This blog’s focus is on the public institutions’ obligations to its civilization and citizens. It follows up the previous blog that introduced the UN’s 16th Sustainable Development Goal ‘Sustainable and strong institutions’. This SDG16 is probably the most important of all the united nations’ goals for 2030. It must therefore be prioritized accordingly. Yet being this most comprehensive and complex goal, it needs some basic definitions and models. Some relevant theses have already been developed and blogged for a decade. Thus, this new blog-theme ‘SDG2030’ is an attempt to combine those theses with the SDG agenda. Anyways, the main aim for this blog is to set the focus on well functional institutions by becoming less dysfunctional.
Most of the theses are summarized in the blog UU20170630. Some main points are that any civilized society is dependent on high qualitative institutional deliveries of products and services. The term quality is therefore fundamental to realize the institutional obligations for maintenance, productions and deliveries of public services and products. Basically, the term ‘quality’ is defined by the United Nations as: “Quality (is) the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs” (ISO 8402-1986). Moreover, based on the UN’s definition, the term ‘LifeQuality’ (LQ) is defined in these UU blogs as; “a person’s totality of properties and potentials to satisfy the stated and implied needs”. LifeQuality is considered as the most vital word of all. (UU UU20200103)
Quite frankly, quality is simply common sense put in system. There should be no confusion in any institution about what the quality of public services is. Yet, confusing Games have caused serious institutional dysfunctionalities during the past century’s warfare. Nevertheless, the nature and availabilities of products and services are changing, which can be challenging to realize and to innovate properly. For example, the qualities of immaterial and material products are as different as the provided- and self-services. Moreover, the previous industrial reforms did, and still do, alter their qualities, utilizations and rights, - like for virtual machines, internet sharing and DIY services (Do It Yourself). Such challenges and opportunities will be elaborated in the next blog, though.
Still, the public products and services are the collective property to all citizens. Moreover, most other SDGs are related to SDG16, like SDG 9 ‘sustainable and innovative infrastructures’. This causes unresolvable power-struggles about rights and obligations between institutional servants and the citizens. Servants strive to make most of the society collective - whilst citizens want their democratic abilities. The 2 rivals have 200% demands over the 100% resources. Still, the western civilizations are democratic by their constitutions, whilst the eastern are rather monocratic. Therefore, the western public servants are to serve, not to overrule the four constitutional LEJD powers; the Legal, Executive, Juridical & Democratic powers.
The true 4th western power is democracy – not the press as dictated by the eastern Comintern. The term ‘democracy’ is talked through in blogs like UU 20160701, saying that hyper-democracy might appear by cyber-democratic resources like the information and communication technologies. Thus, hyper-democracy rather refers to the LQ (LifeQuality) of humanity at larger scales. Such hypothetical hyper-democracy exists independent of information technologies, though, - even without papyrus and pencil. It exists in every single human as a holistic inter-relation. In these UU blogs, ‘hyper-democracy’ is considered a virtual reality and vital to the quality of humanity.
Conclusively, it is absolutely necessary for all the united nations to transform their institutions to be well-functional in order to sustain and innovate their civilizations. ‘Strong institutions’, meaning effective as constituted, - not like some coldwar dysfunctionalized bureaucracy. As concluded in previous blogs, - the public institutions are basically like any IT operating system. The public institutions can, and must, be transformed properly, - like any other IT system did in the 3rd industrial reform. Intriguingly, the present institutions are like the past century’s computers, but should be like this century’s virtual computers before the year 2030. Such an evolutionary leap will also have significant LQ effects. That will be the main focus in the December blog – “XaaS for XmaS”.
The Long and Winding Road - Beatles piano instrumental
The Sustainable Development Goals