SDG2030/QoH – A hyper-democratic kingdom

True democracy is the very foundations and support to the north-European constitutions. A main reason for the nations’ stability and prosperity is simply that we chose a family to represent our humanity as citizens. Yet, democracy is upgraded with this decade’s industry 4.0, which alters our perceptions of the needs, rights and prosperities of LifeQuality (LQ). Anyways, this blog is an attempt to minimise the destined crises of the present 4th Industrial and Social Reform. All in all, it is to hold on to GUR ethics (Good/Useful/Right) in this phase of those hybrid anti-democratic rivalries.

True democracy is naturally founded on the single citizens’ LifeQuality (LQ). It concerns the single human beings will and ability to prosper their natural needs and rights. The phenomena democracy is the societal solution to thrive for the Quality of Humanity (QoH). The theses of this foundation of humans are a main concern to this blog series and described in blogs like UU20141017, UU20220703, UU20240107. Still, as mentioned in the blog ‘AI press apparatus’ (UU20231105): “The self-proclaimed 4th constitutional power is not that ‘central-democracy’ state-power. The thesis includes the ‘hyper-Democracy’ as a 4th constitutional power, truly democratic (citizens), not the undemocratic central ‘democracy’ (state-controlled press apparatuses). Democracy represents the true human nature, and should be more powerful than the 3 other constitutional powers. Humans should always be more powerful than the institutional machines.

The term ‘Democracy’ is further talked through in blogs like UU20160701, saying that hyper-democracy might appear by cyber-democratic resources like the information and communication technologies. Thus, hyper-democracy rather refers to the LQ (LifeQuality) of humanity at larger scales. It exists in every single human as a holistic inter-relation.” Thus controversial, yet very real in this decade of Industrial- Social Revolution 4 (IR/IS4). However, in this 4th ‘Industrial reform’, we should have become adult enough to minimise harmful crisis and maximise the obvious positive outcomes, and avoid devasting Games of 4th degree, - like CdE (Coup d’ Etat). Still, we are humans of humanity. Hence, this blog focus on the evolved democracy of citizens as a 4th power to the LEJ, - i.e. LEJD, - a 4th dimension of the constitutional power.

Still, democracy mainly concerns the citizens ability and right to prosper and provided the basic necessity to become willing and able adults. Negative bureaucracies have been abused to reduce citizens to submissive folks, yet the obligation is to promote. Still, this 4th industrial and social reform can indeed radically reform the public services to its true obligations, as in the civilised united nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 (SDG). A major developing concept is called XaaS (Anything as a Service) as described in blogs like UU20201203.

“Most can be fixed due to innovations of virtualizations and XaaS, - as mentioned in the previous blog UU20201203. However, this might also be the most corrupted area of the public institutions (SDG16). Therefore, the parliamentary Constitution must take back the legal and executive power from criminal organisations that corrupts the executive powers by illegal re-distributions. The most important task at hand is therefore to regain the balance of the constitutional (LEJD) powers – in particular - stop the criminal factions within the Executive powers, that overrun the legal power by re-delegate public organized crimes from the criminal court to their para-court systems.”

However, a concern is: “How can humanity stay above machine in this eve of AI (Artificial Intelligence)? Certainly, the breakthrough will happen this decade of SDGs and IR4, - even if the institutions are ready or not. The hypothesis is that bureaucracies can be considered as organisational implants of ICT (Information and communication technologies), - or even POA (Parallel Organisational Apparatuses).” UU20231001

A most anti-constitutional POA Game is the so-called Danish ‘Retsforbeholdet’. That anti-western civilized Kardemomme Game simply reveals such political corrupted Underworld Gamers as POA thralls. The sociopathic scheme is obviously to disconnects Dane court and police from the international apparatus in 1993 and 2015) by a people’s referendum. Consequently, Danmark has become a magnet for all kinds of international crimes by discouraging the institutions from following European practices for justice as by Europol and Eurojust (UU20240505). Political parties promoting that was probably heavily sponsored by ‘the Red Mafia’.

Anyways, TFEU art 107.2a states that all ‘social stat-aid’ shall be given directly to the citizen and not to organisations. Public XaaS can certainly escalate the quality and availability of most public products and services. Parts of some public services are already virtualized for the internet, such as education, health and taxation. However, commercial providers seem far more enthusiastic to make such XaaS deliveries to the citizens - although the public servants are obliged to do so by penalty law. Still, the potential from public XaaS innovations is huge - since the public bureaucracies already have transformed to Information Technocracies. At large, some main categories of such public hyper-services can be for; Energy aaS, Transport aaS, Movement aaS, Insurance aaS, Citizenship aaS, Broadcast aaS, Information aaS, Housing aaS, Food aaS, Art aaS, Finance aaS, Communication aaS, Education aaS, Housing aaS, Healthcare aaS, Welfare aaS, Subsidies aaS, Emergency aaS, Security aaS, Police aaS, Defence aaS, Jurisdiction aaS, Governance aaS, Waste management aaS, Water supply aaS etc. The list is as long as the list of obligated public services.

Treaty and Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_on_the_Functioning_of_the_European_Union
Courts of Denmark https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Denmark  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courts_of_Denmark  https://anklagemyndigheden.dk/da
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Institutions) https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg16
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(previously: www.skrindo.dk/blog )

Les Misérables - Who Am I?

Xtra UU - Les Misérables citizens

Les Misérables is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. It has also other titles like; The Wretched, The Poor Ones, The Victims, and The Dispossessed. The story starts with the French Napolish CCS (Colonial Collapse Syndrome) after 1815 and climaxing with the planned failed Coup d’ Etat (CdE) of the city-state Paris in 1832. In UU blog sense, the drama is mainly personalising Good/Useful/Right ethics (GUR) vs Bad/Destructive/Wrong (BDW).
The lives and interactions of several characters, particularly the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption. the nature of law and grace, the novel elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love.
Still, the centurial and present Russian aggressions and temptations of CCD, CdE and 4th degree Underworld socio-psycho Games, are quite the opposite of the citizens’ morals’ contra institutional abuses of democratic dominance. For example, the students’ ethical references to the colours of red and black, - is quite the opposite in ‘this age of fake news’. Now there is the Kremlin’s ‘Red Mafia’ and the collective of ‘Black Swans’ in western institutions.