The new sub-theme to the war-Game toward Ukraine is Possible Outcomes and Suggestions. Half a year ago, the introduction blog presented 5 possible negative outcomes and 5 anti-theses (UU20220320). These are, however, slightly changed in this half a year of war. Still, the most pressing outcome is ‘2. UN unites for Humanity’ and the anti-thesis ‘4. UN overrule UNSC veto’. In fact, this seems rather likely to happen due to the recent developments in UN diplomacy. However, the main model for this blog is the anti-thesis P5GO (the 5th Pyramid Game Over) and related models of the UU blog series. Most relevant, though, is the definition of QoH (Quality of Humanity) and the psychosocial analysis of organisations like the UN.
The fact is; a vast majority of the united nations have stated that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is illegal and threatens any nation and human in the world as well as the UN. The UNGS states, like the vast majority of the UNSC and UNGA, that: "The Kremlin annexation of Ukrainian regions, by threat or use of force, is a violation of the UN Charter and international law. Russia has a particular responsibility as permanent members of the Security Council. Russia’s violations; have no legal value; has no place in the modern world; cannot be reconciled; breaks the Purposes and Principles of the UN; stands against everything the international community stand for; creates a dangerous escalation; and must not be accepted. The so-called ‘referenda’ (in the occupied regions) cannot be called ‘a genuine expression of the popular will’. Russia prolongs the dramatic impacts on peace, the global economy, and hinder our ability to deliver life-saving aid.” Moreover, the ICJ (International Court of Justice) ordered Russia to withdraw from the invasion. The ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) had to expel Russia as a member due to the massive war-crimes toward humanity. Furthermore, many civilized nations have suffered indirectly due to Russia’s warfare toward civilizations, like economy, food, energy and masspsychosis.
The Russian rhetoric in defense of their violence reminds about the Underworld Games as described in previous blogs like UU20220424. The communications in the UN are of the highest diplomatic level. Yet, the official Russian uses terms like Nazists, coup-makers, terrorists, threats, extortions etc. about the defenders and UN allied. All in all, the rhetoric is simply reversed like in psychological projections of own offences, - as in the Game BOOFY (Beat your Own and Other will Fear You). The transactional (TA) Motive in such Underworld Games is to cover the nature of the Underworld Gamers’. However, in Underworld Games, the real Gamers are undercover/Ulterior and not the ones we hear, see or interacts with. Simply said, it is a 4th degree version of the Game LYAHF (Let’s You And Him Fight). That Ulterior 3rd party is recognized as ‘Red Mafia’, PROSA, FSB and Oprichnina. (UU20220410) At least, such is this hypothesis, which will a basis for the further analyzes of this sub-theme of P5GO thesis.
Hypothetically, they are not truly Russian, - those violations towards, Ukraine, Russia and the UN. There are Ulterior third Gamer with destructive Motives in hope of preying on the prize of ruins. Immature SE/ID Games of Kremlin can be replayed publicly from UN Internet. (See extra UU videos,) As mentioned in UU20141031 about the first realization when the S-E/S-I relation was discovered: “The Oprichnina/Praetor is like a definition of psycho-social Games. The Actors and the Games are ulterior and concealed like the very nature of secret services. It is however, a problem if the democratic Quality of Life is not respected. It is serious if the organization consider itself as a Superior-Ego and individual as inferior. It is catastrophic, if it also inherited the properties of Ivan’s murky mentality as a collective obsession.”
The Red Mafia has obviously overrun the Kremlin these days. The KGB’s installed their agent in 1999 as the PPP (Puppet President Putin). However, the BRICS conspiracy and the 99-article pact with PPX, did shift the powers from the western Moscow to the eastern Beijing. Now the PPP does most dysfunctional deeds that weakens, alienates and isolates Russia from the civilized world. The damages to Russia, its neighbors and humanity, is now beyond repair and worsening by the day. Kremlin seems to be possessed by its own worst enemy – like Ivan and Stalin before.
The UN itself has to prove to not to be dysfunctional beyond healing. The UN has to use this global political crisis to repair its own dysfunctionalities and set a precedence example that such political violations is unacceptable. The most immediate remedies are to let the UNGA overrule UNSC abuses of veto-power. The UN should enable global sanctions towards Russia until their war is stopped. All UN member states should also start purging of PROSA 5th columnist. Finally, the BRICS conspiracy should be investigated and exposed for hostile activities – covered up as the UN SDG (Sustainable Development Goals). Now, would Russia try to leave the UN, like they did before they were dismissed from the ECHR? Quite unlikely, - there will rather be a CdE Game (Coup d’ Etat) in the Kremlin first.
UNC (Charter of the United Nations)
UNDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
ICESCR (International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights),_Social_and_Cultural_Rights
(ICCPR) (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)
ICJ (International Court of Justice)
(ECHR) European Convention on Human Rights
UN Sustainable Development Goals
The first P5GO blog
See all UU blogs at:
Crocs – VETO
The UNGS condemns the Russian illegal annexation of Ukraine regions
The UNGS condemns the Russian illegal annexation of Ukraine regions
The UNGA condemns the Russian illegal annexation of Ukraine regions (9h)
Ukraine, US and EU comment the UN condemnation
The UN High Court deliver order in the case of Ukraine vs. Russia
Security Council ‘speaks with one voice for peace in Ukraine’