‘Pyramid Game Over’ provides 12 suggestions to promote ‘Western’ Parliamentary Qualities. ‘P5GO05 –PROSA Oligarch’, aims to reduce criminal corruption in the Parliamentary Powers. Such acts are violations of ‘Western’ Penalty laws - everything from petty thefts to high treason. Oligarchs of the 5th Pyramid Game are the main puppets placed as ‘Kings of the Castles’ in order to execute the 21 Conditions of 3rd International. This UU sets focus on such moles that have earned their status as secret peer agents. As a final point, some thoughts are presented about the obviously main prize of this 5th Pyramid Game, - the Puppet Presidents (PP).
PROSA means ‘Pro-Russian Oligarch, Separatist and Anarchists’ in Pyramid Games. Wikipedia elaborates on oligarchs: “Oligarchy is a form of power structure .. with a small number of people .. by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, religious or military control. Oligarchies have often been tyrannical, relying on public obedience or oppression to exist.” “They drew lots from large groups of adult volunteers that pick selection technique for civil servants performing judicial, executive, and administrative functions. They even used lots for posts, such as judges and jurors in the political courts, which had the power to overrule the Assembly.” “The term Russian oligarch is used to describe wealthy businessmen of the former Soviet republics … . The failing Soviet state .. allowed for informal deals with former USSR officials as a means to acquire state property.” “A significant number of Russian oligarchs have bought homes in upscale sections of London in the United Kingdom, which has been called ‘Moscow on Thames’ and ‘Londongrad’.” “Post-Soviet business oligarchs include relatives or close associates of government officials, even government officials themselves, as well as criminal bosses …” ”Putin apparently engaged in a power-struggle with some oligarchs, reaching a "grand bargain" with them. This bargain allowed the oligarchs to maintain their powers, in exchange for their explicit support of – and alignment with – Putin's government.” The 5th Pyramid Oligarch are rather mafia businessmen than treasonous bureaucrats.
PROSA Oligarchs are thoroughly selected and tested to earn the most powerful positions in unions, parties and the rest of the European and American Parliamentary systems. It was treachery before and under WW2, during the Coldwar and is most definitely treasonous by Penalty laws in this century. Here are some examples of their obligations according to the 21 Conditions of 3rd International:
- C2; “… must regularly and methodically remove reformists and centrists from every responsible post in the labour movement (party organisations, editorial boards, trades unions, parliamentary factions, co-operatives, local government) and replace them with tested communists, ...”
- C3 “In almost every country in Europe and America the class struggle is entering the phase of civil war. They have the obligation of setting up a parallel organisational apparatus which, at the decisive moment, can assist the party to do its duty to the revolution. In every country where a state of siege or emergency laws deprive the communists of the opportunity of carrying on all their work legally, it is absolutely necessary to combine legal and illegal activity.”
- C9; “… must systematically and persistently develop communist activities within the trades unions, workers’ and works councils, the consumer co-operatives and other mass workers’ organisations. … necessary to organise communist cells … obligation to expose everywhere the treachery of the social patriots and the vacillations of the 'centrists'. The communist cells must be completely subordinated to the party as a whole.”
- C11; “… parliamentary factions to review, to remove all unreliable elements from them and to subordinate these factions to the party leadership, not only in words but also in deeds, …”
- C13; “.. undertake purges (re-registration) of the membership of their party organisations in order to cleanse the party systematically of the petty-bourgeois elements (loyal citizens) within it.”
- C21; “Those party members who fundamentally reject the conditions and Theses laid down by the Communist International are to be expelled from the party.”
These 21 Conditions documents that the PROSA Oligarchs’ corruption of ‘Western’ Parliamentary systems have been extensive in this 100 years’ war against ‘The West’, - by building high treasonous para-organizations in European and American parliamentary systems. In Norway, the party ‘Arbeiderpartiet’ (Labour) and the union ‘LO’ (The Confederation of Trade Unions) signed the ‘Moscow thesis’ in the ‘20’s. The bondage has never been mutually terminated, - although some local contra-referendum indicates so. Clearly, it is still the parties’ and unions’ main politic. The present 5th generation of PROSA Oligarchs seem to overrule national parliamentary systems on vital domains and events. They are still obligated to such crimes “systematically and pitilessly” with “legal and illegal activity” (C1).
Some previous blogs have touched several of these ‘political activities and passitivities’ that are summarized in UU 2016.juni.10, 2016.juni.24 and UU 2016.juli.15. Although mainly about Nordic nations, it applies on most European nations and American states too.
- “The second pillar, the Executive power, was discussed in UU 2015.okt.23 to set focus on apparent indications on dysfunctionalities.” “The Dane Executive power is known as the ‘Public Sector’. It is committed to provide products and services to Dane citizen and society as the Parliament and its Government order. A main reason to serious mismanages is obvious, - public servants are rarely investigated and put to trial according to the national penalty law. Some coldwar public servants are ‘untouchables’ to the Legal system.” Furthermore, “The relations in Dane and Nordic societies become far more transparent when knowing the 100 years rise of the Red Mafia and the accordingly corruption of LEJ (Legislative/Executional/Judicial powers). The public sector has cold war legacies that are not applicable, and even illegal, to this century’s Denmark and Europe.”
- “The conditions and potentials of the nations are well documented in the OECD report 'Government at a Glance' and the Produktivitetskommissionens rapport (UU 2015.juni.05 and UU 2015.juni.26). Furthermore, Denmark and Norway seem to have some of the same fatal malfunctions in Police and Military as concluded by the Norwegian ‘22/7 Commissions report’. As talked through in UU 2014.okt.17. “The economic crimes of scandalous public projects and services are mentioned in UU 2013.nov.01. UU 2013.sept.27 describes the basic professional knowledge about qualitative governing, maintain and innovating public services, - in addition to the massive critique in the 22/7 Commission’s report.” For 3D political model, the para-LEJ organization LO is negative toward Dane LEJ and main reasons why the LEJ Quality score is beneath the acceptable for European nations.”
- “The nature of crimes are far more comprehensive than the coldwar press indicates. As talked through in UU 2014.okt.24. “The article ‘Political corruption’ in Wikipedia mentions the infamous term ‘cleptocracy’. The word suits well to the terminology in UU 2013.april.19. “The article mentions several types of corruption like; extortion, comradeship, scandalizing, electoral cheating, fraud, ‘financial mess’, bribery and mafia activities. Global corruptions concern mainly drug-trafficking, human smuggling and whitewashing of money. The annual global political corruption is estimated to be about 1 trillion $/year, the global GWP is about 70 trd $/y and the Norwegian (and Dane) GNP is about 1 trd Kr/y. This means that the Norwegian (and Dane) political corruption is about 2% of the state’s budget, i.e. about 20 mrd kr/y. That suites the thumb-rule that there is an average of 2% disloyal employees (in most firms).” This also include terms like industrial espionage, information thefts, sabotage, pillaging, manipulation, disinformation, prostitution, slavery, narcotics, weapons, robberies, terror, and tax-fraud.” (UU 2015.sept.25)
- “The PROSA Union bondage (Pro-Russian Oligarch, Separatist and Anarchists) is easy to undo in a well-functioning Parliamentary system - by simply enforcing national laws. However, in fact, such crimes are rather rewarded than hindered when Rule of law is prejudicial corrupted. Not merely the Executive public sector, but also the Judicial Parliamentary system appears corrupted by the 5 Pyramid Games. For example, International criminal organizations won the Dane Europol/Eurojust referendum in 2015 and thereby proved that their whole LEJ is corrupted (Legal, Executive, Judicial parliamentary powers). Originally, the PROSA crimes stem from Lenin’s 3rd International and its autocratic 21 Condition, - as CCD (Colony collapse disorder) preparation to WW2. The pact was made by certain treasonous Labour Organizations and political Parties, - like LO and AP (Arbeiderpartiet). These are still remote controlled by Russian Oligarchic Trade organizations that dominate trade in the public sector. The announced war-declaration on the ‘West’, i.e. Europe and America, will be re-activated if not rejected by true ‘working class heroes’ in the ‘Western’ democratic civilizations.”
- “Most employees in the public sector are forced into the 3rd Pyramid Labour Organization like LO, which counts for half the employees in the Nordic nations. Therefore, the 98% members in LO are bound by contract to treason against their own nations. Few members of LO realizes this sociopathic and criminal bondage, - and most who does and opposes that are punished in Games like the Russian BOOFY (Beat your Own and Others will Fear You). Opposing citizens are considered, at the best, as “(C17) … social-democratic' or 'socialist' parties that have betrayed the banner of the working class.”
- “However, it is a Stalinist mafia organization that uses all such methods for power and dominance against society as well as citizens. Anyone can be terrified of losing job, wages that is vital to support family, home and future. Most gives in to such mafia to save their wives, children and homes.”
The targets of PROSA oligarchs’ are surely powerful ministries like; Defence, Research, Finance, Food, Foreign Affairs, Health, Justice, Police, Military, Labor, Energy, Trade, Industry, Communications, etc. Most nations have also vital state controlled companies for; mail, trains, gamble, telecom, broadcast, energy, aircraft, banks etc. In addition, unions might control cooperation for: toll roads, energy, water, food, telecom, papers, etc. All to get PROSA Oligarchs are remote controlled to dominate the markets “systematically and pitilessly” with “legal and illegal activity” (C1).
National conditions and events seem very fragmented and unmanageable without any consistent model. The 3^3 socialpsychological Game models can be helpful to understand Games of PROSA Oligarchs. The models are simplified and suites most relations on personal, organizational and national levels. The following quotes are taken from comprehensive talks about the themes.
- “The Pyramid Game is not previously described as a psychosocial Game. It is, however, similar to other 3rd degree Underworld Games, - with potentials of 4th and even 5th degree. Pyramid might very well be a whole Game category that is common to other categories like KoC, GdE and GoT. Pyramid is commonly known by names like the ‘Pyramid scheme’, ‘Eight-ball’, ‘Airplane Game’ and ‘Gifting circles’. It is a Win-8xLose null-sum Game. The predator claims to have put money in the upper levels, while the recruited preys actually pay at the lowest level. The negative ethics for such Underworld Games are; ‘honesty is for suckers’ and ‘there is one born every minute’.” (UU 2016.mai.13)
- “The result is a joint Freud/Jung/Berne model called 3x3. This was further developed to the 3^3 (i.e. 3x3x3) model. It is explained and used from UU 2015.juni.05 to UU 2015.juli.24 about the Danish parliamentary election. “The terms are developed from-via-to: Id-Child-Drive, Ego-Adult-Will and Superior Ego-Parent-Belief. A second dimension of conscience is added in order to merge Jung with Freud’s 3-state; UnderConcience, Conscience and OverConcience. The third dimension contains of 3 subcategories of Drive, Will and Belief. These are interrelated via the conscience dimension. However, the subcategories are open for adaption and modifications to what is to be analyzed, for example persons, organizations, nations, empires or humanity. Furthermore, the subcategories are related to Game categories too, - which is not directly in the 3^3 model. For example, sub-categories for Personal level is; Drive (Sulk, Nerd, Jerk), Belief (Matriarch, Authority, Patriarch), while Parliamentary relates to Will (Legislative, Executive and Judging (LEJ) and National/Imperial relates to Drive (Throne), Will (State) and Belief (Temple). A combination with collective Game categories were discussed in UU 2015.feb.27, UU 2015.mars.06 and UU 2015.mars.13 where: Drive (RF, AF and WL), Will (KoC, GdE and GoT) and Belief (UNO, WoW and SET).” However, the 3^3 model is too extensive to fully analyze Dan LEJ for this simple yes/no referendum. Some simple analysis will conclude this theme. It would however, be highly useful tool in the aftermaths order to heal Dane LEJ, like the suggestions on Howto heal Dane psychiatry in the Extra UU 2015.aug.28.” (2015.nov.06)
- “More relevant for this UU’s Executive LEJ dimension is the next psychosocial ‘Will’ dimension. As initially explained in UU 2015.mars.06: “The merged 3x3 Game model does mostly apply to the social ego-state ‘Will’. Freud and Jung call it ‘Ego’, but Eric Bern called it ‘Adult’. This UU sets focus on three social Game categories of Will, namely KoC (King of the Castle), CdE (Coup d’ Etat) and GoT (Games of Temples). Such a large theme needs an archetype to grasp the idea, - a simple stereotype like Napoleon. The main reason to focus on Games is the simple truth that everyone lies and deceives. This reality is underestimated and have serious consequences, - as the Charlie incident in Paris showed.” “However, the most relevant Game category is rather called GdE (Games d’ Etat) that includes CdE and all the pre- and post-games related.” “Furthermore, “It was necessary to upgrade and extend the classic Freudian models to organizational levels in order to enable psychosocial analysis. The result is a joint Freud/Jung/Berne model called 3x3. This was further developed to the 3^3 (i.e. 3x3x3) model. It is explained and used from UU 2015.juni.05 to UU 2015.juli.24 about the Danish parliamentary election.“ (UU 2015.nov.06)
- “The newfound Game BOOFY, based on a Russian proverb saying, “Beat your Own and Others will Fear You”, seems far more widespread and fundamental than first realized. Although BOOFY was discovered in a CdE analysis, it is clearly tribal as in the Game category KoC of UW. It is based on Parents’ punishing their Children and causing traumas, that later cause projections of not-OK transaction to others. Adults’ experience of unexplained fear can stem from UW, which is related to UD and UB. These causes of personal fears can therefore be highly personal and different for anyone. A common, but negative solution, is the use of projections, which was mentioned in UU 2015.feb.20” (UU 2015.mars.06)
- “Finally how the idea Superior-ID became: “The Oprichnina/Praetor is like a definition of psycho-social Games. The Actors and the Games are ulterior and concealed like the very nature of secret services. It is however, a problem if the democratic Quality of Life is not respected. It is serious if the organization consider itself as a Superior-Ego and individual as inferior. It is catastrophic, if it also inherited the properties of Ivan’s murky mentality as a collective obsession.” The theory of Superior-Id is talked through in UU 2014.jan.10 and the OD (OverConscience Drive) in UU 2014.aug.22.” (2015.nov.06)
The mentality of historical oligarchs can become other persons’ dominating Belief (S-E) centuries later - and ultimately organizations pseudo identity. Stalin’s extreme psychopathy, inherited from the Russian secret services of ‘Oprichnina’, was assimilated as the masspsychopathy of unions and parties, - and ultimately inherit as ‘The Masspsychopathy’. This has to end with this 5th Pyramid Game - and surely can be escalated with hyper-democracy. However, quite the reverse, the 100 years’ war towards ‘The West’ is evidently intensifying globally towards some cascade of climaxes.
There must be hundreds of PROSA Oligarchs in each of the European and American states that has gone through the Pyramid processes of selection, bondage, cleansing. An indication is the documented network of STASI agents. Such Oligarchs might very well have reached a mentality as psychotic schizophrenics - with Belief that the inverted ethics of BDW (Bad, Destructive and Wrong) in their para-organizations is GCR, - like some ‘Manchurian Candidate’, - like some ‘agent Mitrokhin’, ‘agent Selmer’, ‘agent Breivik‘, ‘agent Jackal. These thousands of criminal Oligarchs are seldom brought to justice, - like some untouchable mafia Godfathers and Godmothers. The reason is obvious; - the parliamentary judicial system is the most corrupted parliamentary organization of all. For example, the resent cleansing after the CdE ala Turk shows that just as many judges as soldiers were put in arrest for high treason. Alarmingly, there were no such contra-reformation in European nations after the cold war. The European nations’ para-judicial system are too powerful for any loyal national organization. Consequently, such international crimes has to be dealt with pan-European organizations like Europol and Eurojust. 3rd Pyramid Oligarchs are obliged to fight this “systematically and pitilessly” with “legal and illegal activity” (C1).
A CdE require a Puppet President candidate (PP) to step in after the CCD and CdE is executed by PROSA. The Dexit (Danes rejection of Europol/Eurojust), the Nexit (Netherlands rejection of Ukraine in EU), the Grexit (Greece rejection of legal control of state finances) are rather GdE (Games d’ Etat), - like Games of CCD (Colony Collapse Disorders). Contrariwise, Georgia and Ukraine experienced democratic contra-CdE that removed the PROSA Puppet Presidents. Actually, Russia itself replaced its democratic selected president Boris with a secret service agent in 1999. (See UU 2016.juni.17 about Putin & the West). The internal struggle between FSB (police) and GRU (military) seems to show that CdE attempts are shifting from militant to political Games. Actually, the CdE attempt ala Turk, seems to be triggered by a ‘false positive’ signal, causing the para-military to start CdE without any oligarchic Puppet President in place. Now, the president has altered considerably, - in accordance with his new friend, - PPP (Puppet President Putin). It’s a Game of TLM (Two Little Maids). (See UU 2014.sept.12 about Games.)
An ‘US Puppet President’ for FSB and ‘a Commander in Chief’ for GRU, is obviously the ultimately main prize in this 5th Pyramid Game. It is like planting a ‘Coco’s egg’ in the White House. The CdE process started in 1999 and has reach its climax this year. One of its GdE, the Brexit, failed though, in the sense that the well-functioning UK Parliament rejected the Oligarch Boris of ‘Londongrad’ as unfit as prime minister. The EU and the UK also seem to handle the emocratic CCD attempts well. It did not influence the US election considerably either. However, the US ‘3rd Party’ candidate, now the Republican candidate, appears as anti-western as any PROSA Oligarch of the 3rd Pyramid Game. His genuine personality is obviously like a narcissistic ‘King of the Castle’. However, after elected as republican president candidate, his public appearances indicate seriously altering of goals, influences and perceptions. He is certainly under too hard pressures by sponsors, relatives and mass media. A peak from the opposite point of view helps to see it. Mitrokhin and Selmer indicated that radicalization was the preferred method for making PROSA agents, - like a Coco’s egg, like a complex Electra Muse.
Prior to the Brexit referendum, - the UK queen asked 3 times for reasons to stay in EU.
Prior to the US election, Donald asked 3 times why he should not use nukes in war.
Have mercy – do not hand Donald the Red Button.
International Pyramids
Penalty law, Norway & Denmark
International Pyramids
Videoes: The Manchurian Candidate, Putin & West, Russian Mafia
Catherine Mary Bush has a fascinating feminity beyond any man’s understanding. Her special music, lyrics, and acts have made her world famous. She was only 19 years old when she debuted with ‘Wuthering Heights‘, - and with a great immersion of the person. There have been 10 albums since then, where 3 got first place on ‘UK Albums Chart’ and 25 singles appeared on ‘Top 40’. She also got the ‘Brit Award for the best British female solo artist’, a ‘Novello price’ and 3 Grammy Awards nominations. Most famous are songs like; ‘Wuthering Heights’, ‘The Man with the Child in His Eyes’, ‘Running Up that Hill’ and this ‘King of the Mountain’. However, there are ten-folds other masterpieces on the albums for those who pursuits. Previously UU’s songs presented Kate Bush with ‘The tour of Life’ UU 2015.aug.14, ‘Cloud Bursting’ UU 2014.april.04 and ‘All the Love’ UU 2014.feb.21.
The association here is oligarchs’ narcissistic plutocracy that transforms glorious mountains to desert dunes.
Kate Bush - King Of The Mountain (HD)
‘King of the Mountain’ (‘In the Hall of the Mountain King’ / ‘Dovregubbens Hall’) is also the title of a well-known classical music piece by the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. It is used to the theater play ‘Peer Gynt’ by the author Henrik Ibsen. Peer profiles an ID person. Henrik’s subsequent play ‘Brandt’ profiles an ‘S-E’ person. Both the characters’ mental unbalances cause their own misery and doom – naturally.
Edvard Grieg - Dovregubbens hall