is the cradle of democracy.’ This dogma is fundamental for any European nation. However, Europe has only 10% of the world’s populations (). Therefore, Europe is crucial to humanity and extra hard to defend. The Quality of Lives is as fundamental for democracy, nations and organizations, as for any person. Unfortunately, and evidently, anti-democratic nations oppose the Human Rights and Needs, sometimes aggressively with conning Underworld Games. Their need for self-defense in obvious, - even though opponents denies such existence, motives and actions.” (UU 2015.april.10)
The term LifeQuality is fundamental for Basic Income, because it includes terms of Human Needs and Human Rights. The final definition is based on the ISO 8402 definition of Quality and was presented in UU 2014.okt.17: “LifeQuality is defined as: A person’s totality of properties and potentials to satisfy stated and implied needs.” “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shows 5 main categories; Physical, Safety, Social, Respect and Self-realization.” The ‘stated needs’ are similar to the ‘Human Rights’. “The 193 UN member-states are obligated to secure their citizens’ rights concerning; private properties, self-determination, security, privacy, family, work, education, in addition to freedoms of thought, conscience, religion, expression and more.” (UU 2016.juli.01)
The oligarchic abuse of market dominance during the IR3, in both public and non-public enterprises, is a main reason for the present dysfunctional, corrupted and criminal abuse of ‘state aid of social character’. This is a basis for a new and yet unpublished website, called CloudMaps/EM. The following shows a draft.
“Most European nations are part of the European Internal Market, - and their parliamentary relation is solid. All the nations have agreed to some obligations to give, - in order to get their rightful goods from the community. Unfortunately, the obligations are illegally undermined in 30 years by international organized crime. The European nations lose millions of Euros each day and billions annually. Financial problems for public services, citizens' rights and companies' deficits would be easily solved, if the public authorities turn more legal. The legal obligations are in the Treaty of the European Union. The national ratifications are unfortunately not correctly ratified into law and practice on important issues. However, there are no legal obstacles to end such illegalities. The Treaty is superior to any obsolete, misguiding and missing national laws and practices.”
- A legal Law of Competition, according to the Treaty's articles will cause:
- “State Aid, having a social character, must be given to the consumers and not suppliers or producers. ‘Basic Income’ is such State Aid, having a social character. It concerns most payments for public services of health, transport, education, housing, caring, etc. All these aids shall be paid directly to the citizen, like payments as pensions, unemployment benefits, wage subsidies, housing assistance, day care, child support services etc. Consequently, it is illegal when public servants give the citizens’ aid directly to public or private suppliers and producers.”
- “The legal foundation to this argument is in the Treaty on European Union Section 2 Aids granted by States, Article 107 (ex Article 87 TEC). “1. Save as otherwise provided in the Treaties, any aid granted by a Member State or through State resources in any form whatsoever which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favoring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods shall, in so far as it affects trade between Member States, be incompatible with the internal market. 2. The following shall be compatible with the internal market: (a) aid having a social character, granted to individual consumers, provided that such aid is granted without discrimination related to the origin of the products concerned; …” This web-site might soon be used to promote Basic Income in Europe.
1. Opening for Small Enterprises to the huge public market (106).
2. Reduction of abusive oligarchic treaties and practices in the public market (101-109).
3. Reduction of market-distorting abuses by state-aid to suppliers of the public sectors (107).
4. Re-distributing state aids to the citizens from the oligarchic actors (107).
5. Prohibition of customs duties and charges having equivalent effects (30).
Furthermore, the following paragraphs relate to OECD, TEU as well as Dane and Norwegian documents about their public sectors. This applies to any nation in the EU Internal Market, though. They are summarized in blogs like UU 2016.juni.17, UU 2016.juli.01 and UU 2016.aug.26.
- “Public servants of the Executive power are obliged to execute orders from its Parliament and Government. If not doing so, they are to be prosecuted in accordance to the Penalty law by the Legislative power, - just like ‘bourgeois’ civilians. This obviously applies to legalities of this century too. As mentioned in UU 2015.juli.10, “There is no doubt that Denmark (or any other EU nation) has been legally obligated for over 20 years by the TEU (Treaty on European Union).” (Norway, and any other nations to the European Internal Market, has similar over-national legislation as the EEA Treaty between EU and EFTA.)
- “The second pillar, the Executive power, ( ) was discussed in UU 2015.okt.23 to set focus on apparent indications on dysfunctionalities. “The ( ) Executive power is known as the ‘Public Sector’. It is committed to provide products and services to ( ) citizen and society as the Parliament and its Government order. A main reason to serious mismanages is obvious, - public servants are rarely investigated and put to trial according to the national penalty law. Some coldwar public servants are ‘untouchables’ to the Legal system.” Furthermore, “The relations in (European) societies become far more transparent when knowing the 100 years rise of the Red Mafia and the accordingly corruption of LEJ (Legislative/Executional/Judicial powers). The public sector has cold war legacies that are not applicable, and even illegal, to this century’s ( ) Europe. The conditions and potentials of the nations are well documented in the OECD report 'Government at a Glance' and the Produktivitetskommissionens rapport”. (UU 2015.juni.05 and UU 2015.juni.26)
- “The third pillar, the Judicial power ( ), was discussed in UU 2015.okt.30 to set focus on apparent indications on dysfunctionalities. “The parliamentary LEJ system (the Legislative/Executional/Judicial powers) are obliged to Rule by Law. Thereby, it is criminal to cause improper ratification of Parliament’s laws and regulations, improper execution in the public sector and improper arbitrating and judging in the courts. In fact, there is no valid argument for such illegalities, like putting the blame on lack of resources, information or money. Those arguments are, however, too often abused in relation to the Judicial system. An alarming indication of critical system faults is that no judge ever seems convicted despite all the criminal scandals in the public sector that the free press expose. Such indications are typical for Mafia organizations too. It indicates that the Judicial cultures can be worse than for public servants in the Executing power”.
- “Confusion and misinterpretations about the legal system reduces the Judicial quality. It can cause punishment of innocents and rewarding of criminals. Such misjudgments are object for national Penalty law, - even for the judges. Clearly, international criminal organizations need to target key-personnel in the legal system to make their business gainful and to avoid penalties.” (UU 2015.okt.30.) “For 3D political model, rivaling non-European unions are negative toward (European) LEJ and main reasons why the LEJ Quality score is beneath the acceptable for European nations.”
- “It is crucial to distinct between the image of a ‘trusted union agent’ and the true nature of (the Labor Union). A main task is to sell other people’s work to its own customers/members. Consequently, labor with alternative Will or incompetence are hired in enterprises, - especially in the public sectors. This has several negative consequences for employees, leaders, firms and society.” (UU 2014.okt.17.) “Anyone can be terrified of losing job, wages that is vital to support family, home and future. Most gives in to such mafia to save their wives, children and homes. However, the history throughout the Pyramid Games clearly and evidently proves that the Parliamentary LEJ is too corrupted for such ‘glasnost’, - even in (Europe). Yet, humanity’s evolvement do now provide hyper-democratic solutions.” “Any citizens exploited by PROSA organizations have now the opportunity for hyper-democratic expressions. Any PROSA victim have the opportunity to explain themselves, to confess and alert about illegal PROSA corruption, - even anonymous. Anyone can write down their experiences, opinions and will. Anyone can uploaded it to hyperspace as documents to relevant web-cites in ‘The Cloud’. Such ‘whistlers’ should not be punished, but rather protected and have their pensions and benefits revived for restart. International LEJ powers, and not merely national LEJ, should deal with the international criminal organizations.” (UU 2014.dec.05, UU 2016.juli.15 and UU 2016.aug.19)
In order to argue against the barriers to basic income, a whole section is taken from a previous blog about the technocratic dilemma in UU 2016.sept.09. “The technocracy, like the bureaucracy, is incapable to perceive human qualities of the bourgeois citizens. Each citizen’s LifeQuality is at risk and do cause human catastrophes when a republican State becomes dominant in the society. Some previous quotes about the preys, the citizen, the peasants and the worker focus on that.
- “The Pyramid Games are described in the initial UU 2016.mai.13. Pyramid Games are based on the illegal ‘Pyramid scheme’, ‘Eight-ball’ and ‘Gifting circles’. 8 people are lured by one to ‘invest’ in illusions of repayments in a distant future, - not realizing that the Game is built to collapse and rather cause their ruin. The ethics to such Game masters are ‘honesty is for suckers’. The 5 Pyramid Games in this UU theme are related to the 5 Internationals. Those ‘suckers’ are lured to contribute to domestic CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) that weakens their prey nation enough to enable the main gains of CdE (Coup d’ Etat). Related sub-Games played by potential PROSA Pensioners are of all categories, - especially Underworld Games and Sexual Games like; NIGYSOB (Now I've Got You, You Son of a Bitch) and Schlemiel, SWYMD (See What You Made Me Do), ITHY (I'm Only Trying to Help You), LPAFJ (Let's Pull A Fast one on Joey), LYAHF (Let's You and Him Fight), DAC&UAC (Devide&Conquer & Unite&Conquer), ISR (It Started with the Retribution), ABD (Attack is the Best Defense), Jante/TUD (The Ugly Duckling), TLM (Two Little Maids), BGGG (Bad Guy, Good Guy), RPPP (Robbing Pete to Pay Paul), ODAB (One's Death – Another’s Bread) and the Russian BOOFY (Beat your Own and Others will Fear You). (UU 2014.sept.12.)” (UU 2016.juli.15)
- “In Norden, LO (The Confederation of Trade Unions) is the International para-organization that is bound to the obligations of the high treason of the 3rd International, - the Moscow Thesis. LO’s 100 years of political dominance and related LEJ inabilities, proves the seriousness of Parliamentary corruption. However, after 100 years of corrupting CCD and incapable of doing the CdE, LO members should finally realize that they merely contribute to continuous negative BDW (Bad, Destructive and Wrong). ethics that never will realize their illusions of GCR (Good, Constructive and Right). Most probably are able to see that, but ignore it. They do not dare to risk the processes of a true democratic reform of their Union. They know very well from history the brutal consequences from the Game masters.”
- History proves that such cleansings of loyal citizens (bourgeois), with radicalized workers, were extremely violent before, under and after the WW2. The death tolls were tens of millions of humans during the PROSA regimes of the puppet oligarchs like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot etc. Several previous UU blogs concern LO cultures at CCD and CdE levels, for example: The uncloaking of a Stalinist mass-psychopathic culture when overthrowing a matriarchal LO leader – the ‘Valla’ case (UU 2013.aug.30). The Stalinazist cultural root of WW2 is still dominant in LO (see Wikipedia link under), and the TV documentary about the boy Selmer that was donated to Soviet Union and became an unwillingly spy. It also indicates the cloaking of thousands of STASI agents in Europe during the cold war (UU 2014.juli.04). More recent is the ‘Treholt’ Game LPAFJ (Let's Pull A Fast one on Joey) as diversion to save other major PROSA agents (UU 2013.aug.30). The Game concept changed to SWYMD (See What You Made Me Do) in the massive organized CdE bomb and massacre in Norway five years ago today. The Judicial system proved that willingly scapegoats are more effective as diversion for the major PROSA agents (UU 01.Juni.2012), - until he also realizes he was no Nashi (Наши) hero, but just another 5th Pyramid Game ‘sucker’.” In brief, most public servants are unaware and unwillingly bond to the high treasonous 21 conditions to the 3rd International. The European parliaments are obliged to free them immediately. It is very possible with temporary ‘basic income’ and other means of IR4. (UU 2016.juli.22)“
Although focusing on howto realize Basic Income in Europe, the UBI (Universal Basic Income) is a global concept, related to the Universal Human Rights. This P5GO theme relates to the concept of GHRL (Global Human Rights Law.) that was presented in UU 2015.april.10 and slightly revised here.
- “Despite knowing that the UN has not eliminated warfare of all kinds, there is a valid Belief that the UN’s collective conscience has prevented a nuclear ww3. This lead to the conclusion that any human needs and deserve a Global Human Right Law (GHRL). Also, knowing that the UN do not have the legal powers to make nations live up to their obligations, the path is to make multi-lateral NHRL. “All NHRL (National Human Right Laws) should at least include UNC (United Nations Charter) that provides the UN powers to investigate and mediate in international disputes and authorizes international economic, diplomatic, and military sanctions and force to resolve the disputes, - as well as the ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) and ICESCR (International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights).” (UU 2014.okt.17) GHRL has a Facebook page and an Avaaz petition page.” However, the petition was disabled years ago when a Ukrainian citizen signed.
- “With this UU Theme, ‘The 5th Pyramid’ and the introduction of Hyper-Democracy, the GHRL most certainly provide some innovative perspectives on how-to Heal LEJD and the QL of humanity. However, focusing on anti-democratic cyber-crimes in Europe, the Hyper-parliamentary Europol and Eurojust are definitely the International cyber-crime fighters. The Pyramid Game became very apparent in the Dane (anti-) Europol referendum in 2015.dec.03. The Dane example of international referendum fraud should be investigated by Europol and brought to the EU Court. Furthermore, Dane, Norwegian and any other EU/EFTA nations should have their laws quality ensured in accordance to EU innovations.”
Most European nations do already have social security systems that pay enough for proper Basic Income, - some even pay more than that. However, the Quality of the Social Security Systems have become dysfunctional by cold war crimes. In order to fix those corrupted systems, the whole Executive Parliamentary power have to act in accordance to the valid legislations for state aid. Their IT systems have to be reconstructed by means of IR4 and Cloud services. However, virtual monetary systems, based on Block Chain technology, is the next issue in this in this theme.
Conclusive, it is evident that the ongoing 4th Industrial Revolution is the most comprehensive IR and will cause social revolutions of accordingly magnitude, - critically, if not managed properly. Cold war arguments against the human needs, rights and care are means of propaganda warfare to maximize CCD, enabling Pyramid Games of CdE and finally prey on the democratic citizens and cavillations. The truth is evident, humans have, throughout history of humankind, proved themselves exceptionally willing and able be humane, in all the positive aspects. In brief, the means of this ‘Industry 4.0’ can and must be managed GCR (Good/Constructive/Right) in time - this time. In this blog theme - this is called the P5GO (The 5th Pyramid Game Over).
Treaty on European Union:
Eminem, alias Marshall Bruce Mathers III, is an American rapper, record producer and actor. He is one of the world's best-selling artists and Rolling Stone ranked him 83rd on its list of 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. He starred in the hip hop film ‘8 Mile’, which won the Academy Award for Best Original Song, for ‘Lose Yourself’, becoming the first rap artist to win the award.
The association to this blog is the obvious realities millions of caring humans will be exposed to during this 4th Industrial Revolution. In the movie ‘8 Mile’, Eminem is a sympatric father in Detroit that is at the collapse after the success of the 3rd Industrial revolution. Against all odds, he succeeds as a ‘white nigger’ after a long struggle against inhuman conditions, - and thereby enable himself to support the family, friends and related. Still, some senseless traumas cannot ever be healed.
Eminem - Lose Yourself + Lyrics +
Eminem Live From New York (Full Concert - HQ)
“A basic income (Citizen's Income) is a social security where all citizens receive an unconditional sum of money, from a public institution in addition to any income received from elsewhere.” (Wikipedia)
Here are some TED Talk videos explaining the idea. Lots of other videos can be found on the internet.
Why we should give everyone a basic income | Rutger Bregman | TEDxMaastricht
Understand the Blockchain in Two Minutes
Basic income and other ways to fix capitalism | Federico Pistono | TEDxHaarlem
Why we shouldn't have to work just to survive | Jonny Ross-Tatam | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh
Basic Income: An Idea Whose Time Has Come | James Mulvale | TEDxUManitoba
Rutger Bregman: Poverty isn’t a lack of character, it’s a lack of cash
How the blockchain is changing money and business | Don Tapscott