SDG2030/P5GO-1e – Cyber Digits

This 4th Industrial evolution is about Cyber management rather than digitalization. This evolution must not be reversed like some enterprises, regimes and public providers seems to promote. Basically, the cyber evolution means that humanity will take control and consciously utilize the massive digitalized data from the previous phase. Alarmingly, though, inhuman regimes seem to abuse the society’s resources to the very opposite for their Worker Cast (UU20220501). Such will eventually backfire as dysfunctioning mass-psychoses and consequently degenerations for all the unenlightened ones. Thus, this blog basically takes the reflection of digitalization vs cybernetics a little further.

Prior to the present anti-SDG warfare, - this blogging was a monthly one-pager that merely focused on our Humanity’s goals for the year 2030. Now, the urgency of minimizing the anti-human activists is overshadowing the issues. Anyways, this month’s blogs will rather be related to the original SDG blogs, which is a continuum the blog theme ‘Citizen Deuce’. That pre-war theme consists of 18 blogs (UU20200605-UU20211101) - namely; Introduction; Changes; IR4; SDG; Institutions; Quality; XaaS; UBI; Social State Aid; PPaaS; Para-Courts; Workers' cast; Public Market Failures; Cyber; AI vs ai; Big Data masspsychoses; true & false; and Infrastructures.

Although there are many related blogs, - there are also some revitalized issues because – with hinter-sight - ‘the East’ started its centennial hybrid war-Games towards ‘the West’ in 2013. The Motives, Means, Gamers, Gimmicks and Gains are all hidden in plain sight – when no more blinded by all the false cyber-info – like fake news, fake press, fake commands, fake laws and fake courts. Basically, the root to the anti-SDG activities is the plutocratic pact of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).

Cyber IR4/SR4 concerns most of the UN SDGs since they are all relying on digital information of some sort. However, the most direct SDGs are: SDG3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages: SDG4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all: and SDG16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. However, the masses of digital data in the UN is not fully utilized. Still, the UN could and should find proper cyber techniques to transform this data into proper information for consolidation, planning and decision-making.

In order to sum up the titles of those ‘Citizen Deuce’ blogs: This IR4 (Industrial Reform 4) of cyber- and bio-technology will change our Humanity in unimaginable ways - that can trigger riots and wars if handled as bad as in the previous century. Hence there will be social reforms too (SR4)- The IT can be utilized positive if guided by UN/SDG, - but catastrophic if dominated by counter-conspiracies like the BRICS. The national institutions (SDG16) are responsible to execute those SDG obligations. However, the public market failures of the coldwar damages need to be repaired by a wholistic constitutional ratifying of all the legislative international treaties that are signed by the national parliaments. Then the present cyber technology can be utilized and highly qualitative and beneficial for the coming PPaaS (Public Properties as a Service).

Big Red was created when Big Blue (IBM) sold all their Microsoft related technology, employees and customers to China of the plutocratic BRICS. The human values of the digital workers are thereby reduced from civilized UN HR (Human Rights) level to some Comintern/Tengri working cast. This severe conclusion is based on previous blogs like ‘Big Red vs NATO’ (UU20220724), ‘Workers' cast’ (UU20210501) and ‘Stand’ (UU20191004). In fact, not merely NATO, but any computer system related to Big Red, is at high risk for digital manipulation – especially systems for the balanced LEJD powers ((Legislative, Executive, Judicial and Democracy). Rather important, though, is that the UN/Wester value-systems are based on personal LifeQuality (UU20200103) – and not the BRICS/Eastern centralized autocracy, possessed by some Red Mafia untouchables.

The conclusion to heal from the present hybrid cyberwar by BRICS towards ‘the West’ is basically the same as mentioned in the blog Big Red vs NATO (UU20220724). Knowing all too well that the ongoing global cyber-wars between NATO, Russia and China have gone way too far, - the security needs immediate massive upgrade – and the ban any anti-NATO suppliers, workers, products and services. Such security projects need holistic security models, implementations and protection. Related warnings are talked through in blogs like UU20131206-1220, UU20140307-0404 and initially in UU20130719. Most critically, though, is to heal the dysfunctionalized Institutions and Courts (SDG16). Officials in the public sector are highly obliged by laws for securing services, maintenance, purchasing etc. Therefore, the officials of nations have to re-evaluate professionally this new ‘Big Red’ era. (UU20201002).

Lenovo Set to Close Acquisition of IBM’s x86 Server Business http://news.lenovo.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=1837
NATO Cyber defense
UN Sustainable Development Goals
The first P5GO blog
See all UU blogs at:

Digits - VETO
(live) https://youtu.be/HRP-qObi42o

Xtra UU - Apple vs Big Red

Apple vs Big Red

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