‘Genetic engineering‘ is the 9th issue to this sub-theme of P5GO. This might be the most contraversive issue of the 4th Industrial and Social Revolutions, since it is said that the previous IR changed the way we do thing, while this IR4 will change the way we are. In order to focus on its hazards, - this blog relates to some recurring issues of the cold-war para-courts and the organized psychocratic abuses. Such grave criminal activities corrupt the Parliamentary LEJD powers that can path the way to CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder), National dysfunctionalities and even Dystopias. Therefore, this blog will focus on taboos and denials that hinder the necessary realizations to heal the LEJD Powers, - and ultimately ourselves. Furthermore, there will be some in-depth theoretical talk-throughs and presentation of 3 Scandinavian taboo cases of dysfunctional characters.
First of all, some explanation on what the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Genetic Engineering are:
- “The Fourth Industrial Revolution builds on the Digital Revolution, representing new ways in which technology becomes embedded within societies and even the human body. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is marked by emerging technology breakthroughs in a number of fields, including robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, The Internet of Things, 3D printing and autonomous vehicles. The technologies have great potential to continue to connect billions more people to the web, drastically improve the efficiency of business and organizations and help regenerate the natural environment through better asset management.” (Wikipedia 4IR) UU 2017.mai.19
- “Genetic engineering techniques have been applied in numerous fields including research, agriculture, industrial biotechnology, and medicine.” “Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is the direct manipulation of an organism's genome using biotechnology. It is a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells, including the transfer of genes within and across species boundaries to produce improved or novel organisms. New DNA is obtained by either isolating and copying the genetic material of interest using molecular cloning methods or by artificially synthesizing the DNA. A construct is usually created and used to insert this DNA into the host organism. As well as inserting genes, the process can also be used to remove, or ‘knock out’, genes. The new DNA can be inserted randomly, or targeted to a specific part of the genome.”
- Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products, or ‘any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use". “Depending on the tools and applications, it often overlaps with the (related) fields of bioengineering, biomedical engineering, biomanufacturing, molecular engineering, etc. For thousands of years, humankind has used biotechnology in agriculture, food production, and medicine.” (Wikipedia)
Still, para-courts of the 3rd Pyramid Game have jeopardized civil Laws, ethics and morals for a 100 year. The general reason of such corruption of the quality of the Judicial powers is described in previous blogs like these quotes:
- “(The 5) Internationals, refer to the (obligatory) conditions, most of which were suggested by Vladimir Lenin, to the adhesion of the socialist parties to the Third International (Comintern) created in 1919.” The 3rd condition says: “In almost every country in Europe and America the class struggle is entering the phase of civil war. Under such conditions the communists can place no trust in bourgeois (civilians) legality. They have the obligation of setting up a parallel organizational apparatus which, at the decisive moment, can assist the party to do its duty to the revolution. In every country where a state of siege or emergency laws deprive the communists of the opportunity of carrying on all their work legally, it is absolutely necessary to combine legal and illegal activity.” Wikipedia has been able to publish the high treasonous conditions of the 3rd international. Similar conditions to the present 5th International (5th Pyramid Game) are obviously much more treasonous and destructive.)
- “With the Gulag colonialization program, workers were radicalized by ‘Red Mafia’ methods - in order to make bureaucratic schizophrenia with ‘parallel apparatus’ within the prey nations. International masspsychosis were propagated by national mass-media, like TV, papers, radio, tele companies and cultural events. Such were subsidized by the nations’ own budgets and favored PROSA Oligarchs by regulations. All this is illegal and even treasonous by penalty laws, - executed by remote controlled Labour parties and Unions – like some avatars.”
- “There was systematic political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, based on the interpretation of political opposition or dissent as a psychiatric problem. It was called "psychopathological mechanisms" of dissent. During the leadership of General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, psychiatry was used to disable and remove from society political opponents (‘dissidents’) who openly expressed beliefs that contradicted the official dogma. The term ‘philosophical intoxication’, for instance, was widely applied to the mental disorders diagnosed when people disagreed with the country's Communist leaders and, by referring to the writings of the Founding Fathers of Marxism–Leninism—Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Vladimir Lenin—made them the target of criticism. Article 58-10 of the Stalin-era Criminal Code, ‘Anti-Soviet agitation’, was to a considerable degree preserved in the new 1958 RSFSR Criminal Code as Article 70 ‘Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda’. In 1967 a weaker law, Article 190-1 ‘Dissemination of fabrications known to be false, which defame the Soviet political and social system’, was added to the RSFSR Criminal Code. These laws were frequently applied in conjunction with the system of diagnosis for mental illness, developed by Academician Andrei Snezhnevsky. Together they established a framework within which non-standard beliefs could easily be defined as a criminal offence and the basis, subsequently, for a psychiatric diagnosis.” (Wikipedia) Such psychocratic legislations seem to be hardened in present Nova Russia and certainly includes similar ‘Conditions of a 5th International’ too.
Since the obligated activities of the 3rd International is illegal according to ‘Western’ penalty laws, - they had to be built parallel courts as well; in Labor unions for the workers so public servants did not face civil courts; in forensic psychiatric para-court that can veto the civil court and dismiss the case; and as well as doping the civil courts with 3rd Internationalists judges and civil servants. These corrupted para-courts are fully functional in this century too, - as the 3 Scandinavian cases will focus on.
Proper regulations of the biotechnological Revolution are required from the LEJD Powers in order to prevent some dysfunctional worst-case scenarios. Such issues of moral, ethics and laws have been in focus throughout this 6 years of weekly blogging. Here are some pinpoints from such ‘first philosophies’, primary taken from UU 2015.feb.20, UU 2015.jan.23, UU 2014.dec.19 and UU 2014.sept.05.
- “The universal ‘golden rule of ethics’ is like ‘you should do to others like you want them to do to you’. This ethical feedback-system is an excellent example of advanced moral philosophy. However, logically, there can be eight variances of the rule in positive/negative and passive/active modus. Surprisingly one will probably recognize variants that are unwanted realities.” (UU 2013.mars.01)
- “Simplifications of moral philosophy was talked through in UU 2013.mars.01: “One can sum up most philosophical values to be 3 incomparable value-systems of; Good, Useful and Right (GUR). The value ‘Good’ relates to personal feelings that cannot be inter-personal transferred. ‘Useful’ relates to social interactions, trade, enterprises etc. ‘Right’ is related to undisputable absolutes. Only oneself is the best to evaluate own moral. Terms like ‘no moral’ is an illusion, or merely an excuse to appear neutral. Anyone can evaluate an opinion or action according to the values; Good, Useful and Right, and even grade values to be GUr, gUr, guR etc. Alternatively, negative opposing values like; Bad, Abuse and Wrong (BAW) can be related. Humans can discuss own values with other persons and hopefully come to some understanding and agreements. It sounds trivial, - but that is how simple advanced, moral philosophy can be used by anyone. Then anyone should think more about their own values and dare to communicate with others about it.” An extension of the value-systems form ‘OK’ (Thomas Anthony Harris) to GUR, can surely be used for advance digital logic, like more advanced IT systems can.” (UU 2014.aug.22)
- “Philosophies about LifeQuality is also about moral and consequently moral philosophy, - ethics. It concerns standards for values, rules and attitudes. All the philosophies together from all times are obviously too comprehensive. However, they are also influenced by historical simplifications, contradictions, over-focus, exclusions and anti-democracy. Most present philosophers do not believe much in absolutes of morally ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, though. Consequently, ideas of punishment and rewards are accordingly adjusted. Moreover, the former philosophical believes in absolute determinism (faith) are mainly replaced with democratic philosophies concerning the ‘free will’. Consequently, humans should not be judged guilty for unfree or unconscious action and are not accountable for related punishment or rewards. Human emotions and spontaneity is now acknowledged as moral factors, despite the unpredictable consequences. For instance, the existence of Love and such moral influences are now recognized even though it cannot be scientifically proved or predicted. Emotions are vital feedback systems for survival because they are closely related to the life-sustaining heart. It might explain humanities great ability to survive the harshest conditions.” (UU 2013.mars.01)
- Anyways, - there were some kind of stone-age psychology and stone-age psychiatry at the times of the prophets. It is quite (psycho-) logical, since ‘psyche’ means ‘soul’ and therefore relates to a wide range of theologies, myths and believes. Religions are closely related to psychology and talked through in UU 2014.okt.10: “Religion is also called ‘the first philosophy’. It concerns any major unanswered question and not merely the theological ones (UU 2013.des.27). Therefore, the 3x3 model’s ego-state ‘Belief’ is a general substitute for Freud’s Superior-Ego. This means that laws, ethics and rituals are included. Moreover, the 3x3 model adds the 3 levels; UnderConcience, Conscience and OverConcience (U, C and O) to the 3 classic ego-states Id/Drive, Ego/Will and Superior-Ego/Belief (D, W and B). Temporary key-words for the ego-state Belief are: UB; Intuition, obsessions, rituals, psychosis. CB; Philosophy, religion, politics, ethics. OB; [S-E] Traditions, rituals, superstitions, hypnosis (and memes)”. The models are described in English in UU 2014.sept.12.” Furthermore: “‘Belief’ is an extended substitute for Superior-Ego. The reason is that Jung’s theories include ‘religious psychology’. However, 3x3 Belief also includes any belief-system, like theories of anthropology and any science.”
- Mental health is indeed highly relevant for organization, nations and empires as well as for individuals. This is argued in UU 2013.april.05. “So over to something quite normal, - ‘normal madness’. Unfortunately, the mental health can be in such a condition that it is ‘unprofessionally’ called madness. Or even worse, - that state has become the collective norm of society, - ‘normal madness’. Therefore, it is important to understand what professionals mean and what can be done to improve the condition, - even if the themes are considered taboo.” “The term ‘normal’ has no qualitative meaning. ‘Normal’ can be good or bad, constructive or destructive and right or wrong. The norm just shows what is the average or most ethical legitimated”. Furthermore, subconscious collective synchronous reactions can cause inhuman results, but might not be mean. Humans have some instincts like animals for protection, hunting, etc. Without entering moral philosophy, it is important to notice that instinctive reactions can happen before thinking and that the challenges are to use all 3 ego-states before acting. That goes for collectives too, - especially members of the deceiving anti-HR ones. (UU 2014.sept.12)
- “The LQ definition is based on the UN ISO 8402 definition of Quality of products and services. However, in LQ sense the ‘implied needs’ are as described in ‘Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need’ and the ‘Stated needs’ are like the UN Human Rights. This makes a foundation for a comprehensive evaluation based on theories of psychology, moral-philosophy and sociology. Since Dr. Eric Berne showed that classic Freudian psychology can be related to interpersonal sociology, the theories were escalated to social relations in extended ways, - including Humanity as a whole (from UU 2013.feb.01).”
- The final definition of LifeQuality is based on the ISO 8402 definition of Quality and was presented in UU 2014.okt.17: “LifeQuality is defined as: A person’s totality of properties and potentials to satisfy stated and implied needs.” “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shows 5 main categories; Physical, Safety, Social, Respect and Self-realization.” The ‘stated needs’ are similar to the ‘Human Rights’. “The 193 UN member-states are obligated to secure their citizens’ rights concerning; private properties, self-determination, security, privacy, family, work, education, in addition to freedoms of thought, conscience, religion, expression and more.” (UU 2016.juli.01) These innovative models of ethics are referred to in the following 3 Scandinavian cases, - yet they are not required for the evaluations of the cases.
The 3 alarming Scandinavian cases are presented here in order to highlight on the taboos of denials that hinders the realizations that are necessary to heal the LEJD Powers. The 3 cases are; ‘The Swedish woman behind Thomas Quick that manipulated the civil courts of both Sweden and Norway’; ‘The Dane psychiatric abuse of minors with drugs and psychocratic methodes’ and ‘The attempted coup by the forensic psychiatric court in the Norwegian terror cases of 22/7-2011’. (See more in the blog ‘P5GO09 –PROSA Psychocracy’ UU 2016.spt.02).
- The first Scandinavian case concerns the STV documentary ‘The woman behind Thomas Quick’ (Kvinnan bakom Thomas Quick). It documents thoroughly some phenomena of psychocratic organized crimes that overrules all LEJD powers in any nation (UU 2014.juli.18). Also see the video documentary in the Extra UU.
- “The Quick case lost all its fantastic attention with the disclosure that he was no mass murderer at all, but merely a childlike patient with free meals, housing, drugs and hypnosis under the psychiatric matriarch, Margit Norell. There seems to be some Oedipus-relations where life-long room-service was the reward. ‘Sweet old ladies’ are unassailable and can consequently be perfect executers of misdeeds, - even the worst thinkable. There is probably no better cover for such vast criminal acts, - like covering up for the actual massive murders.” An article talks through the cult around ‘Thomas Quick’ like this: “He admitted 39 murders (some in Norway) and was convicted for 8 that he did not even do. No technical evidences and no witnesses have ever linked him to any of the convicted murders. The trials lasted for years and cost 200 million kroner. The murders were made up by a desperate person that lied to get drugs, social relations and attention. He was supported by a cult of psychologists, doctors, police, prosecutors and layers, - that lied just as much, - or even more.”
- ‘The woman behind Thomas Quick’ is presented like some Matriarchal Psychocrate with power beyond national LEJ (Legal, Executive and Judicial Parliamentary forces). She operated in plain sight like some International Superior-Ego, where the nations’ LEJ were paralyzed, and the submissives’ IDs acted like immature Jerks, Nerds and Sulks. Traditional psychosocial models, like for family therapy, are far from sufficient for such criminal Psychocracy, - simply because the collective of psychocratic therapists is the main reason to the traumas and crimes. However, the 3^3 model should help a lot. A way to see these phenomena is that the Superior Psychocrate played Games of RainForest with drugs, Games of WildLife with Hypnosis and Games of AnimalFarm in LEJ institutions, - with herself at the top of the pecking order, above the flock of hens, the cockfights and the ‘ugly ducklings’. Associations of Archetypical Memes could be the Matriarchal Hen (AF), The Black Widow Spider (WL) and some yet undiscovered narcotic flora (RF). “There are several other inter-Nordic cases suggested to investigate further, like; the Scandinavian Star ferry fire, Arnfinn Nesset hospital murders, 22/7 bombing and massacre, the Halloween murder under IT related hypnotic psychosis and several other cases. There are most probably similar cases in all the other Nordic countries to. (The infamous and unprofessional attempt by the forensic psychiatric to veto the 22/7 ABB trial is talked through in UU 22.juni.2012.” (UU 2014.dec.19)
Such a Scapegoat Game would probably work as well for the assassins of Olof Palme, - that probably was a wide-ranging and well-organized GRU operation.
- The second Scandinavian case, concerns the massively organized abuse of minors in Dane child psychiatry. This is a recurring issue and will be so until the misdeeds are ended and retributed. The main reason for such continuous mass-cruelty towards minors is due to the powerful organizations in the illegal, the legal and the borderline drug industry, distribution and prescription. In brief, psychotic effects from the psychedelic drugs are deliberately faulty diagnosed as psychosis in order to protect the illegal drug market and sell drugs from the legalized multi-milliard pharmacy industry. This includes illegal long-term organized testing of new un-certified drugs on minors. As previously concluded: “Therefore, the Psychocracy should be parliamentary supervised, like the bureaucracy and the democracy, and regulated to avoid civil damages. However, the very opposite seems to be true. Psychiatric organizations are the most secret, impenetrable and protectionistic of all.” Here are some pinpoints from pervious blogs.
- “Moreover, drugs and hypnosis do certainly influence human nerves, perceptions, psyche and behaviors. This is abused in Drive-related Games like predators do to their prey: This was explained and criticized in UU 2014.dec.19. “The categories of drugs are; psychedelic drugs like LSD and mescaline (hallucinogens), euphoria drugs like hashish, paralyzing drugs like morphine and heroin, in addition to central-stimulating drugs like amphetamine and illegal designer drugs like XTC (dopamine), (which is counter-dosed with legal anti-dopamine by the institutional psychiatry).” Furthermore: “The uses and abuses (of hypnosis) are far more common than the public realize, simply because the victims do not realize what happens at all. In fact, that is the whole point of NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) and Games.” To be direct - drug crimes are Games, - and so are most certainly NLP crimes too. It seems to be a social taboo, how the legal health system is abused by such illegal health crimes.”
- “An outrageous experience is that the Dane doping industry abuses minors for illegal experimenting with enhancing drugs. Illegal sport’s drugs are definitely physical and psychological damaging to minors. Proven after-effects are symptoms similar to CBS (Charles Bonnet syndrome) where subconscious images appear in the conscience, which proves that there are damaged neurons in the brain. The crimes were covered up by public servants by blaming the minor for being psychotic, schizophrenic and paranoid. A teacher even suggested a year in psychiatry to ‘deal with the demon’. Such Jante-Games are psychological and sociological damaging in itself.”
- “Next, the Dane psychiatry prescribed non-approved Asian anti-psychotic drugs named Aripiprazole by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company, related to the very same enterprise that produces the famous sports-drink Pocari Sweat. The Dane psychiatrist’s analysis of the minor concluded with all the most serious psychiatric terms in the book, a suspicious diagnosis that most certainly will indicate improvements at later time, - whether the drug works or not. However, the illegal psychiatric drug was substituted when the minor occasionally suffered from nose bleedings. These examples are definitely of organized crime towards minors in the public services. Anyhow, there should be no doubt to the seriousness of illegal drug industry in Danish sports, when the world-famous CSC bicycle teams was exposed in the report by ‘Anti Doping Danmark, ADD. These drug-related organized international crimes in Danish sports and psychiatry might very well be related.”
- (Bourgeois/Civilian) “Parent objection might be counter-argued with allegations of being a cause to minor’s misery. In general, Pyramid Game moves of quasi-forensic psychiatry is about disenfranchise the bourgeois citizen. For example, uncloaking symptoms like described in Condition 3 “setting up a parallel organizational apparatus” might be met with claims of paranoid. Rejecting propaganda of mass-psychosis might be met with claims of being psychotic. Human emotional reactions on long term collective mobbing might be met with claims of being neurotic. Contradicting public servants might be met with claims of being psychopathic. Hints and allegations of folkshool pedocracts are per definition unprofessional and surprisingly immature. (Some indications are in the Dane movie ‘Jagten (The Hunt) & Jan Guilluo about the ’Bjugn’ case of UU 2013.nov.15.) Forensic psychiatry disenfranchise can too easily be arranged in Sexual and Underworld Games.”
- “It becomes rather clear how the legitimized drug market of Christiania, the Oligarchic match fixing by synthetic sports-dopes and the corrupted market of legalized drugs in the public health sector, cooperates like an oligopoly, - PROSA Red Mafia style. Illegal Russian sports dopes are illegally tested on Dane athletes, just like citizens of Christiania have illegally become ‘lab rats’ for the powerful pharmacy and psychiatric enterprises. These synthetic sports dopes fries and shortcuts the preys’ brain cells so images from the subconscious appears when conscience (like the Charles Bonnet syndrome). The PROSA Oligarch Game is cloaked by unprofessional investigation and quack claims of occult para-beings that are interpreted as paranoia. Expensive, unapproved and damaging drugs are prescribed and made the youngster a customer for life, - subsidized by directly to the criminal enterprise.”
- The practice is similar to the billion euro fraud by Dane SKAT (the tax authority) presented in the previous UU 2016.aug.26. “BK Medical is an example of the massive organized frauds via SKAT. The firm sold considerably overpriced medical equipment to Dane public health services. The difference in prices were sent to Caribbean tax havens where the oligarchs get paid - free for reporting and free for tax. The Russian medical firm will rather pay a fine than facing court, though. That is the plutocrat way of calculated risk and to settle spoils of war. This example demonstrate how PROSA Oligarchic plutocracy works in all of the Nordic public sector.”
- “Recent public cases are the illegal data-exchange of sensitive info to the drug industries with the DAMD database, the ‘brain damaged’ psychiatrist that continued prescribing drugs for years with institutional protection and the massive prescription of ‘Lykke piller’ (Happiness pills) and ADHD pills to minors (UU 2015.juli.03). Furthermore, there are also proof that Danish psychiatry do experiment with unclassified drugs on minors, do alter established psychiatric terminology and do reverse attitudes towards pre-Freudian sexism, - with the opposite gender-antipathy. However, the Psychocracy do counterattack, - just like some of its clients. The results speak for itself, - the Psychocracy has become a master of international psychocratic Games.”
- “China has now personal identity and medical records of all Danes. Quite alarming and almost unnoticed. Unencrypted data-files with 5 million CPR (central personal register) identities and related data from SSI (Statens Serum Institut) was delivered to the Chinese Visa Authorities in Copenhagen. Any resident in Denmark gets a CPR even though they are not citizens. The event was claimed to be an accident and that the data has never been entered. However, it is highly likely that some organizations related to the secret services of China (MSS) and Russia (FSB) do abuse the data in violations to the Legalities of European Human Rights. 5th Pyramid ‘succers’ might claim otherwise and prevents further investigations and not get official insurance that China (and Russia) do not Danes CPR and health data.”
‘How to heal Dane psychiatry’ is an issue presented in blogs like UU 2015.nov.06. “Consequently, diagnosis as psychotic, neurotic, paranoid, manic, phobic etc. are as legitimate for organizations as persons, mainly because organizational cultures are founded on the personalities of matriarchs and patriarchs. The reasons to such unsound conditions are basically the same – immature Superior-Ego/Superior-ID relations.” Therefore, the psychosocial model can be used on unhealthy institutions as well as any family.
- The 3rd Scandinavian case is the infamous and unprofessional attempt by the forensic psychiatric to veto the 22/7 ABB trial. It is talked through in blogs like UU 22.juni.2012 and UU 2014.dec.19.
- “ABB, the executioner at Utøya, got his para-military training in Eastern Europe and got associated to such cultures. Related organizations were talked through in UU 2014.nov.14: “Nashi (Наши), the Putinized youth organization, turned unacceptable. Wikipedia says: “In 2012, the leader of Nashi announced that the movement would be dissolving in the near future, possibly to be replaced by a different organization. Media have compared it to the Soviet Komsomol or the Hitler Youth and called ‘Putin jugend’.” In a Nordic view, it is remarkable that Nashi flag is like a diagonal Danish one and the neo-Russian flag is like a diagonal Norwegian one. Although still emotionally controversial, it is now legitimate to relate Nashi to Nordic political youth organizations, - and AUF in particular. No doubt that AUF is strongly related to ‘heads of state’, the major political party, the labor organization (LO) and public sector.” (UU 2015.mars.20)
- “The Norwegian Trial of the decade is certainly the 22/7-2011 case. It was really 2 very different extreme terror cases; the CdE by blowing up the Governmental Building, and the massacre of the governments youth organization (AUF). The joint trial is focuses in UU 2012.mai.18 to UU 2012.Juli.20, and UU 2012.aug.24. The over- focus on ABB’s reward, the massacre on innocent youths, did take all the attention from the CdE bombing. There is no proof at all that ABB bombed the building and that no-one else were involved. It rather seems that he part was taking the blame in court and that his layer saw to that no questions about any relations were asked. However, some para-military and para-police were involved making all police and military involvements major failures. Even the armed ferry was disabled and the police put in fragile rubber boats. Actually, saving of the surviving youth was done by civilians, - not the police or the military. The trial concluded that all relevant documentation is to be locked up in 60 years, ensuring that the public will merely know the mass-psychosis of the mass-media, as described in the 3rd International.” (Translated from UU 2012.mai.25 and UU 2014.juli.18)
- “There is an infamous failed attempt by psychiatrist to overrule the Court in the Norwegian terrorist case of 22/7 (UU 2014.nov.14). “There seems to be some alarming similarities to some ABB personal profiles. UU 2012.mai.18 to UU 2012.juli.20 followed the 22/7 trial about the CdE bomb and AUF massacre. During the trial, there were 2 contradicting psychiatric evaluation of his personality that caused serious distrust to the legal psychiatric system. The second psychiatric evaluation diagnosed ABB as not schizophrenic, delusional or psychotic, but rather with antisocial and narcissistic personality disorder, possibly Asperger and Tourette syndrome and some possibly paranoid psychosis. His lack of emotion, monotonous voice, ‘stone-face’ and peculiar smile was considered deliberate responses to his environment, indicating ulteriority, dishonesty, - or briefly, - a Game player. Furthermore, some psychiatrists seem political motivated Game players.” The 2 very different diagnosis by the Forensic psychiatrists left civil court questioning whether their organization themselves were like diluted, psychotic and schizophrenic. Anyhow, the civil judges had to dismiss the psychiatrists’ attempt to overrule the civil court and take the terrorist into their care. Yet again, - there is no reason to assume that Denmark is not subject to similar judicial crimes.” (UU 2015.okt.30)
- At first, the following might seem irrelevant, but will probably prove that the ABB case simply was a Move in an larger and encompassing Game. “Furthermore, the ongoing ‘Jensen vs Cappelen’ trial is particularly relevant when focusing on any ‘Western’ Executive para-police and Juridical para-court. Jensen was an undercover policeman against the north European drug mafia and its informant Cappelen. They used cloaked SMS messages, like Tweets are used these days. The trial is broadcasted daily by the internet-TV of the newspaper VG (see links). So far, both have claimed that they have secret agreements with parts of the police that protects certain people in both the police and the mafia. The statements expose that the police is highly infiltrated and manipulated by the mafia. The motive of both Cappelen is to discredit the policeman to reduce own sentence in that Game of Prisoners’ Dilemma. His layer is very helpful in that. A spin-off case shows that Jensen blew the A-gang and B-gang, - probably to eliminate Cappelen’s rivals. Nevertheless, ABB claimed that he was trained in 2003 by the leader (Shahid Rasool) of the A-gang (previously Young Guns) before the Utøya massacre on the Government’s youth organization AUF. Therefore, both cases should be investigated by international police and military forces, like Europol and NATO, in order to learn more about how the para-police, para-military and para-court works during CdE attempts in any Western nation. Both the Red Mafia and the Rote Arme Faction have operated in Norway for a century, - as well as the rest of ‘The West’.” (UU 2017.feb.24)
Taking all the blame for the bombing of the Government Building in CdE Nor2011 is certainly considered heroic in Nashi and RAF cultures. It misleads the focus on the para-police, para-military and para-court. Moreover, the truth will not be exposed in 60 years, when all the involved have passed away unnoticed, - just like the CdE JFK1963.
Surely, terms like ‘Psychocracy’ is taboo, feels repulsing and is intensively denied. Yet, the irrational emotion is a main reason for denials of its existence that hinders the necessary progress from denial to acceptance. Ultimately – it continues the western societies’ dysfunctionalities of the 3rd Pyramid Game. Such mass-psychotic denials will be fatal for the outcomes of the 4th Industrial and Social Revolutions too. Let’s talk like Adults about this.
Philosophy, Morality, Golden Rule of Ethics
Scientific Thinking And Moral Philosophy
Pyramid Game links
STV documentary: ’The woman behind Thomas Quick’ and article
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD) was introduced in the previous UU 2017.juni.30. “OMD had an unusual concept with a vocal on bass and another on synth. The synth pop group were inspired by artists like Brian Eno and Kraftwerk. With the release of the first single ‘Electricity’, they were able to build a studio, which allowed them to record on four-track with four musicians.” ‘Genetic Engineering’ released as the first single from their fourth studio album Dazzle Ships. The synthesized speech featured on the track is taken from a Speak & Spell, an educational electronic toy.
The critics of the contraversive song is diverse. It was praised as a ‘soaring’, ‘enjoyable’ single in a retrospective piece for AllMusic, asserting: ‘Why it wasn't a hit remains a mystery.’ Some noted that the song is not an attack on genetic engineering, as many assumed at the time. A critic stated: ‘I was very positive about the subject.’ ‘People didn't listen to the lyrics... I think they automatically assumed it would be anti.’
The association here is two-folded, - one is the positive opportunities of innovated LifeQuality, - the other is the disastrous path of the manipulated cold-war LEJD powers of the 3rd Pyramid Game.
OMD - Genetic Engineering + Lyrics
The Best of OMD – full album
It is said that the previous industrial revolutions changed how we do things, - and this 4th Industrial revolution will change the way we are. Serious ethical awareness is therefore required now, based on the knowledge of some fatal outcomes in the past. It might feel repulsive, but it is very necessary to talk like Adults about the abuses of the psychocratic para-courts. This STV documentary provides crucial evidence of the Psychocratic existence – and the denials. Following are some other important videos related to the Genetic engineering of the 4th Industrial and Social Revolutions.
STV documentary: ’The woman behind Thomas Quick’ and article
Will China Genetically Engineer Super Babies? | China Uncensored
TED Talk: Atul Gawande: How do we heal medicine?
Documentary | The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Top 10 Future Technology That's Here Right Now