SDG2030/P5GO- 20221225 – P5GO-5d – 3rd Roma Xmas

Xmas is an annual theme to this blog series – so is this extraordinary one, called ‘3rd Roma Xmas’. This hypothesis relates the Roma3 to the Game category of GoT to the pagan Roma1, rather than the christian Roma2. Although the Easter is officially linked to the roman empire’s execution of the mature Christ, - the Roma1 certainly did a failed attempt to execute the baby Christ at Xmas. However, that epic Game is most complex, - including the society’s superpowers Game categories; KoC (King of the Castle); GdE (Games d’ Etat); and GoT (Games of Temples). The intention of this blog, though, is to point out that the Motives & Moves of the present Kremlin’s Gamers are not of the Christian Roma2 – but rather the anti-Christian Roma1. Hence, this blog basically consists of pervious quotes and some final conclusions.

A historical background of Roma1 is in blogs like UU20191206: “The prolog to the present Phishes testament tells a story about an immigrant family in a most critical inter-imperial situation (Luke 2:3-6). The new Cesar, Octavius, alias Augustus, was an adopted son with very different agenda than his stepfather Julius. The local king Herod issued an order to execute any unwanted heirs to his Throne, - as well as Augustus. The Arabian theocrats wanted Egypt back after Alexander’s conquest 3 centuries earlier. The pregnant Mary was forced to register to the empire and had to come out of hiding. What happened next is unclear though, since the reaming texts are few, excluded and censored.” “However, the cause to this ultimate Game peaked 47 years earlier, when the alliance between Egypt/Africa and Roma/Europe was genetically merged with Caesarion. He was the firstborn son of the self-proclaimed goddess Cleopatra. Julius Cesar was also declared a god by the senate of Rome. Neither of them, nor Cleopatra’s second roman husband, Antonius, survive this rivalry of Thrones, States and Temples – the ultimate Game of the millennia.”

The theses of ‘Roma3 Rise & Falls’ is found in the blog UU20220417: "Historically, Moscow was merely a ‘grand duchy’ when the 2nd Rome (Roma2) collapsed about the year 1500. The crises in Moscow were mostly due to frequent raids by Mongols and Huns. Kiev was the Russian capital at that time, - yet Moscow declared itself the successor to the Christian Rome (Roma2). In this hypothesis, some historical milestones are that; Ivan III (the Great) allegedly subdued a Mongolian city and relieved the duchy from their tax and terror. Ivan gained a genetic heritage by marrying a princess of Roma2. Moscow also acquired its coat of arms, the two-faced Eagle. Occasionally, Ivan was titled Tsar/Caesar to designate some legacy from Rome. Theocratically, in 1510 a monk named Philotheus stated, ‘So know, pious king, that all the Christian kingdoms came to an end and came together in a single kingdom of yours, two Romes have fallen, the third stands, and there will be no fourth. No one shall replace your Christian Tsardom according to the great Theologian’ (cf. Revelation 17:10).” However, with more or less respect, - no petty monk has the authority to declare a Christian empire. That GoT Move is rather blasphemous, though.

The present Kremlin regime seems fixated to distance itself from its European origin, and do alter towards the Asian 0D (singular) regime of Beijing – just like a 100 years ago – and just like in Roma1 2000 years ago. After its violent and merciless occupation, the Roma1 registered, labelled, and surveilled the spoils of war – the enslaved humans. Yet, today, with the technology of the 4th industrial revolution, such surveying violations of the citizen are far more extensive– including physical, psychological and proprietorial abuses.

The history of extreme violence by the Kremlin proves that the Roma3 is not willing or able to promote Humanity’s values in the civilized sense of our globe’s united nations. Quite the contrary. Although the buildings, the actors and the rituals has adopted some resemblance to the christian culture, - its inner nature is not able to fully cover its ulteriority of GoT. Periodically, there have been some scapegoats like Ivan, Peter, Catherine, Rasputin sr, Stalin, and that ‘Hister wannabe’ (UU20200402).

Now, there are some blasphemous RoC theocrats that blame God for their own collaboration to the genocidal manslaughter of innocent citizens. (UU20221204) The world’s major civilized organisations banning of those war-crimes seems rather to encourage those ulterior black shamanists with clerical cloaks and daggers. Thus, the Kremlin has long gone the point of no return. However, this time, this century, - the Humanity is very well aware of the Kremlin’s centennial Games of collapse, - and will not enter that Blame-Games of diluted projections – but rather expose and end that scripted Game of Roma3’s ‘Rise and Fall’. Hence, the real threat to the ‘Roma3’ is not some external phantom enemies, - but some internal altered personalities – altered by some rivaling black Tengri singularity.


UN Sustainable Development Goals https://sdgs.un.org/goals
The first P5GO blog http://bloguu.azurewebsites.net/uu_2016/UU20160513.html
See all UU blogs at: http://bloguu.azurewebsites.net/

Duck, Hush and Be Still – VETO

Extra UU – 1st Rome GoT

“How did the famous Roman general-turned-dictator become a god in the eyes of Ancient Romans? It has something to do with a comet, a triumph victory, and Roman superstition.”
How Did Julius Caesar Become a God?

Caesarion: Son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra

Why do the Russians call Moscow the third Rome?