NoExit as a P5GO Game

This last blog before the 11/9 NoExit election focus on one single issue, since dominant Game players insist that such elections are simple as; yes vs no, red vs blue and left vs right. Taking that simple-minded 1D political model seriously, the ultimate choice is whether a political party is ‘constitutional loyal’ and do not promote ‘constitutional crimes’. Such a choice is again deadly serious in the Eastern Europe, - yet silenced in the Western European press. That vital truth appears more honest in the eastern European nations, nowadays, where the anti-European forces have uncloaked themselves as hard-core Underworld Game players for the nova Russia. Therefore, the support by the western voters should be on parties that support them back - and their true and friendly neighbors, - in the European Union. In this blog, both the 3D and 1D political model are used to review the political parties and classify them as constitutional or not. In order to do so, after a theoretical introduction, there is a closer look into the constitutional attitudes the rivaling parties, a vote and vote-not list, and finally conclusions with some 5D reflections.

The fundamental stand to this NoExit election is based on the main ethics for these P5GO blogs. It is summarized in UU 2015.nov.06: “Europe is the cradle of democracy. This dogma is fundamental for any European nation. However, Europe has only 10% of the world’s populations, and (Norway) merely 0.1%. Therefore, Europe is crucial to humanity and extra hard to defend. The Quality of Lives is as fundamental for democracy, nations and organizations, as for any person. This was talked through in UU 2015.april.10. And, finally; “LifeQuality is defined as: A person’s totality of properties and potentials to satisfy stated and implied needs.” The ‘implied needs’ relate to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the ‘stated needs’ are similar to the ‘Human Rights’. ”Unfortunately, and evidently, anti-democratic nations oppose the Human Rights and Needs, sometimes aggressively with conning Underworld Games.” Moreover, the unique Norwegian Constitution was focused in the previous UU 2017.sept.01 and related to its democratic elevation to its 200 years’ anniversary. The very grave anti-thesis to this is the obsessions of the 3rd International’s 21 Conditions - hosted in ‘parallel organizational apparatuses’.

Several political parties and persons are dictated and obsessed to promote violations to most paragraphs in Norwegian Penalty Law, including terror and high treason, in order to Execute CdE (Coup d’ Etat). The obligated bondage is dictated in the 3rd International’s 21 Condition. (See link to Wikipedia.) After a century, the dictate is still addresses all ‘simple worker, every woman worker, every soldier and peasant’ to fight systematically and pitilessly the national civilians (bourgeoisie) of ‘yellow trade union’ and ‘European unification’ (the past League of Nations). The commands were made prior to the WW2, legitimized by the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, executed on European nations by the Stalin-Hitler conspiracy in WW2 and intensified in the Cold War from ‘parallel organizational apparatus’ within the parliamentary LEJD powers. However, the high treasonous Coup d’ Etats in the Eastern European nations did not succeed in the western European nations. However, related organisations and persons are still obligated and obsessed to promote such political propaganda in national parliamentary elections, - like this NoExit 11/9. These organized criminal obligations are focused and quoted in several blogs like UU 2017.aug.25, UU 2017.mars.10 and UU 2016.sept.09. The 3 first condition of the 3rd international summaries most about the international organised crimes towards any ‘western’ nation:

“Although the original text names their subordinated ‘communists’, - there are options to name parties and participant something else. The abstract term PROSA (Pro-Russian Oligarch, Separatists and Anarchists) is used for the participants in this blog series called P5GO (the 5th Pyramid Game Over). Furthermore, their organisations have the abstract term BRAF, RAF and GRAF, which means Brown, Red and Green Army Factions.” (UU 2017.aug.25)

Even now, political parties for ‘worker, woman worker, soldiers and peasant etc., are infiltrated and manipulated to be ‘parallel organisational apparatuses’ in order to execute the 3rd International’s obligations. Some of the Nova Russian goals are transformed to Norwegian political issues like:

When knowing the ulterior nature of such political Underworld Games, it is rather easy to spot the political parties that have become remote controlled apparatuses for high treasonous political activities.

Nevertheless, some explanation to the 3D political model is in place before diving too deep into the simple-minded 1D political model of the 3rd International. The following quotes are from blogs related the model to previous Norwegian and Dane elections. (UU 2017.aug.11, UU 2016.juli.01 and UU 2014.sept.12)

Several parties call themselves ‘centrum’ and ‘block independent’ in the confusion that the simple-minded 1D political model cause. They relate to ‘left’ or ‘right’ in issues, not programs. Of the represented parties are: KrF, V, Sp and MDG.

There are 24 different political parties in Norway that the citizens can vote for in 11/9-2017. Still, only 1/3 are in the Parliament and thereby have Legislative powers. One reason is that there are some electoral rules and practices for qualifications for the small parties and bonuses for the qualified ones inside the Parliament. Another reason is that the press systematically silence them so the voters do not know of their existence and agendas. Anyways, this following list of parties shows names in English, Norwegian and the number of seats in Parliament: Labour Party (Arbeiderpartiet, AP) (55); Conservative Party (Høyre, H) (48); Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet, FrP) (29); Christian Democratic Party (Kristelig Folkeparti, KrF) (10); Centre Party (Senterpartiet, SP) (10); Liberal Party (Venstre, V) (9); Socialist Left Party (Sosialistisk Venstreparti, SV) (7); Green Party (Miljøpartiet De Grønne, MPDG) (1); Red Party (Rødt, R) (0); The Christians (De Kristne) (0); Pensioners' Party (Pensjonistpartiet) (0); Pirate Party (Piratpartiet) (0); Coastal Party (Kystpartiet) (0); Democrats in Norway (Demokratene i Norge) (0); Christian Unity Party (Kristent Samlingsparti) (0); Liberal People's Party (Det Liberale Folkepartiet) (0); Communist Party of Norway (Norges Kommunistiske Parti) (0); and Hospital to Alta (Sykehus til Alta) (0).

The party’s programs reveal whether the party support 3rd International propaganda and the present anti-western, pro-nova-Russian, politics. In brief, such parties appear to be; Demokratene, Alliansen, NKP, Kystpartiet, Samfunnspartiet, Rødt, De Grønne. Parties with programs that also appears considerably infiltrated and manipulated, appear to be; Partiet De Kristne, Piratpartiet, Feministisk Initiativ, Arbeiderpartiet, Sosialistisk venstreparti, Senterpartiet. The most constitutional loyal parties appear to be; Venstre and Høyre, while KRF and FrP appears to have slightly infiltrated candidates on single issues. The following is reflections on parties that more or less express negative to the Parliament’s pro-European Constitution:

It seems that the warning from the old AP patriarch Einar Gerhardsen in 1948 is still as valid, where warned in his ‘Kråkerøy speech’ about the ‘internal enemy’ in LO. Therefor a whole chapter from the previous blog UU 2017.sept.01 about the nature of Political Games are cited here: “Still, the major blog-theme is P5GO (the 5th Pyramid Game Over), which requires some reminder of the what Games are about. This is in certainly relevant for this DDD blog. Here is a brief summary from UU 2017.mai.26.

The only highly probable Governmental coalition is the continuum bourgeois H/FrP with support of V/KrF. It will continue the parliamentary and governmental situations that the Norwegians have learned to know the last 4 years. However, this time, the negotiations between the 4 bourgeois parties will probably be much more experienced. Actually, minor changes for the parties in the parliament will not change the status. If V decides to join the government, it might even get majority in the parliament.

The only possible socialist coalition is AP, SP and maybe SV since AP do not want the extreme R and MPDG in government. However, SP have already warned the socialist coalition about deviating politics that will dived such a government. SP; does not merely want to shoot the wolves, but actually terminate them; will not increase the taxes as much as AP; wants to reverse the reform of the police; pay the farmers and communes more; not restrict the state aid for kindergartens; wants to reverse some reductions in the defense: and wants to return the management of hospitals to the regions. Most important, SV and SP wants to fight the EEA Treaty, whilst AP officially will support it. The anti-EEA movement is strongly supported by SV, R, MPDG and LO factions. However, AP and SP agrees on oil production and strong defense in the north, while SV and R takes a PROSA stand.

Still, the Federal Trade organisation LO is as powerful and influential as any political party. It might infiltrate in Underworld Games, now that their favorites seem to lose the race. Some clips are taken from previous Norwegian elections in blogs like UU 2014.juni.20 and 2017.april.21.

However, the new AP leader (Støre) is no traditional ‘worker’, but an oligarch with a fortune at almost 10 million Euros. Although he learned diplomacy in the ministry of foreign affair, he is having a hard time being accepted as replacement for the potential candidates for both AP and LO. The whole socialist alternative coalition will fall if Støre personally fails. The AP/LO internal rivalries for a new leader will be as self-destructive as their rivalries in the Parliament and Government. Now, LO factions seem to promote parliamentary CCD, since they cannot control the maturing democracy in AP.

By the way, like in most European elections, the secret police ‘PST’ says that themselves, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD), the Defense and AP are hacked by the Russians. Furthermore, Norwegian and Russian citizens visiting Russia have been attempted and pressured to work as PROSAs. One consequence is that the ballots will be counted manually this year, like in the Dutch Nexit election.

Links The Parliament
Norwegian political parties:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Party_(Norway) https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alliansen_(Norge)
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feministisk_initiativ https://no.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Helsepartiet
Articles about the possible parliamentary coalitions for the government.
Video and articles about electoral fraud in Norway.

Ole Paus Ole Christian Paus is a Norwegian troubadour in the Swedish-Norwegian ballad tradition, an author, a poet, and an actor. He is widely considered one of Norway's most popular singer-songwriters. He debuted as a singer-songwriter in 1970 and as an author the following year, after he was discovered by Alf Cranner and Alf Prøysen, respectively. The song ‘Mitt lille land’ (‘My Petty Land’) is written in 1994 as a lyrical description of Norway. The song was originally written for a pro-EU organisation in connection with the Norwegian European Union membership referendum, 1994. The song gained strong popularity following the 2011 Norway attacks, which led to it being described by the media as ‘the new national anthem.’ The NRK memorial concert was named "Mitt lille land," and the concert opened with the song. The national memorial ceremony opened with the song, followed by a speech by King Harald V. On the Norwegian Constitution Day in 2012, the NRK broadcast was opened with the song. The association to this song is how such simple poesy and tunes becomes the most valuable experience during vital events.
Susanne Sundfør - Mitt Lille Land
Ole Paus - Mitt lille land
Lyrics orgiginal and translated.
My petty land (translated lyrics) My petty land, a small place with a handful of peace thrown out amongst plains and fjords My petty land, where mountains high are planted between homes and humans and words My petty land, where silence and dreams grow like echoes among scarce soils My petty land, where seas touch mild and smooth like caresses from coast to coast My petty land, where stars glides by and reveals the landscape before the hushing night Ole Paus Playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh4sqAr_rOE

Extra UU – Parliamentarism for Dummies

Anyone can start a political party and become a Parliamentary representative. However, this democratic opportunity in ‘western’ civilizations can be abused, corrupted and infiltrated. This ‘not-to-do’ parody does actually present some basic education on how the parliamentary system works. Stortingsvalg (tekstet). Hvordan oppstår politiske partier, hvordan havner de på Stortinget, og hva menes egentlig med «sperregrense»?
Se film om den fiktive representanten Børge Vegheim, spilt av Bård Tufte Johansen.
En stortingsrepresentants hverdag. Hvordan er hverdagen til en stortingsrepresentant?
Se filmen om den fiktive representanten Børge Vegheim, spilt av Bård Tufte Johansen.
Stortingets budsjettbehandling. Hvordan jobber Stortinget med statsbudsjettet?
Se film om den fiktive representanten Børge Vegheim, spilt av Bård Tufte Johansen.
Stortingets lovbehandling. Hvordan behandler Stortinget lovforslag?
Se film om den fiktive representanten Børge Vegheim, spilt av Bård Tufte Johansen.
Stortingets kontrollvirksomhet. En av Stortingets oppgaver er å kontrollere regjeringen, men hvordan utføres denne kontrollen?
Se film om den fiktive representanten Børge Vegheim, spilt av Bård Tufte Johansen.