Tordenskjold Pirates - Captain Coco

Captain Coco is the 6th Tordenskjold Pirate, - and a drink with coconut milk. It represents Belief in negative ethics rather than positive – rather BDW (bad/destructive/wrong) than GCR (good/constructive/right). It is as ancient as piracy itself and expresses that negative mythologies, ideologies or theologies justify the ends. One certain misdeed caused everlasting epic fatalities, - the raid at the Christian Rome by the Pirates of the 4th Crusade in 1200 AD. That Coup d’état enabled the Dark Ages of plagues in Europe, the joint Muslim/Mongol invasion in 1500 AD, the constitution of the 3rd Rome in Moscow, the mass inquisitions in Norden, the Golden Age of Piracy in America, and the Napoleon wars in western Europe. Therefore, with Captain Coco, there will be drawn a historic line from Roma2 with a focus on theocratic piracy in Norden.

A brief summary is from UU 2015.okt.09. “It helps to understand Roma3/Moscow and its heritage from Roma2 with understanding of the theocratic history.” “There was a highly questionable constitution of Rome3 based on a monk’s statement (UU 2014.mai.02).” “The crusades (of Roma2) were first arranged with Roma1 State soldiers. European Thrones supported them, when the Muslim caliphate conquered Egypt, Jerusalem, Syria and other important middle-eastern regions. However, the fourth crusade was fatal. Some ‘pirates of the fourth crusade’ attacked the Christian Roma2 instead of the Muslim Egypt. Roma2 was plundered to ruins and could not rise again under the following chaos. The crusaders failed to administrate the city so decay and the final fall was unavoidable. The crusaders’ actions and faiths are full of mystical Games. However, they might have known about Marco’s tales and seen the coming Muslim/Mongol invasion, - or simply did the preparations. They might have wanted to save treasures and spread them to European temples and thrones prior to the joint Khan/Caliph attack. The ‘Da Vinci Code’ is merely one example of some dramatic Games at play.” (UU 2014.april.25 and UU 2015.mars.27)

“The pirates handed over the Coat of Arms of Roma2, ‘the double headed eagle’ to Moscow, a monk declared Moscow as the 3rd Roma and Ivan was titled Tsar/Caesar. The Duchy of Moscow grew rapidly by systematic invasions, tax and terror.” The documentary in extra UU1 indicates that the French and Venetians were not to blame for the pirate’s attack, but rather the Greek theocratic rivals. If so, the Russian orthodoxy is founded on Greek orthodoxy anti-papal piracy, - that hardly can be believed to be true Christian at all, - rather the opposite.

With the joint Moscow/Mongolian/Muslim peace-agreement, Roma3 executed brutal and effective anti-papal campaigns towards the Christians in the Baltic region and the Nordic union. “Ivan (the terrible) attacked the Baltic region brutally. The nations responded with raids, invasions and blockades. The Polish, Lithuanians, Swedes, Dutch and Germans were together in the resistance. Ivan accused that Novgorod could end up being catholic in a polish/Lithuanian alliance. The claim has no documented validation though. Roma3’s final annexations by Ivan and Oprichnina was terrible and led to the ‘Novgorod massacre’ in 1570. This also terminated the trade-route between the Baltic sea, Kiev and the Black Sea/Roma2.” (UU 2014.mai.02). It seems that control over the Baltic Sea was an obsession. A trade route to the Atlantic Sea via Germany was also frequently terminated with wars at Holstein. It left the Danish castle Kronborg as the only passage regulated with taxes. This UNESCO heritage is also the site for Shakespears ‘Hamlet’ with the infamous quote: «Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”. (See also UU 2014.okt.31 and UU 2014.mai.09, UU 2014.mai.02, UU 2013.Mai.24.) The Mongolian ‘tax and terror’ was extended to naval taxation and blockade in the passage between the Atlantic and Baltic seas. However, it was remote probably remote-controlled from the imperial Russia.

The Dane king Christian IV was provided with extended powers when the Nordic (Kalmar) Union was schized and Sweden joined the resistance against Ivan. However, he was probably dependent on advisors since he was crowned king only 19 years old. Wikipedia elaborates. “Christian IV was a monarch of the German House of Oldenburg who ruled as king of Denmark-Norway from 1588 to 1648. He is frequently remembered as one of the most popular, ambitious, and proactive Danish kings, having initiated many reforms and projects. Christian IV obtained for his kingdom a level of stability and wealth that was virtually unmatched elsewhere in Europe. He engaged Denmark in numerous wars, most notably the Thirty Years' War (against the Pope) which devastated much of Germany, undermined the Danish economy, and cost Denmark some of its conquered territories. He renamed the Norwegian capital Oslo as Christiania after himself, a name used until 1925. Despite the reluctance of Rigsraadet, Christian initiated a war with Sweden for the supremacy of the Baltic Sea. It was later known as the Kalmar War because its chief operation was the Danish capture of Kalmar, the eastern fortress of Sweden. However, despite Denmark's greater strength, the gains of the war were not decisive.” It is remarkably that the supreme legislative and executive power in Denmark ‘Rigsraadet’ was shortcut by Christian IV to Moscow’s favor and took Denmark into war against its former allied. That act was simply a remote controlled piracy coup, like in Roma2 in 1200 AD.

The constitutional controversies of the schized Nordic Union is elaborated in UU 2014.okt.31. “The three Thrones of Norway, Denmark and Sweden formed a Nordic union (the Kalmar union) about the 15th century for mutual collaborations and defense. At that time, Norway included Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe islands. Sweden included Finland. It was confederal and there were never any legal transfer of land to the union. It worked for a century until Moscow converted to Roma3. Sweden, with King Gustav Vasa, opposed the empire. Soon the Danish Throne declared single sided that Norway with Greenland, Iceland and Faroe Island was their provinces. However, that has never been legally recognized. The split of the Nordic union happened at the same time as Ivan’s aggressive annexations and massacres on the continent. Relations of the events are therefore likely. The assumption is strengthened with the fact that the brother of King Frederik II of Denmark, Magnus of Holstein, was appointed by Tsar Ivan as king of Linovia (Estonia). Magnus also got a Russian army of 20.000 to conquer Swedish land that was part of the opposition towards Roma3. Magnus even might have been tempted by the Danish Throne. However, the death of Tsar Ivan caused the abdication and expulsion of Mangnus from the Baltic regions.” (UU 2013.mai.31)

“Cristian IV’s personal obsession with witchcraft led to the public execution of some of his innocent subjects, leading to the greatest number of deaths in Denmark during the Burning Times.” This is still a deep-rooted tradition in Denmark. The symbolic ritualistic Russian orthodoxy of burning of witches on Midsummer’s eve, in Novgorod style, is strongly criticized in UU 2014.mai.09 and UU 2011.juni.24. Also from Wikipedia. “He now turned his attention to the Thirty Years' War in Germany in order to obtain control and securing the dominion of the northern seas; and to acquire the secularized German Archdiocese of Bremen and Prince-Bishopric of Verden. He took advantage of the alarm of the German Protestants to secure coadjutorship of the See of Bremen and at Verden. Hamburg was also induced to the Danish overlordship of Holstein.”

Notably, in clerical patriarchal views, women, children and democracy are causes to decay and fatalities. Therefore, in anti-papal views, initiating Protestantism might just as well to cause self-destructive civic wars in the Papal domains. Besides, the conflicts of witch-hunts are often mistakenly related to Jews. Yet, the basic beliefs is in Jinns, which was called demons by Christians. Jinns are respected and central to Muslims, but seldom referred as causes to the religious conflicts. The inquisitions might as well be a Muslim initiated conflict executed in the Russian orthodox regime. Additionally, speculative yet intriguing, - Christian IV was certainly consider anti-papal and anti-Christian to Nordic peoples too. Therefore, if the ‘Christi’ is taken out of his name, the four remaining letters indicates what really was behind that schemes of restruction of Norden.

Another curious relations to Roma3 and the Atlantic, mentioned in UU 2014.okt.31). “Less known is the Russian-English relation that Ivan made with Queen Elisabeth I. England wanted a trade-alliance, while Russia wanted a defense-alliance. He was guaranteed asylum in England if his regime should fall. It was not used because Ivan suddenly died of heart-attack.” For that reason, from time to time, UK politics still seems to honor this ancient Roma3 relation at critical moments, - somehow ulterior. If so, occasionally UK acts as a marionette state of the Russian empire, - just like Denmark.

Nevertheless, back to the Golden age of Piracy. As mentioned in the previous UU 2016.feb.12, - after Tordenskjolds death, Tsar Peter the Great declared Russia an empire, St. Petersburg the Capital and the Winter Palace the imperial resident. That shifted the empire powers from Moscow/Roma3 to the Baltic Sea. Wikipedia elaborates. “Peter the Great (1682–1725) had an agenda of radical modernization of Russian government, army, dress and manners. He made Russia a formidable political power. Peter was not religious and had a low regard for the Church, so he put it under tight governmental control. He replaced the Patriarch with a Holy Synod, which he controlled. The Tsar appointed all bishops.” “Catherine the Great later in the 18th century seized most of the church lands, and put the priests on a small salary supplemented by fees for services such as baptism and marriage.”

The vision of the Baltic Sea at the time might be associated to the Black Sea, with Denmark geographical position like the Turkish passage by Byzantine. Anyhow, the most successful emperors of modern Russia succeeded by domestically disabling the ghostly remains of Roma2, - namely the Russian Orthodox Church. The expansion of the empire succeeded by redirecting its brutal theocratic missions towards ‘The West’, - even with a backdoor through Alaska. The Russian term ‘The West’ indicates the Bysantin absurd illusion to the strategy. The world is not flat as the theocrats believed, - and they are no such center of such a world. Calling Europe and America ‘The West’ proves absurd for anyone outside such byzantinish ‘Heaven on Earth’ and its Gordian bureaucracy. Yet, the Russian empire cannot change that mass-psychotic obsessions even if finally realized that it is completely wrong. Denial of realities and being completely wrong, maintains the obsolete powers.

“In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, the Russian Orthodox Church experienced a vast geographic expansion (elsewhere). Numerous financial and political incentives (as well as immunity from military service) were offered local political leaders who would convert to Orthodoxy, and bring their people with them.” “In the following two centuries, missionary efforts stretched out across Siberia into Alaska. Eminent people on that missionary effort included St. Innocent of Irkutsk and St. Herman of Alaska.” The pirates’ ‘clerical haze’ had proven extremely effective for converting civilizations to vassal-states. Imperial war-strategies of biological smallpox, logical ideologies, and Belief in mass-psychosis was strategically spread as first-phases to invasions. It is a simple strategy - actually. Like the constructive solution to the ‘Columbus egg’, it is a destructive solution placing a Cuckoo egg in the pray civilizations. Just put it there and wait until the plebes families are self-consumed intrigues of narcissism, envy, jealousy, carelessness and Jante. “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest” – or rather – “A Cuckoo Flew Over One’s Nest”.

The psychosocial 3^3 dimension Drive was introduced in the previous UU 2016.feb.12. In order to explain Captain Coco, the focus is set on Belief. First an introduction: “The most obvious reason for the relations between psychology and sociology is that many organizations are highly personified, - with dominating patriarchs and matriarchs. The list of political, religious and royal leaders is convincing. Other organizations, that are not that fixated on persons, have strong collective Superior-Ego expressed in ethics, laws and rituals.” (UU 2013.mars.22) Moreover, “The properties of the 3^3 socialpsychological ego-state ‘Belief’ is not possible to fully describe. It is like the term ‘religion’, i.e. ‘The First Philosophy’, and includes fundamental questions about the beginnings, ends, the universe, life, omniscience, positivity and more. The questions of this magnitude are unanswerable, simply because the human comprehension is limited. Besides, Belief is not about knowing scientific facts at all, but rather a realization that the probability is about 50/50 for a belief to turn out true. (Hope concerns unlikely beliefs with about 10% probability to be proved true.) Consequently, claiming to know whether a divinity exist, or not exist, is just as false, and do not concern Belief at all, but rather Games of Will.” (2015.mars.13)

Likewise, “The Belief dimension of the 3x3 model is different from Drive and Will. Freud and Jung called it ‘Superior-Ego’, while Berne called it ‘Parent’. Belief concerns ideas of what we cannot possibly fully understand, yet need to know and trust. Here, focus is set on Belief in Supremacies like the S-E. The Superior-ID (S-I/Drive) was included 2 years ago.” “The Supremacy dimension is based on Freud’s classical psychological ‘ego-state’ Superior-Ego, - i.e. any overruling of human Will and Drive. It is hereby sub-categorized into S-I (Superior-ID), S-E (Superior-Ego) and S-D (Superior-Devine) in order to suite the 3^3 psychosocial model. It does not concern theological or philosophical question of whether long gone ancestors, gods or other divinities exist, - but concerns the belief in, or denial of, such. Psychologically, it is valid since no one can deny the existence and importance of believes, - religious or not. Yet, subcategorizations of Belief cannot be as concrete as for Will or Drive, - like tangible terms on does not describe the intangible well. Besides, the values of Good/Use/Right (GUR) and Throne/State/Temple (Th/St/Te) are still relevant and is re-vitalized in this sense.” UU 2015.mars.13

Yet, the main concern to Pirate Empires like Roma3, was realized before developing the 3x3 and 3^3 psychosocial models. “As mentioned in UU 2014.okt.31 about the first realization when the S-E/S-I relation was discovered.” Finally how the idea of a Superior-ID was realized. “The Oprichnina/Praetor is like a definition of psycho-social Games. The Actors and the Games are ulterior and concealed like the very nature of secret services. It is however, a problem if the democratic Quality of Life is not respected. It is serious if the organization consider itself as a Superior-Ego and individual as inferior. It is catastrophic, if it also inherited the properties of Ivan’s murky mentality as a collective obsession.” (UU 2015.nov.06) The Russian Oprichnina is the archetype of its S-E/S-I secret service, - which are nowadays called FSB/GRU.

“Identifying and profiling the true nature of the imperial secret organization is like doing Vaticanology and Kremlinology. Previously, it has been identified and described as the Praetor of Roma1, the Praetors (network) of Roma2 and the Oprichnina of Roma3 (UU 2014.nov.07, UU 2014.mai.02 and UU 2013.Mai.24).” “The S-E and S-I are like the OverConcience of Belief and Drive (OB and OD), which means that they can both influence collective synchronization, - like some ‘folks’ movements’.” Oprichnina is the S-E to S-I like privateers, like oligarchs, like pirates, - hovering pray-nations morals, laws and ethics.

This lead to the next Captain Luche, concerning the constituting of Roma4 as well as the destruction of Europe.


The Captain Coco drink relates to Believes in BDW ethics. This recipe is also simple, - mix white rum, coco milk, ananas juice and ice-cubes, - 1 to 4 for grape-wine ABV and 1 to 10 for beer ABV. (See links for more advanced Captains Coco drinks.) Some more facts about the coco might be further inspirational.

Botanically, the coco is a drupe and not a nut. The spelling cocoanut is an archaic form of the word. The term is derived from the 16th-century Portuguese and Spanish word coco meaning "head" or "skull". It has spread across much of the tropics, probably aided in many cases by seafaring people. Specimens have been collected from the sea as far north as Norway. They have been found in the Caribbean and the Atlantic coasts of Africa and South America for less than 500 years, but evidence of their presence on the Pacific coast of South America predates Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas. Coconut milk has a total fat content of 24%.

The pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant with edible multiple fruit consisting of coalesced berries, also called pineapples. Pineapples can be consumed fresh, cooked, juiced, or preserved. They are found in a wide array of cuisines. In addition to consumption, the pineapple leaves are used to produce the textile fiber piña in the Philippines. The fiber is also used as a component for wallpaper and other furnishings.

In a 100 gram serving, raw pineapple is an excellent source of manganese (44% Daily Value (DV)) and vitamin C (58% DV), but otherwise contains no essential nutrients in significant content (table).


“Ghost is a Swedish heavy metal band from 2008. The Grammis-nominated album Opus Eponymous was widely praised and increased their popularity significantly. Their second album and major label debut Infestissumam debuted at number one in Sweden, and won the Grammis Award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Album. The third studio album, Meliora reached number one in their home country of Sweden and number eight in the United States.”

“Ghost is easily recognizable because of its eccentric on-stage presence. Five of the group's six members wear virtually identical, face-concealing costumes. The most distinguishable member is the vocalist, who wears a prosthetic face with skull face paint, appearing as what can be described as a "demonic anti-Pope". Each album cycle has brought about a change in the band's appearance. The vocalist is always portrayed as the same archetype character, but has slight appearance changes and even personality traits are altered from former versions. The band members' true identities are kept anonymous, as their actual names have not been publicly disclosed. The vocalist calls himself Papa Emeritus, and the musicians are referred to only as Nameless Ghouls.”

The association here is, as indicated by Captain Coco, more true expressions of anti-Christian and anti-Papal theocracies, - disguised as the opposite in psychosocial Games of 4th degree.

Ghost B.C. - Secular Haze + Lyrics
Links (see also extra uu1 for video documentaries) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_IV_of_Denmark
Receipts for Rum and Coco

Documentary videos about Roma2 & Roma3

Why the Fourth Crusade Attacked Constantinople (1204)
The Fall of Constantinople
The Slavic Nations' Search for God. Moscow - Third Rome (Movie, 2014) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-KF5mBaJec
Byzantium The Lost Empire full documentary by John Romer
LUTHER – Trailer & Full Movie (part 1 & 2)
Marco Polo | History Channel Documentary
Marco Polo | official trailer (2014)

Extra UU2 - Army Of Lovers - concert

Army of Lovers is another Swedish music group that formed in 1987. They had several Top 10 hits on the Eurochart. The most popular being "Crucified", which was one of the biggest selling European singles of 1991. Their total album sales were seven million copies worldwide. The name of the band alludes to a documentary ‘Armee der Liebenden oder Revolte der Perversen’. The association to this Russian concert is Captain Coco’s perversion of thrones, temples and states. Army Of Lovers - Retro FM 2013 (Complete)
1. Crucified 2013 @ 00:00 2. King Midas @ 03:20 [Audience Recording] 3. Obsession @ 07:20 [Audience Recording] 4. Israelism @ 11:05 5. Sexual Revolution @ 14:26

Extra UU3 – Movie Erasmus Montanus

The Ludvig Holbergs comedies were mentioned in UU 2016.jan.15 and UU 2016.feb.05. The stories are highly valued in Denmark, believing he was a Dane and that the comedies are about anyone else. Erasmus Montanus is the most analyzed comedy of all and is about the inherent failure to perceive new knowledge. This is closely related to the cultural Belief in the so-called ‘Jante Law’ that prevents anyone to advance.

Wikipedia says about the play, “Danish farmer's son Rasmus Berg has been given a costly education in Copenhagen, and when he returns, he speaks Latin to his parents, and Latinises his name as Erasmus Montanus. He wants to "dispute", and goes on to "prove" a number of absurdities, such as relying on argument from ignorance to prove that his mother is a rock. He is contrasted to his brother Jacob who is only interested in knowledge which is of practical application.” “His persistent arguing gets him into trouble with the parents of his fiancée Lisbet, who refuses the marriage until he stops claiming that the Earth is round. His fiancée begs him to retract his statements that the Earth revolves around the sun, but he refuses. After a village plot tricks him to enlist for military service and leave the city, he reconsiders and makes the retractions, allowing him to marry Lisbet.”
Erasmus Montanus - Playlist