SDG2030/QoH – European United Monarchies

The European monarchies are somewhat different constitutions than the cold-war state-dominated ones. Although the monarchs’ power and freedoms vary greatly, - so does it for the republican heads of states too. What kind of superior head of state is best, though, - a conservative king for life at a throne - or tens of presidents in radical rivalries for the chair? Intriguingly, - yet not the concern in this blog. This blog’s focus is based on realizing that the remaining European monarchies are now federally united too. Still, the Legislative, Executive, Judicial and Democratic powers (LEJD) apply to constitutional monarchies as well as republics, - and even theocracies. Hence, this blog is an attempt to address the anti-western 5D ‘fake facts’ of the past, - in order to thrive for a constitutionally sane 5D path for our future.

A fundamental fact is that the European nations have obligated their national laws to a federal constitution, - called TFEU (the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union). This mutual agreement of democratic values is achieved through centuries of rivalries, diplomacy and final resolutions. Hence, this European federation clearly states that any national, regional, organisational or personal contradiction to the treaty is illegal and must be handle as such. In the end, - the actual challenge for the democratic constitution is to prove that their ‘Rule by Law’ is truly valid and functional. Thus, if contradicting, - such constitutions have simply degraded itself to some kind of dysfunctional dystopia.

Taking the constitutions seriously, - as the LEJD powers are cybernetically intended to. Populistic objecting in Parliaments, operational counteractions in the Executive sector, the shortcut of any Courts or the silencing of truly democratic persons, - do not indicate any healthy, sane or wise constitution, but the very opposite. Anyways, such evaluation of constitutional sanity is not for this blog, though elaborated in blogs like UU20240505.

Still, there are European constitutions based on the foundations of the Thrones in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Spain, UK, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein and Monaco. Moreover, there is a European Temple state like the Vatican. The remaining majority of European nations are now converted to national States. There is numerous psycho-social analysis of such Freudian and Jungian extended analysis in blogs like UU20150403 and UU20151030.

Yet, it is all so simple, so ethical, so moral and even honourable. We Europeans, of ‘the Democratic Cradle’, have finally agreed on what is ethically Right and Wrong in our civilised nations, - feudal, republican or theocratic. We do indeed agree on our basic foundation. Now, despite the centennial collapses of Kremlin - and the projected world war consequences, - the civilized democracies are better prepared to defend ourselves towards such mayhem insanity. Isn’t there a clinical doctor in Kremlin, Beijing and Washington, that can overrule when a head of state obviously goes insane? Anyways, in Europe, there are still constitutional monarchies that scores very well on the ‘Good Nation Index’ (UU20240107).

Now, what do our common constitution obligations say? Basically, it is based on the UN declaration that any nation and person have the right to thrive for their quality of existence, hence in these theses called LQ, QoC and QoH (LifeQuality, Quality of Constitutions and Quality of Humanity). This focus on humans, civilisations and humanity is certainly constantly confronted. Related theses are talked through, analysed and concluded in blogs like UU20220731, UU20171103 and UU20150320.)

The ‘Western’ monarchies are now united by obligations to the federal organisations like the EU, EFTA, ECHR, UN and NATO. Some main points to these obligations are: The United Nations’ declarations of ICCPR and ICESC. The defence alliance of NATO that is founded on the UN Carter. The European Convention (/Court) on Human and Constitutional Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR).

Still, most efficient is the national and federal obligation to the of the European Union (EU). These are basically stated in the TFEU (Treaty and Functioning of the EU), - that also relates to the EFTA nations Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein by the EEA Treaty. Some of the federally legally obligations are: the 4 basic freedoms in the democratic internal market, - yet restricted by HMS (Health, Environment and Security). The protection and promotion of innovative research, development, small enterprises, culture and regions. Hence, these legally obligations include: Access for small enterprises that qualifies to the huge public market (article 106). Reduction of abusive oligarchic treaties and practices in the public market (article 101-109). Reduction of market-distorting abuses by State Aid (article 107). Re-distributing social State Aids from the oligarchic organisation and directly to the citizens (article 107). Prohibition of customs duties and taxes having similar effects (article 30).

Still, there are uncivilised factions of the Comintern of 1920, - refurbished in 2020. These culturally assimilated and bondaged ‘sociopathies’ still runs on the mobsters’ dysfunctional bondages to some nova Red Mafia. The self-destructing and collapsing regime need to expand by Coup d’ Etat in other nations, - to survive a little longer. Now, hopefully, most united civilised nations are well aware of those immature Games of CdTh (Coup d’ Throne). See blogs like UU20220522.

The European re-United constitutional monarchies need to enforce their defence towards ulterior fifth columnists of extreme red, blue and green, - and not hesitate anymore, - but react accordingly to the present hybrid warfare towards the European Constitutional Monarchies. Basically, - some modernised Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 could help considerably, - especially 'SDG16 - Peace, Justice and Institutions'.(UU20201002).

Judy Kuhn – Nobody's Side (Chess musical)

The monarchies in Europe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchies_in_Europe
Treaty and Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
The Good Country Index
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Institutions)
See all blogs at:
(previously: www.skrindo.dk/blog )

Extra UU – The European Monarchies

The European monarchies are in fact of the best societies in the world, due to their stabilisation of the constitutions. These claims in the videos are very well documented Ted-Talk in the video and web-site called ‘Good Country Index (GCI)’.

Monarchy VS Republic Debate

Monarchies Vs Republics - Why Are Monarchies More Democratic

Good Country Index (GCI) Which country does the most good for the world?

Successions of the 10 Modern European Monarchies

Playlist European Monarchies