A Dane Archetype

’Nashism’ or not ’nashism’ - that is the question to the French president election this Sunday. Similar decisions have hunted the Europeans during the centuries of Pyramid Games, - and long before that. ’The ghost of the nashi queen’ was a meme mentioned in a recent blog. That is taken further in this blog to discover the origin of such an archetype. This focus is set on the 1000 years old intrigues between France, Denmark and Belarus, - i.e. Novgorod and Normandie. In fact, there are even older biblical references in Adams and Abrahams wives. That influence the collective Conscience Will by OverConcience Belief and UnderConcience Drive. Such can be argued that; although occult personifications might not have existed, - the Belief in them is very real and do influence the powers of States and Thrones as well as Temples.

History books relate mainly to nations and persons. Therefore, this blog about archetypical memes relates to them too. Still, there are good reasons to do some historical 5D scenarios for those collective perceptions. The French and Danes had important relations several times through the history, mostly with fatal outcomes, though. Relations can be dated as far back as the 13th century. However, Dane history writings was single-sided at that time. Today’s Danes’ names have different origin, like the royal names. In fact, those events were dominated by the Novgorod region, - the present Belarus. For example, the present Dane name Valdemar was originally the Russian Vladimir – and the present Dane name Margit means pearl in Arabian. To pursuit that, here are some brief descriptions of the matriarchs and patriarch of that time.

History books relate mainly to nations and persons. Therefore, this blog about archetypical memes relates to them too. Still, there are good reasons to do some historical 5D scenarios for those collective perceptions. The French and Danes had important relations several times through the history, mostly with fatal outcomes, though. Relations can be dated as far back as the 13th century. However, Dane history writings was single-sided at that time. Today’s Danes’ names have different origin, like the royal names. In fact, those events were dominated by the Novgorod region, - the present Belarus. For example, the present Dane name Valdemar was originally the Russian Vladimir – and the present Dane name Margit means pearl in Arabian. To pursuit that, here are some brief descriptions of the matriarchs and patriarch of that time.

Even the origin of the Dane flag, Dannebrog, is questioned these days. The ongoing Dane TV-series ’Danmarks Historie’ (History of Denmark) changes the Danes the perceptions of Dane history, - even the story of the most valued relic. Dannebrog is believed to be the eldest national flag there is. There are basically three historical sources to that legendary campaign by the Dane king Valdemar II (Vlademir II) against Estonia. The legend says that the Danes were nearly defeated when a lamb-skin banner depicting a white cross fell from the sky and miraculously lead to a Danish victory. This superstitious story is obviously a cover-up. An undocumented version from the new Dane TV-series claims that a similar flag was used in Germany at that time. Therefore, the Estonians might have recognized the flag as friendly. If so, king Vlademir succeeded in an ambush by abusing a false flag.

There are also similarities to the situation of the 13th century’s Dane Queen in France and the present ‘King of Denmark’. The French-born Henri de Laborde de Monpezat was married to the crown-princess Margrethe. When she became queen of Denmark, Henrik was denied the title ‘king’. He lost the public respect and was constantly humiliated by the mass-media. This is apparently a psychosocial immature Game of revenge for the French intrigues related to Queen Isambour (Ingeborg Valdemardatter) - 800 earlier. Similar classic Games are Jante, TUD (The Ugly Duckling) and TLM (Two Little Maids). (Anyways, this blog is not about such deliberate post-war dysfunctionalities of the European Thrones. Such issues can be read about in UU 2017.april.07.)

ROC, the Russian Orthodox Church, was most certainly a superior power in the 13th century. It played Games of DAC/UAC (Divide&Conquer/Unite&Conquer) towards at the Russian, Dane and French Thrones, as well as the Roman Catholic Temples. The Superior powers in Europe was altered at that time. The State, as in Roma1 was disabled. The Temple, as in Roma2, was dysfunctional after the riots by ‘the Pirates of the 4th Crusade’. The Thrones were divided and weakened. Some clips from Wikipedia sets the relations.

It is apparent that the ROC let the Mongols pass through Russia and into Europe, - like some hordes of biblical proportions. Also, the Mongolian concept of ‘tax & terror’ seems to be a mean of ROC christening in the Nordic region. However, the conversion of heathens by sword is the very same way used by Muslim janissaries at that time, - as well as the present extremists of Islamism. If so, modern occult archetypes of angels and demons related to the Quran might have been temporarily abused in the wars towards the ethnic Nordic peoples. Anyways, - the expression ‘the end justifies the means’ goes for Nashism too. Though, misinterpretations of ‘end’ and ‘mean’ can be fatal in biblical terms.

Archetypes are fundamental and might be identified in original tales and scripts. One previous blog says:
“The prophet Abraham is an archetypical patriarch for the 3 monotheisms; Judaism, Christianism and Islamism. It is often talked about, like in UU 2015.jan.23, UU 2013.aug.02 and UU 2012.jan.13. In brief, Abraham was sent from Persia to rule some newly conquered land from Egypt about 2000 BC. (That was the time for the previous shift of Age/Era, from Taurus/ox to Aries/goat.) There was a royal reception in Egypt where Abraham brought Sarah. It is unclear what their goal was and what really happened, except that Sarah became sterile instead of pregnant. Back home, Abraham got his firstborn son Ishmael with the Egyptian ‘slave’ Hagar. Sarah expelled them and they might have returned to Egypt and formed a Persian-Egyptian family branch. Later stories of the prophets Moses and Jesus indicate such relations.” The fundamentals to the conflict is mentioned in UU 2014.dec.19, UU 2015.jan.30 and 2017.april.14.

Occult archetypes should most certainly appear in the biblical beginning too, the Genesis. The pantheism of the time had lots of gods, prophets and mythological beings. Most scripts did not pass into the Old Testament and were definitely excluded from the New Testament. Most of these are found in the pre-Islamic occultism, though - and still referred to in the Quran, like Djinns and Angels of various kinds. Some are even worshiped, although considered demons. A most archetypical such is Lilith.

These were figures in the Roman, Russian and Greek orthodox occultism too. Their exclusive right to ‘forgive sins’ is a powerful mean in order to make someone do the ‘sinful jobs’ to achieve ‘the end (that) justifies the means’.

Like in the Medieval Period, the present Belarusian influences on French politics are outdated and should be exposed for what it really is. The intentions have never been in French favor. The aftermath of this President election in France is an obvious occasion to do so – Frexit or not. Belarus is seriously unhealthy, underdeveloped and called ‘the last dictatorship in Europe’ (2017.april.07). It is even the sole European nation, not to recognize the European Human Rights. It makes itself comparable to North Korea. Even though Belarus might have been impressive once, some hundred years ago, it is by no mean inspirational to any nation now. Belarus is ultimately dysfunctional. Its cloaked Games of political manipulations are harmful to itself and anyone involved. Civilized nations should be particularly aware of the Belarusian political manipulations, just like the North Korean, and act accordingly.

Frexit, might be an end, if Marine Le Pen wins and France falls into nashism. She is just another Putinized mass-product of mass-psychosis- like Geert Wilders. They are both paid to do Nashi propaganda in European nations. The Le Pen family is apparently well paid to take the Putinized Nashism to the French ultimate power, - the president. The end is to make France anti-western by taking France out of NATO, EU and initiate war towards France’s ‘western’ allied. Such a scenario is a re-run of the 0th Pyramid Game, - the French/Russian Napoleon wars - with a more masculine emperor-wannabe this time. (UU 2016.juni.24 and UU 2014.mai.16)

However, it does not really matter who becomes president. The European constitutional eyes are directed to France now. The European States will return the influences and interferences, - for the sake of humanity and democracy. Actually, it would be most interesting if Le Pen became president. She has so clearly, so many times, exposed herself as high treasonous. Even though the president might stay above the laws, - the corrupted associates would certainly be dealt with. Le Pen has set the spot-light on them all. They are all exposed now and will suffer in the upcoming anti-thesis of the P5GO (5th Pyramid Game Over). It will be particularly interesting to see how qualified and capable the constitutional immune systems of France, EU, NATO and CoE really are.

Lastly, there must be reasons why there are archetypes of such ultimate evil, - like the Lamia and Lilith. Fortunately, for most people, such is merely horror entertainment - pure fantasy. However, if related to very real Belarusian/Dane/French societies, - it must be the occult ignorance in child psychiatry. Evidently, Dane minors get illegal drugs and sports-dope that damage their central neural systems. Based on occult psychotic pedocrats, the Dane child psychiatry diagnose their drug-influenced behavior as psychosis and neurosis, - like it is their own personality, - their own freaky faults. Next, the billion-dollar pharmacy industry get lifelong zombified minor clients that get addicted to expensive and damaging drugs. Such long-time mental rapes of minors’ minds must be amongst the worst thinkable kind of violation. A Lamia is an archetypical meme for such kind child psychiatry. (Also see UU 2016.spt.02, UU 2016.juni.24, UU 2015.aug.28, UU 2015.juli.03 and UU 2015.mars.27)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith#Greco-Roman_mythology (the lamia)

The band Genesis is presented in this week’s Extra UU Genesis - Lilywhite Lilith

Extra UU – Genesis - The Lamia

The split of Genesis was traumatic for the band, Peter Gabriel and their fans. It happened in the period of making this double-album and to a Broadway play. However, the name Genesis was given a very different meaning when focusing on Lilith and Lamia. Finally, the original band Genesis ended and will never be united. In fact, Peter’s loss of a child in the process was too much. Still, there are other ways to enjoy the art. This professional video ‘the Lamia’ seems to be made to the Genesis lyrics. There are certainly great potentials in new-tech video productions to original music of the past. Furthermore, cover-bands like ‘Musical Box’, are licensed to reproduce the original concerts. Enjoy. Ironically, - no-one expects to see Shakespeare appear in his plays anymore. Yet, the plays are better performed than ever, - that goes for ended rock bands too. (Also see UU 2016.mai.06 & UU 2012.feb.03)

Genesis - The Lamia (movie) + Lyrics
Album: The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway - Genesis [Full Remastered Album] (1974)
Theater performance: The Musical Box - GENESIS - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
Interview: Genesis about The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, part 1 to 4