QoH - The Quality of Humanity

The Quality of Humanity (QoH) might be the most important topic for any human, - just like the Quality of Life (QoL). Topics of QoH were introduced in the previous blog UU20211204 – and will continue throughout this new year. Although, this hypothesis considers the Humanity Being to be at an infant stage, - we, as individual humans, have tens of millennia of experience of our collective human nature. Still, the recent leaps in population, innovation and communication have made the Humanity Being far more capable, conscious and prosperous. Thus, we surely need to reconsider our existence, especially in this decade of this 4th industrial and social reform of technology and biology.

The QoH is hereby defined as: “The Quality of Humanity is the totality of properties and potentials of humanity to achieve the essential and prosperous necessities”. This definition is based on the United Nation’s definition (ISO 8402-1986) “The Quality of products and services is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs”. This globally ratified standard is a main reason to the recent globally increase of qualitative products and services. This definition was also the inspiration and foundation for gathering the abstract and conflicting definitions for individual humans. Thus defining: The Quality of Life (QoL) is a person’s totality of properties and potentials to satisfy the stated and implied needs”. The QoL definition is later called LifeQuality’ (LQ) in order to stand out from other QoL definitions. (See UU20200103)

Terms of humanity are still mostly related to abstract philosophies of values. The previous 12 years of blogging are often focused on developing psychosocial models for analyzing humanity’s past, present and future. These are adaptable to QoH as well as QoL. The following quotes should therefore apply to the QoH too.

These first reflections about QoH are still uncertain and will be developed from hypothesis to thesis. A suitable start for the new year with a new realisation of a dream for a new era, - like the titles, the lyrics and the tunes of this artic artist.

Biosphere - Phantasm

UN Sustainable Development Goals