This 5th hypothesis ‘the dPP’ (double Puppet President) concerns the fact that most unpopular dictators make extra-ordinary security actions – even hiring their own doubles gänger. Such body doubles can be so identical that most people will be deceived into believing the double is the real person - and not some kind of alter-ego. A drawback to such ulterior Games, though, is that no one can no longer trust that regime’s representatives. Other political powers will turn permanent distrustful - and wonder what mischiefs that Gamers might cause this time. Such ulterior Games seem so foreign that it even might be played by foreign powers. Such swap of Heads of State could even cause several Games d’ Etat (GdE) - like Coup d’ Etat (CdE). Thus, in this blog, the intention is to explore such hypotheses generally, - and also the possibility that sometimes a dPPP acts politically instead of the real Putin.
The basic thesis is that: “A political decoy is a person employed to impersonate a politician, to draw attention away from the real person or to take risks on that person’s behalf. This can also apply to military figures, or civilians impersonated for political or espionage purposes. The political decoy has strong physical resemblance to the person being impersonated, which can be enhanced by methods like plastic surgery. Often, such decoys are trained to speak and behave like the target. In fact, examples who had body doubles are; Bernard Montgomery, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Stalin, Sukarno, Henry Kissinger, Boris Yeltsin, Saddam Hussein. Voice doubles were engaged for; Winston Churchill, Harry S. Truman, Indira Gandhi, and queen Elizabet.” (Wikipedia.)
In fact, the PPP’s predecessor and patriarch, Stalin (PPS) had up to 14 body doubles. (See video hereunder). The first double was engaged after a fake assassin attempt, like the basic psychosocial Games of WAHM (Why does this Always Happen to Me?), SWYMD (See What You Made Me Do) and ITHY (I'm Only Trying to Help You). Later the Gamers engaged several doubles as political decoys, celebrity and scarecrow. That hypothesis is that dPPS acted on his behalf even after his death - and that a dPPS was buried in his coffin. Hence, there is also reasons to ask; how many doubles did Stalin’s allied of 1939, Hitler (dPPH), have, – since it is claimed that the PPH survived 42 assassin-attempts by the Germans? When and how did he really die? (UU20160603). Moreover, the Kremlin learned from Castro of Cuba, (PPC) the most threaten puppet president - on howto play such Games of HDYGOH’ (How Do You Get Out of Here / Want Out).
Even though the PPP denies any use of body doubles, - such denials are required due to the secret services for the state security. Any exposure of such security measures would certainly jeopardize the safety and be judged as treasonous. Hence, there have been several denied assassins attempt at the PPP that are claimed to fail. Failed or not, - the subsequent risk analysis would most probably all conclude that political decoys are required. After all, this ex-KGB agent PPP, in the highest power of the post-empire, - is most likely replaced with doubles in several occasions. A question is then – how advanced have such Games of constitutional secret services developed?
Most alarming, though, is that the public videos of the press apparatuses cannot reveal advanced ulterior images, voices or other influences. Multimedia-manipulations have now advanced to ‘deep fake’ technology, - so that any person’s image or voice can be altered beyond the undetectable. Any revealing technology is so advanced that most anyone simply has to trust that such stated influences are to trust. That is simply yet another ‘Catch 22’. Such abuses are well known, even to the public, by some published ‘dark web’ videos of celebrities – for extortion purposes.
Hypothetically, such Underworld Gamers can also state contraversive and illegal orders to be executed. Other heads of states might be tricked by such ulterior influences. Hence, all in all, - when some secret services of such Underworld Gamers have finally Gained such powers, - there is created a deadlocked spiral of Pyramid schemes. Such phenomena seem to be the very foundation of the inherited dysfunction of the, self-proclaimed ‘3rd Rome’ (Roma3)- and its centennial CCD (colonial collapse disorder) due to its AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).
This hypothesis about political body doubles will be the continuation of the blog UU20220529 ‘Tengri Kremlin’. Then, the challenge was: “How can Kremlin be healed? That might be the question of this century. Nonetheless, the dysfunctionality is inherited in its 9 institutions of 4 Churches (Temples) and 5 Palaces (Thrones). Those are like organisational Superior ego-state, the S-Ego and the S-Id.”
UN Sustainable Development Goals
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Cannibal – Veto
Videos double bodies, agents, and ganger.
“The mystery of the death of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin is revealed – watch the documentary 2022 on the Searching for the Truth historical channel. Testimonies from Stalin's bodyguards and an analysis of Soviet video chronicles show that the Kremlin's master had doubles. In this episode, you will see a criminalist analyze different photographs of Joseph Stalin to see if they really show the same person. The Kremlin created a real theatrical production, and the audience was the top officials and foreign ambassadors. Who was the main director and who trained the leader's doubles? Who was actually buried in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis? Find out the secrets of the history of the Soviet Union – watch the historical show Searching for the Truth on our YouTube channel!”
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