SDG2030/P5GO-7h – The Day After – Crimea

‘The Day After – Crimea’ is the 7th and a final scenario concerning the threats of nuclear disasters in this decade of war-Games. The peninsula is a central port for the northern Europe, Russia and ‘the East’ - to the lands of the Black Sea – and indirectly to Mediterranean lands as well. Thus, this hypothesis is based on some ulterior theocratic Motives of GoT (Games of Temples) by a ‘Tsar Bomba’ in some fake miracle. However, such an EMP bomb might knock out most electric devices of the world, causing yet unknown levels of calamities. Still, the motivation for this blog is to utilize the anti-thesis P5GO (the 5th Pyramid Game Over).

Theocratically, this hypothesis is based on the ‘build in failures’ in the Kremlin’s constitution. Its AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) enables some CCD (colonial collapse disorder) that cause the centennial war-Game of ‘Rus vs Rus vs Rus’. The psychosocial reason for this GoT is complex, yet based on the hypothesis in UU20220529 ‘Tengri Kremlin’. In brief, the centennial purge of ‘the West’ is triggered by some fail-safe for the Tengri/Trinity pact, - from the time that the Kremlin claimed to be the Christian Rome’s successor - about 1513. However, the great schism of the Christian Trinity was due to the unexplainable supernova ‘miracle’ in 1054 (see the blog UU20220515). Still, it does not change theocratic determinations, even when now knowing that the ‘Bethlehem star’ was Sirius, followed by the three kings, the Orion’s Belt (see blogs like UU20191206). Still, some self-destructive occult scripts of dilutions, like the ‘Johns Revelation’ and Nostradamus, are superiorized means for such theocratic rivalries in some GoT of DOOM (Game of Temples / Digging Our Own Morgue). However, such unpredictable miracles of doom can be faked – by triggering an atmospheric Tsar Bomba – as in the fiction 'Angels and Deamons’ (Dan Brown). Such can alter a theocracy balance of powers - as in the years 0, 1054, 1908, 1945 and 1963.

The public history and common perception are pre-dominated, since the proclaimed winners take the sovereign right to state their version as truth (Pravda). Thus, few know the real reasons of the first world war, since overshadowed by the second. Anyways, the official history to the millennia of warfare is rather based on beliefs than facts. Still, the prelude to 1913 is rather well documented in the video ‘The long way to war’, that documents the preluding 50 years of rivalries and wars. The Black Sea was, as is, central to the official trigger in Sarajevo of 1913 (P4) as Crimea in 2013 (P5). (See video documentary hereunder)

The Red Mafia Godfather PPP do threaten to use nuclear weapons in a final desperation. That nuclear threat is backed up by the occult polar shaman Mirtofan – seemingly a Rasputin wannabe. Moreover, the PPP’s black temple ‘Angels and Artillery’ is made of nazi-steel, - and is used to bless the soldiers forced to commit war-crimes in Ukraine. A psychological reason seems to be like his story of the PPP’s childhood experience when cornering a rat. It attacked desperately as a final Move in the psychosocial Game ‘Want Out’. Still, any sane organization, nation or union would let such a client free – before turning schizophrenic and mass-murdering. However, the archetypical GoT of DOOM is far more complex bonded. Surprisingly, maybe, the better outcome might be to let the rat live in peace, although the war-crimes are massive. Such organisational Games are far more comprehensive than a ‘scape goat’. (Games of the superior Throne/State/Temple are described in several blogs like UU20150403 and UU20151030.)

Howto prevent an occult fake miracle of illumine from happening, then? As for any Game, from the most ID driven to the most diluted Superior ones – the path is to uncover the ulterior Games, Gimmicks and Gains. The Kremlin war towards Ukraine is basically theocratic, as talked through in blog UU20220529. The solution is also religious. There should be clear statements from the religious leaders of Humanity that such Games of DOOM with fake ‘miracles’ will be exposed and dealt with accordingly – which means disabling such occult GoT powers. Blaming superior deities for own crimes towards humans is simply blasphemous.

Theocratically, this hypothesis is based on the ‘build in failures’ in the Kremlin’s constitution. Its AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) enables some kind of CCD (colonial collapse disorder) that cause the continual war-Game of ‘Rus vs Rus vs Rus’. The psychosocial reason for this GoT is complex, yet based on the hypothesis in UU20220529 ‘Tengri Kremlin’. In brief, the centennial purge of ‘the West’ is triggered by some fail-safe for the Tengri/Trinity pact, - when the Kremlin claimed to be the Christian Rome’s successor about the year 1513. However, the great schism of the Christian Trinity was due to the unexplainable supernova ‘miracle’ in 1054. (UU20220515) Still, it does not change theocratic determinations, even when now knowing that the ‘Bethlehem star was Sirius, followed by the three kings, the Orion’s Belt. (See blogs like UU20191206). Still, some self-destructive occult scripts of dilutions, like the ‘Johns Revelation’ and Nostradamus, are superiorized means for such theocratic rivals in some GoT of DOOM (Game of Temples / Digging Our Own Morgue). However, such unpredictable miracles of doom can be faked – by triggering an atmospheric Tsar Bomba – as in the fiction 'Angels and Deamons’ (Dan Brown). Such can alter theocracy as in the years 0, 1054, 1908, 1945 and 1963.

The public history and common perception is pre-dominated, since the proclaimed winners take the sovereign right to state their version as truth (Pravda). Thus, few know the real reasons of the first world war. Anyways, the official history to the millennia of warfare is rather based on beliefs than facts. Still, the prelude to 1913 is rather well documented in the video ‘The long way to war’. The Black Sea was, as is, central to the official trigger in Sarajevo of 1913 (P4) as Crimea in 2013 (P5). (see video documentary hereunder)

The Red Mafia Godfather PPP do threaten to use nuclear weapons in desperation. That nuclear threat is backed up by the occult polar shaman Mirtofan - a Rasputin wannabe. Moreover, the PPP’s black temple ‘Angels and Artillery’, made of nazi-steel, is used to bless the soldiers forced to commit war-crimes. A psychological reason seems to be like his story of a childhood experience when cornering a rat. It attacked desperately as a final move in the psychosocial Game ‘Want Out’. Still, any sane organization, nation or union would let such a client free. However, the archetypical GoT of DOOM is far more complex bonded. Surprisingly, maybe, the better outcome might be to let the rat live in peace, although the war-crimes are massive. Such global Games of the superior Throne/State/Temple are described in several blogs like UU20150403 and UU20151030.

Howto prevent an occult fake miracle of illumine from happening? As for any Game, from the most ID driven to the most diluted Superior ones – the path is to uncover the ulterior Games, Gimmicks and Gains. The Kremlin war towards Ukraine is basically theocratic, as talked through in blog UU20220529. The solution is also religious. There should be expressed clear statements from the religious leaders of Humanity that such Games of DOOM with fake ‘miracles’ will be exposed and dealt with accordingly – which means disabling such occult GoT powers. Blaming superior deities for own crimes towards humans is simply blasphemous.

Lumen de Lummine – John Foxx

UN Sustainable Development Goals https://sdgs.un.org/goals
The first P5GO blog http://bloguu.azurewebsites.net/uu_2016/UU20160513.html
See all UU blogs at: http://bloguu.azurewebsites.net/

Extra UU – The long road to war

“Angels & Demons is a mystery-thriller about conspiracies of secret societies, a single-day time frame, and the Catholic Church, ancient history, architecture, and symbology are also heavily referenced throughout the book. The plot is basically that a CERN physicists is murdered, with an authentic ambigram of the word ‘Illuminati’ - an ancient anti-religious organization thought extinct. They have stolen a canister containing antimatter, a substance with destructive potential far more than a nuclear weapon. The Cardinals who are most likely to be elected Pope are missing and ritually murdered. However, the anti-matter is takes the up in the sky in a helicopter before detonated, thus interpreted as a miracle and the ‘hero’ is considered to be the next new Pope – Christ successor.”
The Long Road To War - Trailer

Angels & Demons (2009) Trailer 2
Nuclear Explosion in the Sky | National Geographic
Documentary: The Crimean War - Episode 1, 2 ,3