SDG2030 - PPaaS (Public Properties as a Service)

‘Public Properties as a Service’ (PPaaS) aligns with most of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals – especially the SDG16 ‘Institutions’. Public properties do stem from the citizens, are made by the citizens and are for the citizens to utilize. Thus, governments and public servants are obliged by law to provide proper public services to the democracy. Still, the public and non-public properties are distinct by nature and law, - yet somewhat messed up by the coldwar bureaucracy. This blog will therefore set the focus on some challenges in order to provide proper management of the public properties - in this decade of SDG and the 4th industrial & social reforms.

Unfortunately, true political understanding of the public properties is misinterpreted by campaigns, corruptions and illegality. Though, a previously presented concept is that: “Products and services can be categorized whether they are ‘necessary’ and ‘tradeable’ - public or non-public. For example, in a democratic civilization, there should not be any non-public monopoly on water - and no one should be forced to permanent collective housing and nutrition. Moreover, some products and services do require markets for exchange, yet some ‘market failures’ exists for properties that cannot be quantified, priced and traded. Then again, there are ‘public failures’ too since financing by ‘forced collection’ (taxes) makes most citizens discontent and resistant. Besides, public spending is inefficient since people feel less responsible for others’ resources than their own.” (See blogs like UU20170630.)

Furthermore: “Products and services should be divided into the four categories: 1) Collective/necessary that are the public institutions’ domain and responsibility. 2) Collective/unnecessary – that are institutionally regulated and partial responsible. 3) Trade/necessary – that are in the non-public market, but public controlled. 4) Trade/unnecessary that are in the commercial market for anyone. Thus, some properties can generally be categorized like; water/infrastructure/markets/police=1, arena/scene/parks=2, transport/shops/education=3, festivals/entertainment/hobbies=4. Some public products and services need initial R&D state-aid for development - SDGs. However, the public properties must be escalated from public R&D after the development phase and not illegal public or non-public oligarchies for property abuses.

This concept of public properties also applies for the LifeQualitative human rights and SDGs – e.g., for education, information, art, health, nutrition, infrastructures, housing, markets, etc., - as well as products like public buildings, vehicles, equipment. Fortunately, the concept of XaaS (Anything as a Service, blog UU20201203), does certainly apply for public properties too (PPaaS). In brief, all public properties, products and services, can easily be made manageable and available 24/365, for proper democratic utilization at non-profitable self-cost. All potential PPaaS should immediately start the innovative process by IT virtualization, just like the non-public apps for windows-shopping, ordering, payment, purchasing, streaming, deliveries etc. The market of democratic PPaaS self-service can be made for services like; (state-aid) Payment (aaS), Taxation (aaS), Movement (aaS), Transport (aaS), Education (aaS), Housing (aaS), Information (aaS), Broadcast (aaS), Navigation (aaS), Libraries (aaS), Buildings (aaS), and many more public properties.

Thus, PPaaS will reform the public institutions profoundly. Such means of hyper-democracy will transform and elevate civilizations out of the malfunctional consequences of the second industrial and social reform. Thus, the escalated of hyper democracy do justify similarly innovation of the judicial powers – to be well functional and free from corrupting para-courts. The next blog will continue with such issues of LEJD quality (Legal, Executive, Judicial and Democratic powers).


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Us and Them - Pink Floyd piano instrumental

UN Sustainable Development Goals