‘Pyramid Game Over’ provides 12 proposals to promote ‘Western’ Parliamentary Qualities. ‘P5GO08 –PROSA Plutocracy’, aims to reduce organized international crimes towards the ‘European Internal Market and SMEs. The European democratic market is vital for the liberation from the Pyramid Games. Still massive ‘abuses of market dominance’ indicate the level of corruptions in the Parliamentary powers (LEJ). The Dane ‘rejection’ of Europol & Eurojust in the referendum in 2015 is a clear indication. The international organized crime definitely won - Dexit like Brexit. As for sports, Game fixing is as possible in Parliamentary referendums and elections too. However, this blog set a focus on SME (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) that are mostly made by freed ‘bourgeois’ citizens that thrive for prosperity. In this blog, - first there will be some theoretical aspects, next some summaries of previous relevant blogs and finally some proposals on howto increase the qualities of the European Nations.
First of all, «‘Plutocracy’ means ‘wealth’, and ‘power’. It is a form of oligarchy and defines a society ruled or controlled by the small minority of the wealthiest citizens. Unlike systems such as democracy, capitalism, socialism or anarchism, plutocracy is not rooted in an established political philosophy. The concept of plutocracy may be advocated by the wealthy classes of a society in an indirect or surreptitious fashion, though the term itself is almost always used in a pejorative sense. The term plutocracy is generally used as a pejorative to describe or warn against an undesirable condition. Throughout history, political thinkers such as Winston Churchill, 19th-century French sociologist and historian Alexis de Tocqueville, 19th-century Spanish monarchist Juan Donoso Cortés and today Noam Chomsky have condemned plutocrats for ignoring their social responsibilities, using their power to serve their own purposes and thereby increasing poverty and nurturing class conflict, corrupting societies with greed and hedonism.» (Wikipedia.) Plutocracy is thereby also a form for PROSA Anarchy that relates to political ‘ultra-liberalists’ as described in UU 2016.aug.19.
Markets are anywhere that humans exchange products and services. No market or market ‘-cracy’ (power) is ethical positive or negative. Markets are neutral in itself. Any market-powers can be positive or negative according to any societies’ moral, ethics and law, - or Games’ Gimmicks. European nations are democratic, - so are the European laws for its Internal Market. However, market dominance is vital for any oligarch. The market Gimmicks of the Pyramid Games are anti-democratic, evidently by the 21 Conditions of the 3rd International. (See link hereunder.) Stigmatically, the Markets of the 1st and 2nd Pyramid Games were Feudal, the 3rd Pyramid Anarchistic, State Oligarchic for the 4th Pyramid and is now, in this 5th Pyramid Game, the market rivalries appear Plutocratic (money wealth). All these Pyramid Market-powers contradict democracy based on European Human Rights and Internal Market.
Some fundamental views on the democratic societies and how the market works, were introduced in the document (to the Norwegian) “Proposals to the productivity commission” about “quality innovations of infrastructures based on this century’s technical, legal and democratic potentials” (‘Forslag til Produktivitets-kommisjonene“ ”Om kvalitative innovasjoner av infrastrukturer basert på dette århundres tekniske, juridiske og demokratiske potensialer). In this occasion, some basic descriptions are translated from Norwegian to English, with focus on quality, products, services, and infrastructures for public and non-public markets.
- “The terms ‘products’ and ‘services’ are fundamental for understanding of the concept of quality. Descriptions of products and services are abstract and meaningless without any qualitative characteristics. Therefore, it is vital to use the globally recognized definition of quality (ISO 8402-1986). It says: “Quality (is) the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs”. This is simply common sense put in system. Anyone can understand that. However, defining ‘stated needs’ and implied needs, and properties on products and services can be comprehensive and challenging, , but quite manageable with some experience.”
- “Any civilized society is dependent on qualitative products and services. The terms of quality are often misused though, like a use of the term ‘service’ implies some kind of positive quality.” Furthermore, “Immaterial and material products have very different qualitative properties. Services can be provided by others or simply as a self-services, which has very different legal perspectives.”
- “The main task of the public sector is to provides services to the citizens and the society. Therefore, wrong perception of service-qualities in the Executive Powers are fatal. Public servants and politicians need to understand what quality on services for health, transport, education really are.”
- “Public services are not fundamentally different from non-public services. In fact, different national public service suppliers provide differently.”
- “In the cold war (of the 4th Pyramid) the Parliamentary LEJ powers of the Northern European nations became dominated by Executive Powers of the State. It forced oligarchic monopoly on services of health, caretaking, education, transport, communication, mass media, research, pension, etc.”
- “Whoever the supplier is, the customers are protected by democratic laws that also public service providers are obligated to follow. Actually, the law is more restrict for public suppliers than others. A proper qualitative feedback system for qualitative corrections would most certainly improve the qualities. Actually, it is punishable for public servants to hinder the civilians’ rights for services. This is very well described in the national penalty laws.”
- “Self-services is a democratic solution in the sense that the citizens are provided the means necessary to service their needs themselves. The public Executive powers are obliged by law to provide sufficient infrastructure, information, resources etc. The faith that the citizens can and will service themselves, is now evident by looking at services concerning banking, internet-trade, transport, self-studies, social networks etc. The potentials for public self-services seems unlimited, - if the resources are made available.”
- “Products and services can be categorized in order to figure out what politics are constructive. Such a topology can differ between ‘necessary’ and ‘tradeable’ – or not. Then, it is easy to determine whether it should to be public or not public. For example, there should not be private monopoly on water and there should not be permanent collective homes in a democracy. Some products and services require markets for exchange, while some ‘market failures’ are because they cannot be priced and traded. On the other hand, there are ‘public failures’; like that financing by ‘forced collection’ makes discontent and resistance in the population. Furthermore, public spending is less efficient since human nature tends to feel less responsible for others’ resources than their own.”
- “Products and Services should therefore be divided into the four categories; 1. Collective/necessary is a Public responsibility, 2. Collective/unnecessary – are Public regulated and partial responsible, 3) Trade/necessary – is Public Controlled Market, 4) Trade/unnecessary – Commercial market for anyone. For example, categories can be; air/water=1, police=1, food=4, home=4, sports-arena=3, subway=3, bridges=1,2,3, roads=1,2,3,4. Some public products and services should get a ‘flying start’ by public subsidies and protected dominance in the market. When the infrastructure is constructed and market mature, the products can be moved from category 1) ‘public responsibility’ to categories like 2), 3), and 4), - as for telecom, mass media, education and railroads.
- However, such categorizations are simplified, because the differences of the phases of building, operations and maintenance for public infrastructure. Infrastructures are collective and by properties and the tasks has to be the public sectors responsibilities. On the other side, it can be rational to engage commercial enterprises in competition for construction, operations and maintenance.”
- “There are many kinds of infrastructures (IS) in any society. For example, there are IS for planes, bridges, broadband, canals, pools, electricity, oil, energy, waste, hospitals, lighthouses, dams, parks, ports, mass transport, public sector and public spaces.” (Chapters about public organizations and cooperations, and IT, are excluded here.)
Wikipedia describes Oligarchy further. “Some models of imperfect competition were proposed: 1) The monopoly model, already considered by marginalist economists, describes a profit maximizing capitalist facing a market demand curve with no competitors, who may practice price discrimination. 2) Oligopoly is a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers. The oldest model was the duopoly. 3) Monopolistic competition is a type of imperfect competition such that many producers sell products that are differentiated from one another (e.g. by branding or quality) and hence are not perfect substitutes.” Instead of oligarchic dominance, some solutions’ efficiencies might be found in excluding corrupt personnel, planning and reorganizing use of resources and infrastructures, get rid of old inefficient products and their expensive maintenance, etc.
SME (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) are also fundamental for any democratic society. They are like the ‘underwoods’ to the ‘forests’ of societies’ ecological processes. Without SME, societies decay and corrupts in a few decades. Bourgeois’ SME are the realization of the very basic idea that any vassal was freed to farm, produce and service, - free from the decaying bondage of some feudal oligarchs. The idea is the basics of Magna Carta that evolved to the UN Human Right and the extended European Human Rights. In the European Internal Markets SME are protected from oligarchs’ market abuses by law. SMEs are even supported and promoted by international regulations and programs. This has been the issues in several bogs and the following is taken from UU 2015.okt.23 and UU 2015.okt.30.
- “The Constitutional Law, the Human Rights Law and the EEA Law are all superior in their areas and can be related to the Penalty Law. The article 30 and 34 of the EEA Law prohibits customs duties, discriminatory taxes and measures having equivalent effects. The rules of competition forbid undertakings’ abuse of market dominance, abuse of competition and discriminating agreements (art. 53 and 54). Public undertakings are regulated as well as the none-public ones (art. 59). Unfair competitive public state aid to undertakings are forbidden (art. 61) and social support shall not be paid directly to any undertakings, but directly to the citizen (art. 61a).” (UU 2013.okt.04.) This means that alternatives to public service providers of schools, transport, health etc. became legal 20 years ago. However, illegal public discriminations are still discriminating in the markets in favor of own undertakings, olicratic cartels and certain unions. A well-functioning parliamentary system would have prosecuted and settled this a long time ago.” (The EEA law in Norway is a ratification of the EU Maastricht Treaty of Competition and applies for all EU and EFTA nations).
- “The present government should initiate professional investigations by Riksrevisjonen (Office of auditors) and related according to the EEA Law. It is suspicious that Økokrim (Office of economic crime) do not have a section dedicated economic crimes in the public sector as it does for the private sector. Presumably there are hundreds of public mal-practices that should be legally prosecuted.” (UU 2013.nov.01.)” These laws to promote democratic markets are definitely anti-oligarchic.” (UU 2015.okt.23.)
- “Furthermore, the SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) are 80% of the market in Norden. They are particularly important for democratic nations, very defenseless towards predatory oligarchic competition and has extraordinary legal protection and support in accordance to European Legislation. Furthermore, “The SMEs suffer from illegally ‘abuse of market dominances’. Besides, the EEA law obligates public protection and support to SMEs because the regional local societies will extinct if their SMBs suffers. The past 20 years’ growth of cartels in the primary industry is the main reason for the decay in local agriculture, stores and other SMBs (SMEs). Contrary to anti-European propaganda, the solution is to protect those by the EEA Law and not by SU inspired agricultural industrialization. The farmers do run their own SMBs.” However, with legal use of LOA (Lov om Offentlige Anskaffelser / Law of Public Procurement), the public sector’s enormous market would not be closed for SMBs. That would save a lot of them and consequently the fundament for regional cultures, - in addition to higher qualities and lower prices for the public purchases.”
- “Coldwar propaganda has created an illusion that the market consists of a public and a private market. How untrue. Dominating oligarch have no exclusive right to state aid and exclusions from the law, - like some mafia ‘untouchables’. Unfortunately, national SMEs are nearly cleansed out of the national marked due to state-aid corruption, protection from prosecution and hostile dominance in the democratic markets. Consequently, deliveries of product and service to the civil population and public services have too high costs and too low qualities, - as stated in the OECD reports.”
- “The Norwegian Parliament signed the EEA Treaty (Maastricht) with EFTA and EU and ratified the EEA Law (EØS Loven). The Danish Parliament held a new referendum about the Lisbon Treaty with four opt-outs, which the democracy approved, even though some major riots by ‘anti-European autonoms’ were arranged. The four Dane opt-outs concerned cooperation about civil rights, state-finances and military, in addition to the police/judicial cooperation (Europol/Eurojust). These international legal commitments are scarcely honored, due to improper cooperation. The level of international crimes have now become major threats in both nations. Nevertheless, as talked through in UU 2015.juli.10, there is no doubt that Denmark has been legally obligated for over 20 years by the Treaty (TEU - Traktaten om Den Europæiske Union). Anyways, today, Finland and Sweden, which represent about 2/3 of the Nordic population and area, are fully member of the EU.” (UU 2015.okt.02.)
- The deliberate masspsychosis of legal obligations of public service sector is talked through in several UU blogs. Here are some summary quotes to the concluding blog to 5th pyramid in UU 2016.juni.17. “Oligarchic crimes towards European civilizations were discussed in a UU theme prior to the Dane Europol referendum (UU 2015.okt.16, UU 2015.okt.23, UU 2015.okt.30 & UU 2015.nov.06.) There is no doubt that the democratic European Internal Market has made oligarchic cold war business illegal. International criminal organizations fight the laws of Europe fiercely with any means disposal. As well-known now, international organized crime won the Dane Europol/Eurojust referendum in December 2015.”
- Public servants of the Executive power are obliged to execute orders from its Parliament/Government. If not doing so, they are to be prosecuted in accordance to the Penalty law by the Legislative power, - just like ‘bourgeois’ civilians. This obviously applies to legalities of this century too. As mentioned in UU 2015.juli.10, “There is no doubt that Denmark has be legally obligated for over 20 years by the Treaty (TEU - Traktaten om Den Europæiske Union).” Numerus of public servants have become criminal actors due to anti-European political actors’ misinformation within public sector. The dilemma is thoroughly talked through in UU 2014.okt.24 with similar focus on Norway’s relation to EU. “In 1994 the law-making Parliament ratified the EEA law concerning the European internal market instead of becoming a full member of EU. The new rules of competition caused considerable legal and commercial changes, - especially for the 3 constitutional powers; the Parliament (Legislative), the public sector and the legal system (LEJ). Suddenly, both private and public (oligarchic) cartel practices became illegal. The adaptions to legal practices are comprehensive, - which such dominant actors naturally resist. Today, 20 years later, there are just minor practical adaptions to the law. The media rarely seems to mention such illegalities and leaves the impression is that the law is practically neglected.” (UU 2013.nov.01)
Pyramid Gamers use the markets too. Generally, Wikipedia lists 5 types of markets; 1) Physical consumer markets, 2) Physical business markets, 3) Non-physical markets (like services and Intellectual products), 4) Financial markets and 5) Unauthorized and illegal markets. All these markets exist in both the public sector and non-public sector. In fact, the public sector dominated most of them in 3rd Pyramid worker states. However, 25 years ago, the European ‘Rules of Competition’ made traditional state oligarchic market activities ‘Unauthorized and illegal’. Furthermore, the nature of 5th Pyramid PROSA Oligarchs are very different from the 3rd. They rather seem to revert to some 1st Pyramid Feudal Aristocracy. Anyways, Wikipedia elaborates on the present PROSA Oligarchs.
- “The term Russian oligarch is used to describe wealthy businessmen of the former Soviet republics that rapidly accumulated their wealth during the era of Russian privatization in the aftermath of the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. The failing Soviet state left the ownership of state assets contested, which allowed for informal deals with former USSR officials (mostly Russia and Ukraine) as a means to acquire state property. Analysts have drawn comparisons between the current Russian system of oligarchs and the system of powerful Boyars that emerged in late-Medieval Muscovy.” “The Russian oligarchs are business entrepreneurs who emerged under Mikhail Gorbachev (General Secretary 1985-1991) during his period of market liberalization.” Note that the term ‘liberalists’ also is used for ‘PROSA Anarchists’ and relates to ‘Western Liberal Political Parties and Folks movements in this 5th Pyramid Game (UU 2016.aug.19).
- “According to the financial news-agency Bloomberg L.P., Russia's wealthiest 25 individuals have collectively lost US$230 billion (£146 billion) since July 2008. The fall in the oligarchs' wealth relates closely to the meltdown in Russia's stock market, as the RTS Index has lost 71% of its value due to the capital flight after the Russia/Georgia conflict of August 2008.” “Billionaires in Russia and Ukraine have been particularly hard-hit by lenders seeking repayment on balloon loans in order to shore up their own balance sheets. Many oligarchs took out generous loans from Russian banks, bought shares, and then took out more loans from western banks against the value of these shares. One of the first to get hit by the global downturn was Oleg Deripaska, Russia's richest man at the time, who had a net worth of US$28 billion in March 2008. As Deripaska borrowed money from western banks using shares in his companies as collateral, the collapse in share price forced him to sell holdings to satisfy the margin calls.”
- (UU 2015.nov.06) “The second pillar, the Executive power, was discussed in UU 2015.okt.23 to set focus on apparent indications on dysfunctionalities. “The Dane Executive power is known as the ‘Public Sector’. It is committed to provide products and services to Dane citizen and society as the Parliament and its Government order. A main reason to serious mismanages is obvious, - public servants are rarely investigated and put to trial according to the national penalty law. Some coldwar public servants are ‘untouchables’ to the Legal system.” Furthermore, “The relations in Dane and Nordic societies become far more transparent when knowing the 100 years rise of the Red Mafia and the accordingly corruption of LEJ (Legislative/Executional/Judicial powers). The public sector has cold war legacies that are not applicable, and even illegal, to this century’s Denmark and Europe. The conditions and potentials of the nations are well documented in the OECD report 'Government at a Glance' and the Produktivitetskommissionens rapport (UU 2015.juni.05 and UU 2015.juni.26).”
- “Furthermore, Denmark and Norway seem to have some of the same fatal malfunctions in Police and Military as concluded by the Norwegian ‘22/7 Commissions report’. As talked through in UU 2014.okt.17. “The economic crimes of scandalous public projects and services are mentioned in UU 2013.nov.01. UU 2013.sept.27 describes the basic professional knowledge about qualitative governing, maintain and innovating public services, - in addition to the massive critique in the 22/7 Commission’s report.” For 3D political model, the para-LEJ organization LO is negative toward Dane LEJ and main reasons why the LEJ Quality score is beneath the acceptable for European nations.”
- (UU 2016.juli.22) “However, LO is an Oligarchic Trade Mafia is built for violations of national laws of trade. The 21 conditions of the 3rd International contradicts the post-war trade laws of the European Internal Market. The LO crimes were exposed in the NRK documentary ‘LO sitt store comeback’ and uncloaked the massive corruption of the PROSA Union and Party (Norwegian LO and AP) during the parliamentary electoral campaigns. LO bought illegal trade favors, law-violating regulations, and minister posts in the government – all for millions in cash (UU 2013.aug.23). Moreover, Dane LO shows that they do not pay any tax, have just a few underpaid employees and profits greatly on their members (UU 2015.okt.23).”
- Wikipedia elaborates: “Divide and rule (or divide and conquer) in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people.” “Elements of this technique involve: Creating or encouraging divisions among the subjects to prevent alliances that could challenge the sovereign. Aiding and promoting those who are willing to cooperate with the sovereign. Fostering distrust and hostility between local rulers. Encouraging meaningless expenditures that reduce the capability for political and military spending. Historically, this strategy was used in many different ways by empires seeking to expand their territories. The concept is also mentioned as a strategy for market action in economics to get the most out of the players in a competitive market.” (UU 2016.aug.12)
The results of this cold war DAC/UAC Pyramid Games can be seen that the Dane retail market. 90% of the Dane food market is dominated by two actors, the 3rd Pyramid’s COOP (Norden) and a rivaling national feudal-like organization. This duopoly is homogeneous, cost-effective, but takes the highest prices on food in the EU. For example, a Norwegian discount enterprise is allowed to the Dane market, though, but sells no Norwegian products at all, - only the same products as the duopoly. This example of Dane consumer market is definitely the cultural norm, - and very opposite of the obliged Law of competition in the European Internal Market. However, it appears like the distribution network has the main corrupted plutocratic Game Players in the national duopolistic market.
There are many other large global markets that should be investigated, - like markets of IPR, energy, money, arms, drugs, humans etc. However, the focus here is set on SME vs Plutocracy. In this relation, the Tax authorities are fundamental for any society. However, it can be abused in Oligarchic Games to end SME competition. That is basically feudal Games to keep the peasants and workers in bondage instead of a natural develop to ‘bourgeois’ citizens. It is said that Denmark is probably the nation where it is easiest to start an SME. Any adult can register as CVR (Central Virksomhed/Enterprise Register) to pay VAT (Value Added Taxes). However, statistics show that Denmark also is the hardest place for SME to survive. Most get bankrupted in a few years, due to bureaucracy, cleptocracy and plutocracy. The powerful tax authority is a main reason, which occasionally confiscates despite the EU SME protections. Similar is the lack of IPR protections (Intellectual Property Rights) where the EU IPR referendum in 2013 did win through, despite hard opposition like at the Europol/Eurojust referendum. However, the market and authority practice have not improved accordingly, - not at all. Plutocratic piracy still rules, like the case of ‘Pirate Bay vs CSC’ proved (UU 2014.nov.28).
Dane Tax traditions are not the main issue here. However, some reminder of history do explain the present malpractices and global financial scandals involved. Taken from UU 2016.juni.24 and UU 2016.mai.13.
- “Tax and Treasures are definitely major sources of powers for states, nations and empires. The Russian bondage of Denmark for 500 years is definitely executed by taxation on most products, services, processes and citizens. ‘Follow the money’ has been a major statement by the capitalistic empire since the hand-over from the ‘Pirates of the 4th Crusade’ (UU 2016.feb.19). The Russian tax culture relates to all its CdE and might be related to the present ‘Panama Paper’ syndrome and the historical ‘Pirate’s Haven at the Virgin Islands’ (UU 2016.jan.29). Therefore, in order to promote Parliamentary Quality and prevent worst-case scenarios of The 5th Pyramid; - there has to be extra focus on cells of organized international crime, cloaked in the Dane Taxation institutions (SKAT), - not merely as organizational viruses and hackers, but manipulating parasites. (UU 2015.nov.06) These rather promote Games of pillaging, piracy and confiscation with abuse of Parliamentary powers, - which all are serious violations of the national Penalty law.”
- “Sub-cultures in SKAT seem to act like remote-controlled IT toxoplasma. It is a clear symptom for all the parliamentary powers in all the European nations. The para-organizations promoted in the 3rd Condition to the 3rd International and Pyramid Game is a Virtual Reality – real but virtual. Such International Organized Cyber Crimes of IT Parasites can only not be dealt with by isolated nations, but only with accordingly EU powers like EUROJUST, EUROPOL and CEPOL.” However, note that these reminders are not directed towards Denmark or any other Nordic nation, - but a plutocratic empire imposing remote controlled thralldom on its vassal-states, to keep them ‘in place in the hierarchy’ and to hinder democratic evolving of vassals and workers to bourgeois citizens.
While writing, there are major plutocratic crimes revealed in the Dane tax-authority ‘SKAT‘. The oligarchic war has been going on since the previous global financial plutocratic War Games from 2008. It was talked about in UU 2013.des.20 and UU 2014.april.04 (See the TV series ‘Financial Meltdown’). How could anyone be surprised by that plutocratic war, when it was the same procedures as in ‘The Great Depression’ in the 1929, - just before WW2, - at the eve of the 3rd Pyramid Game. “Follow the money”, - as the plutocrat Lenin said. However, this time is the eve of the 5th Pyramid Game with a different Gimmick. Radicalized vassals, from peasants to workers of material products, were the main assets in the 3rd Pyramid Game. This time, in the 5th Pyramid Game, radicalize workers from the material to the immaterial industry are the main assets.
The so-called ‘Panama Papers’ uncloaked a major plutocratic war depot for the 5th Pyramid Game. Wikipedia describes: “The Panama Papers are 11.5 million leaked documents that detail financial and attorney–client information for more than 214,488 offshore entities. The leaked documents were created by Panamanian law firm. The leaked documents illustrate how wealthy individuals and public officials are able to keep personal financial information private. While offshore business entities are often not illegal, reporters found that some of the shell corporations were used for illegal purposes, including fraud, cleptocracy, tax evasion, and evading international sanctions.” However, one major ‘Treasure Haven’ related to the Panama firm was on the ‘Virgin Islands’ now British, prior Dane/Nor ‘Pirate Haven’ in the Caribbean. It was remote controlled from the newly declared Russian Empire by Peter the Great of St. Petersburg in 1720. (UU 2016.mars.11).
It is evident that some international plutocratic criminal organizations dominate and manipulate sub-cultures in SKAT, - like some untouchable mafia. Dane authorities appear helpless after Dexit and gives in repeatedly. Dane Tax authorities (SKAT) was commercialized in Russian media as ‘Tax Haven’ for Caribbean money laundry. SKAT made it easy to establish virtual firms in the Caribbean that are not obligated to document financial transactions. The remote virtual directors are merely someone signatures on papers and do not run the business at all. SKAT’s plutocratic warfare escalated in 2013 when it was ordered to reorganize to provide more qualified leadership, with less ministerial and political influences. SKAT has gone through cascades of massive scandals since. It is simply a battlefield for Pyramid Games, where leaders and employees of different rivalries fight and fall in thousands. At this moment, organized plutocratic crimes related to Panama and Virgin Islands, for over 1,5 billion Euro are uncloaked.
BK Medical is an example of the massive organized frauds via SKAT. The firm sold considerably overpriced medical equipment to Dane public health services. The difference in prices were sent to Caribbean tax havens where the oligarchs get paid - free for reporting and free for tax. The Russian medical firm will rather pay a fine than facing court, though. That is the plutocrat way of calculated risk and to settle spoils of war. This example demonstrate how PROSA Oligarchic plutocracy works in all of the Nordic public sector. Actually, it is a worldwide crime where African nations seem to suffer the most. This explain why the Nordic public sectors are overpriced, inefficient and provide services beneath acceptable qualities. It also explains why the hard political fight by coldwar, by PROSA Oligarchs of unions like LO,protect the monopoly and blocks SMEs alternative innovations. The markets of the Nordic public service sectors were simply taken over by international criminal Oligarchs during the cold war. Most alarming, national authorities are incapable to execute their ‘rule by law’.
The conclusion and solution to Organized International Plutocratic Crimes is simple:
“Rule by Law”.
However, it is quite challenging for single nations when the Mafia is remote controlled by an empire. How did America, Italia, China and even Russia fight the mafia infiltration? That is the same way the global Red Mafia should be dealt with. However, and most important, one should remember that most people involved are forced by fear. They are potential whistlers if offered security. Yet, no single nation is able to resist mafia corruption, - it has to be fought together, - with Europol, Eurojust and Cepol.
Relevant Links;
International Pyramids
Penalty law, Norway &
Dane and Norwegian ’Laws of Competition in the European Internal Market.
Dane (TEU)
Maastricht Treaty, Law of Competition
Norwegian EEA-law, Human
rights law and Penalty law
Articles about Dane SKAT
Documents: OECD, Produktivitetskommissionen, 22. juli kommissionen (22/7
Flash and the Pan was an Australian new wave musical group (essentially an ongoing studio project) initiated during the late 1970s by Harry Vanda and George Young, both former members of The Easybeats. The duo's first success was their 1976 debut single ‘Hey St. Peter’ which reached number 5 in the Australian singles chart. The next single ‘And the Band Played On (Down Among The Dead Men)’ went one better and reached number 4 in Australia in 1977. Their eponymous debut album followed in 1978 with the single ‘Walking in the Rain’, originally the B side to ‘Hey St. Peter’. The song was later covered by Grace Jones and released as the last single from her ‘Nightclubbing’ album. Her version's best success was reaching 34 in New Zealand. ‘Waiting for a Train’ the lead single from their third album ‘Headlines’ was their next success, reaching number 7 in the UK singles chart in 1983. The album would soon reach the Top 100 in the U.S. despite the lack of a supporting tour. They released two more albums with some minor success in the U.K., but failed to make much impact due to the part-time nature of the project. (The group was also presented in UU 28.okt.2011.)
The association here is not merely their own experience as SME, - but any citizens that strive for being productive, but sadly extorted by others like oligarchic industry and tax authorities.
Flash And The Pan - Early Morning Wake Up Call + Lyrics
Extra UU - Video series:
Financial Meltdown - The men who crashed the world (4 x 42 min)