This is a decade of changes, indeed. These dedicated changes are more determined than ‘status quo’. Cascades of changes seem to happen periodically – like syndromes. Some might think it is all by Will, some might think it is natural Drive, some might even think it is of devine Belief. These changes will probably be influenced by all. Anyhow, - changes will cause ‘survival of the fittest’ - a hypothesis to contradict ‘might makes right’.
This is a decade of changes, indeed. These dedicated changes are more determined than ‘status quo’. Cascades of changes seem to happen periodically – like syndromes. Some might think it is all by Will, some might think it is natural Drive, some might even think it is of devine Belief. Anyways, these changes will probably be influenced by them all. Anyhow, - changes will cause ‘survival of the fittest’ - a hypothesis to contradict ‘might makes right’.
Fit to what, then? Not like some darwinist hypothesis based on lab-rat models. Human reality is far more complex than that. A buzzword nowadays is ‘disruption’. Yet, anyone should carefully reflect on how to fit to this decade’s predicted changes to come. The least fit is certainly the arrogantly ignorant ones. The least fit organisations are certainly the dysfunctional ones, which basically are too far into denials. Thus, evolutionary adaptions concern constructive innovations, based on sound values and foundations.
An extremely abused concept for global organisational changes - is called ‘the Internationals’. It was deliberately made dysfunctional - causing fatal consequences. The first one was a human reaction to the massive changes that followed the first industrial revolution. The ‘Great Charter of Freedoms’ was revitalized and evolved to the present Global Human Rights. Contrary, inhuman powers played global psycho-social Games of the 4th degree. That de-evolution was executed by the fake 3rd International - the anti-thesis by the Comintern of 1920. The true 3rd international, though, is the United Nations and those nations’ declarations of human positivism, - even though the USUK Game of WW2, including the 4th and ulterior Player, did make some constitutional space by terminating the UN’s European predecessors.
Nowadays, this is the semicentennial of the real 4th industrial reform. Although focused on cybernetics and biology – the outcomes will be as unpredictable, as in for the 3 previous reforms. One present symptom of the syndrome to come is called ‘Corona’ – ‘the Crown’. Such syndromes cannot be explained and healed by merely focusing on Drive or Will. This syndrome also concerns systems of Belief. For example, a hypothesis is that the anti-thesis ‘Comintern of 1920’ was instituted, based on a vendetta for the black Siberian böö. The Game’s arena was the Winter Palace, where the catholic tsarina fell into the black tngri Gimmick. Now, the 4th USUK Gamer seems to be determined to climax that Game. Such a 5D scenario should be altered, though.
Most fortunately, the civilized united nations have agreed on the 17 sustainable development goals for the year 2030. Related issues will be the focus in the upcoming decade of blogging. However, it is anyone’s basic knowledge that realistic and relevant knowledge of the past and the present is essential for such qualitative project planning. Still, there are great big black holes in history writings. Some are even dilutional and cause dysfunctionalities. Thus, the history has to be revised in order to qualitative planning and well-functional execution.
Such issues of changing to the better has been the main concern in the previous decade, - and will be in this upcoming decade of blogging – including the development of models of 3D politics, LEJD powers (Legal, Executive, Juridical & Democratic), 5D scenarios, 3^3 psychosocial diagnosis, LifeQuality definition, and complex Game analysis like the P5GO (the 5th Pyramid Game over). There is a summary of the theories in blogs like UU20160513.
------- Music --------
Changes – Piano cover + original live + lyrics