AI press apparatuses

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a main distrupter in this decade of the 4th Industrial Reform. Many fields of work are automated and radicalized. Consequently, workers are discretely revised and reformed and replaced. Unsurprisingly, the press-workers seem to shout up the loudest, simply because of their resources, – ruling the mass media. Still, the press, and others, will be radically altered, – eventually to the better for Humanity in the long run, - like in the previous 3 IRs. In this blog, the focus is ones again set on the press as a war-apparatus, yet with consideration of the AI and SDG (UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030).

Topics of the press, the mass media, are talked through in several previous blogs. The main concern now, is the resolute strategy to alter ‘western’ press apparatuses and workers to be tools for masspsychotic weaponry from within. Those orders were dictated in 1920 by the Comintern is stated in the ‘Twenty-one Conditions’ by the Russian Cominterns war declaration towards the ‘western’ nations and citizens. It was initiated by Lenin and executed by Stalin (see link). However, in the following ‘cold war’, the 5th columnist undermine fake news, fake instructions and fake executions were like the present Putinists’ Red Mafia. That warfare towards to the sane humanity is most certainly ongoing in this century and IR4 too, - like mass-fabricated ‘fake news’ in any part of societies.

The Press is not a 4th State power, - although the Kremlin still projects that delusion. The media, including the press, is a democratic property as a counterforce to constitutional dysfunctionalities, - especially the undemocratic press. That mass-delusion stems from strategies of the Comintern that called their parallel press-apparatuses ‘central democratic’, meaning dictated from themselves toward the arc-enemies the western bourgeoisie (citizens) and the yellow labor unions.

An anti-thesis is called ‘hyper democracy’ and talked through in blogs like UU20160923. However, the new challenge is parallel press-apparatus of ai bots. Such can too easily be dominated by nova Comintern of the 2020 and AI presented as artificial intelligence. Though, there must be at least 4 kinds of ai, - namely artificial intelligent, intuition, instinct and idiocy. (See ‘AI vs ai’ in blog UU20210801). For those that might want some reflection to relevant social-psychology, - there are numbers of blogs concerning a terminology that can relate to the 3-dimensional models of Instinct (id/drive), intuition (se/belief), Intelligence/Idiocy (ego/will). (See blogs like UU20200402.)

Artificial bot workers of the press apparatuses are immature and even sometimes built to fail. There are already major concerns about absurd solutions from AI, - that rather seems to be ai. There is a new term ‘AI hallucinations’ when it refers to ‘facts’, like books, that does not even exist. Bots seems also used for propaganda, assimilation and cleansing by mass-psychotic regimes. An example is the so-called ‘Mandela effect’, the mass-psychosis that he was dead. Even Google uses their immature AI on their users for ‘trail and error’, in order to get feedback from humans and fixed the inbuilt faults. Even their peer leaders might at a point admit that they do not know what happens in those vast and complex algorithms. (See ‘infant humanity’ at blog UU20211204.)

That path of Icarus over Babylon needs to be corrected. Humanity need some quality ensurance of mass-information. Just like there are proposed 3 laws of robotics (plus the 0th and the 4th), the is need to such for AI press apparatuses, - parallel or not. The only seeable way for such global health of information seems to be the in the united civilized nations’ sustainable development goals for the year 2030. Most relevant are the SDGs; 4, quality education; 8, decent work and growth; 9, industry, innovation and infrastructure; 10, cities and communities; 12, responsible consumption and production; and 16, pease justice and strong institutions.

Besides the UN sanity, there might be another force to alter the pass of the ai parallel press apparatuses, the PROSA press workers, the expendables the abandoned human press workers, the previous generation of the ‘useful idiots’, the suckers of the P5GO. There might be some collective sane reactions that will counterforce their nemesis. Hopefully, not to fight mass-psychosis with mass-psychosis. Hence, such revers thinking might provide an outcome where human press workers still are above ai machines.

Links: AI press:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-one_Conditions UN

Sustainable Development Goals https://sdgs.un.org/goals See all UU blogs at: http://bloguu.azurewebsites.net/

The Art of Noise with Max Headroom - Paranoimia (Official Video) https://youtu.be/6epzmRZk6UU?feature=shared

Xtra UU – The new printing revolution (reform)

“The Printing Revolution occurred when the spread of the printing press facilitated the wide circulation of information and ideas, acting as an "agent of change" through the societies that it reached. Demand for bibles and other religious literature was one of the main drivers of the very rapid initial expansion of printing. Much later, printed literature played a major role in rallying support, and opposition, during the lead-up to the English Civil War, and later still the American and French Revolutions through newspapers, pamphlets and bulletins. The advent of the printing press brought with it issues involving censorship and freedom of the press.” (Wikipedia)

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