Automated public services

‘Automated public services’ is the 4th issue in this sub-theme of P5GO. The bureaucracies of the public sectors are the most obvious to automate in this ongoing 4th Industrial Revolution (IR4). It is criticized for being over-dimensioned, outdated, corrupted and dysfunctional. It is even a battleground for destructive political Games, - mostly due to the mutual paranoid cold wars of US vs SU. Those bureaucratic systems are unfixable in their current states, and evidently unable to heal themselves. The public sectors have to be re-designed and re-build completely, in order to meet this century’s qualitative requirements and needs. The dysfunctionalized public sectors is a main reason why the ‘Western’ civilizations do not reach their intentions and goals, but rather goes through self-destructive crisis. Still, this can be fixed in a decade, if the opportunities are handled well. Therefore, for the arguments sake, after an introduction and before some concluding remarks, - this blog provides some rather harsh examples and arguments concerning the present legal systems, tax authorities, education, health and labor oligarchs.

Such a total re-structuring of the public sectors might seem impossible, when mentally bound to the physical state of the previous century. Yet, propertarian hardware does not restrict IT anymore. This century’s IT is built with means of virtual reality and rapidly develops towards mixed realities. Just imagine, if the public sector was built in this century from scratch - and was not bound to the previous century of World Wars. How would the design be? That question is as complex as it is important to hold on to - in this eve of this 4th industrial revolution. There might be as many answers as there are influential politicians, - which are far too many. Yet, the infrastructure to the public sectors should be made with the IKT of this century, - not like the telegraph networks. The working places will not be in gigantic, cubic buildings, - but in IT Clouds. It will rather be designed as wireless and multilingual, than local pavements and corridors. Visualizations are even heading from 2D to 3D. The present bureaucracies are simply not physical at all. The IR4 bureaucracies are rather technocratic than bureaucratic. Yet most important, they will serve their societies and citizens better, - instead of some corrupted oligarchs in-between.

Some visions on how the citizens services should be, is translated from UU 2015.juni.05. “The legally obligated ‘state aid of social character’ (TEU article 107), can easily be realized without technical obstacles. The obstacles are rather due to political corruptions, though. This was a focus for Norway in UU 2013.okt.04 and for Denmark in (this) UU 2015.juni.05. “Such Financial state aid services are like ‘basic income’ and are not more advanced than the IT systems in banks, insurance companies and other markets for trade. The public sectors just need some registers of what money the citizens can use on which providers of services for health, transport, education, pension etc. The money does not even need to be directed to the citizens’ bank accounts, as long as the citizens can select the services and the providers. Such financial systems can even use virtual money and Block-Chains technology (UU 2017.mai.26). Still, transactions can be done directly to the citizens’ bank account for household expenditures. However, such systems require a public user account, similar to the banks’ customers’ accounts, in order to execute the state aid legally. Such solutions are elegantly realized in some nations and should be made in all the European nations. Still, the main obstacles are due to anti-democratic and anti-European crimes in the public sectors.”

The IR4 was described in UU 2017.mai.19, like this: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution is marked by emerging technology breakthroughs in a number of fields, including robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, The Internet of Things, 3D printing and autonomous vehicles. the technologies have great potential to continue to connect billions more people to the web, drastically improve the efficiency of business and organizations and help regenerate the natural environment through better asset management.” (Wikipedia)

Bureaucratic innovations are talked through in several blogs concerning politics and technologies. Some related quotes from UU 2017.mai.12 are:

Freeing the large bureaucratic buildings in central cities, does in itself provide important opportunities of modernizing those cities by IR4 means. The total make-over of factories of the IR2 to modern facilities is inspirational for IR4 innovation of cities, - when the massive buildings of the public sectors are no longer needed for that purpose. (This is not an issue in this blog, but future blogs.)

Such systematically innovations of the bureaucracies need serious analysis, models and project plans. The business models in the previous UU 2017.juni.09 are as relevant for the public sectors as the non-public sectors.

The present IT investments in the public sectors are dominated by organized crimes. All the massive ‘IT scandals throughout the cold war are clear evidences that the criminal organizations are more powerful than the public sectors. Such organized international IT crimes have been talked through in serval blogs. Dane Skat, is merely a symptom for the whole public sector, not merely in Denmark, but any nation in ‘the West’. The main reason is the Pyramid Games as described in this blog theme.

The Dane tax culture might be hard to realize, when censoring its 500 years old culture. Therefore, here are some quotes touching that:

The saying ‘follow the money’ indicates that the Tax bureaucracies are the most obvious place to investigate, prosecute and judge organized crimes towards any civilizations. It has to be pulled up with the root.

Automation of the health sector has already begun. The public health sector has obviously major potential in increased LifeQuality and public cost-efficiency. This issue has been focused in several blogs too, with the themes: How-to heal the health sector and Howto heal the Dane child-psychiatry. The tools mentioned in the TED talk would also be a useful in order to heal any public LEJ powers.” (UU 2015.nov.06, extra UU 2015.aug.28 and UU 2016.aug.05.)

Quite frankly, Dane child psychiatric institutions are seriously dysfunctional - and therefor harms Dane minors, - believing the opposite. The Dane child psychiatrists know very well, that the first critical phase to heal, is to get out of the state of denial and enter the state of acceptance of the realities. They should practice that on their own organization first, - in order to heal themselves and then hopefully others. So here is a challenge: There is no reason to believe that Dane child psychiatry is any better than for example the Belarusian or North Korean. Please prove me wrong,
- in a public discussion in democratic media.

The whole education system is based on the 200 years old Victorian bureaucratic model, when the UK needed to standardize and centralize the remote-controlled provinces of their global empire. The IT machines were humans – educated in bureaucracy. That was about the time of the 1st Industrial revolution (IR1). The bureaucratization of minors in folkschools is still based on that concept, - based on laws, obsessions and corruption. However, the IR3 and IR4 provides means to far better education systems. Here are some quotes from previous critical blogs that touch upon that:

Also see the TED Talk ‘Ken Robinson: How to escape education's Death Valley’ – in the Extra UU.

The labor in the public sectors is of great concern in this blog theme about IR4. “Large enterprises fire masses of employees when automating the IR3 productions and services by IR4 means.” (UU 2017.mai.26) This is a main mantra related to the IRs. However, the bureaucracies of the public sectors are the most affected working places of all, due to central and decentral computer automations. Still, certain unions’ oligarchs will still abuse their powers at the cost of the workers, other citizens and the societies, - as usual. The parliamentary LEJ power need to be aware of their 3rd and 4th Pyramid Games in order to avoid those catastrophes in this 5th Pyramid Game. Here is some previous quote that touched upon the issues.

The SU vs US Cold Wars caused over-staffing of ‘western’ public sectors. That was a kind of ‘5th colonists’ tactic to position bureaucratic warriors in the prey nations. However, the cold war is over, and those should be released and retire. It might be as many as half the public sectors’ staff. However, societies need these workers for the IR4 innovations. It is even less costly to give full them wages to let go of the costs of useless bureaucratic working places. The forced labor of the 3rd international can finally become independent democratic citizens too. The only solution to temporary unemployment is Basic Income, not labor unions’ corrupted handouts.

No civilization can maintain the SU vs US cold war for long. The costs and decays will certainly cause a self-destructive CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) in the long run. Half a century is far more than ‘a long run’. Therefore, the IR4 automation will cause major innovations in the public sector, as well as possibly reduce the number of employees to the half, - despite PROSA Oligarchs obsessions of the IR2 and IR3. This sub-theme ‘P5GO’ provide advices on howto minimize the destructive GdE (Games d’ Etat). Meanwhile, loyal public servants should realize that they face the same innovative challenges as the none-public sector. Such issues are focused in this sub-theme of blogs concerning IR4 in the P5GO. (from UU 2017.mai.19 ->) The future innovative potentials of the public sectors will be investigated further in the following blogs.

Finally, the European governments should rather consult their own EU Commission concerning the IR4 and their public sectors. Unfortunately, some own national bureaucracies are as trust-worthy as Dane SKAT in these matters.

The Dane government terminates SKAT (Treasury)
“Powering European - Public Sector Innovation: Towards A New Architecture” - A Report of the Expert Group on Public Sector Innovation

‘The Dukes of Stratosphear’ was an English rock band formed in 1984. The Dukes were initially publicized by as a mysterious new act, modeled after psychedelic pop groups from the 1960s. However, they were actually a spin-off band by the famous band XTC that actually outsold their alter-ego band at that time. XTC were an English rock band emerged from the late 1970s punk and new wave explosions, later playing in a variety of styles that ranged from angular guitar riffs to elaborately arranged pop. They earned a devoted cult following. Some XTC's singles were ‘Making Plans for Nigel’, ‘Sgt. Rock (Is Going to Help Me)’ ‘Dear God’, ‘The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead’ and ’Mayor of Simpleton’. The association to this song and blog is the public sectors, - that sometimes appear like some doped, psychedelic and dysfunctionalized ‘cold war’ casualties, - that can no longer heal themselves.
The Dukes Of Stratosphear - The Mole From The Ministry + Lyrics +Full Album

Extra UU- Automated public services’

Unfortunately, there are just a few videos on the issues of ‘Automating public services’ in the 4th Industrial Revolution. That is most unfortunate for the masses of public servants. They are misled by censorship from their bureaucratic oligarch of the Cold War. Yet, the changes in the public sectors are like the changes in the non-public sectors. Anyone should see some of these videos to get some ideas of their very own future.

The Rise of the Machines – Why Automation is Different this Time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSKi8HfcxEk&feature=youtu.be
Is the European Union Worth It Or Should We End It?
Insights: Disruptive innovation in the public sector: What? Why? How? Now!
ICT-enabled public sector innovation in H2020
TED Talk: Atul Gawande: How do we heal medicine?
TED Talk: Ken Robinson: How to escape education's Death Valley
Small Business Startup, Stress, Anxiety, Red Tape, Bureaucracy