SDG2030/P5GO-1f – Bio war Games

This 4th industrial reform does basically concern technology and biology. Unfortunately, the previous reforms caused rivalries, - even war-Games. The tech wars are now apparently like info-wars, coups and new weapons. Yet, less apparent is the biological war-Games - due to global denial by organisations and nations. Most alarming though, are the genocidal pandemics like Spanish flue, Black death and Corona were abused as tactical ‘B’ weapons. (The UN banned Atom, Bio, Chemical warfare). Still, the hybrid CCD effects on economy, LifeQuality, society and stability of such pandemic bio-wars seems to be the main ulterior Gamers’ Gains. Hence, this blog takes some previous reflection to this century’s Bio war-Games.

The thesis from blog UU20220417 and UU20200402 is that the self-proclaimed 3rd Rome (Kremlin) is ‘built to fail’ by AIDS for CCD (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome & colonial collapse disorder). The built-in Pyramid Games of disorders collapses in riots, warfare and coups. The following quotes concerns the CCD cycles of the year 2013, 1913, 1813, 1713, but also dates back to its origin by the Mongolian CdE Game of Beijing in 1213.

“Marco Polo was far more important to the fall of Roma2 than the history books tell. Marco was in a group of European observers, counselors, priests for Kublai Khan for decades. They provided in-depth knowledge about European societies, religion, technologies, weapons and warfare. ‘Mongol see, Mongol do’. Finally, the Mongolians occupied Beijing in 1213, basically by looting rural supplies, infecting the food and starve the citizens to desperation. At the end, Marco was set free from the Mongolians for escorting a Chinese princess to a Persian prince for an arranged marriage. The journey was fatal and Marco was arrested for treason in Italy/Venezia. (UU20150327) Such a Tengri/Islam conspiracy showed to be disastrous to the christian Roma2 some centuries later.

“The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe 1347-1350. The Plague caused a series of religious, social and economic upheavals that made profound effects on the course of European history. 30–95 % of the entire populations was killed and it took ca 200 years for Europe's population to recover.” “However, the surviving workers had a golden age of prosperity and new opportunities since land became plentiful, wages high, and the serfdom disappeared. A century later, though, the workers faced deprivation and famine again due to the population growth.” (UU20160108)

“The Game’s Gimmick of CoC (Cults of Comintern) is clearly dictated in the 21 Conditions for submission to the Comintern elite. Lenin claimed that ‘the 2nd International’ failed to make Europe collapse despite the efforts in World war 1; the trench warfare, the execution of emperors and the final pandemic plague called ‘the Spanish flue’, - which killed at least 50 million Western Christians. However, a Caucasian godfather, nicknamed Stalin (steel) replaced Lenin to escalated the genocides. Stalin’s nickname was associates to the Genghis Khan’s family labor, ‘blacksmith’. Yet, the ulterior motivation and Gain seems rather to be a vendetta to revenge the Siberian shaman Rasputin with the wrath of Mongolian black shamanism.” (UU20200306)

This thesis claims that the present global hybrid war-Game that started in 2013, includes bio-tech. Although all the civilized united nations agreed to ban weapons of ABC (Atom, Bio, Chemical), the present war-Gamers prove that they consider themselves above such peace-sustaining legislation. For example, the Kremlin made an invasion-war out of their parliament’s (Duma) request to support Russians in Ukraine. Moreover, private armies like the Wagner group are forbidden Russian law, yet executes war crimes for Russia in Ukraine. Likewise, the Chinese zero-tolerance policy towards Covid works like inhuman exiling, violation of privacy and punishments of dissidents. The acts appear quite silly when the Chinese foreign minister complains about Western Covid testing of the sudden flood of infected Chinese, - since the Beijing just locked down their megacities in fear of their own viruses. (UU20220710) Playing indignant towards the Western bio-defiance, after last year’s Chinese pandemic, is simply immature version of Game psychosocial Games like SWYMD (See What You Made Me Do) and ITHY (I'm Only Trying to Help You). Bio-Game Gamers too have the dogma “honesty is suckers”.

The civilized united nations should now be aware enough about the ongoing bio world war. For their own sake of resilience and sustainability, the nations should learn from the history of bio-wars and take a closer look at what the new Nordic union does. “Yet most fortunate, the present Norden has already some well-functional replacements for a common Nordic development for Sustainability, Resilient and Unity. The obligated legal ground is founded on the Treaties of the UN, NATO and the EEA (EU/EFTA).” (UU20220731)


Black Death https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Death
Spanish flu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu
SARS-CoV-2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2
Coronavirus Worldwide Graphs http://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/worldwide-graphs/
Marco Polo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_Polo

UN Sustainable Development Goals https://sdgs.un.org/goals
The first P5GO blog http://bloguu.azurewebsites.net/uu_2016/UU20160513.html
See all UU blogs at: http://bloguu.azurewebsites.net/

VETO - You Can't Afford It

Xtra UU – Bio war-Games

“The story of the Black Death is the story of a perfect storm. A massive pandemic and plague that devastated humanity. It is the tale of a lethal bacterium that had a powerful vector of transmission and found just the right conditions to kill off an estimated 200 million people world wide. This is the full documentary, chronicling it's incredible spread through Europe. “
History of the Black Death - Full Documentary

Zero-Covid strategy in China | DW Documentary
The COVID-19 risk during China's travel rush | DW News
China defends Covid response after WHO concerns
China criticizes Covid travel restrictions and warns of retaliation - BBC News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkE3HkypQts
Marco Polo: Journey to the East. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwdrxlR8BBc
Marco Polo | History Channel Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkA-iSlfQfs
Marco Polo | official trailer (2014) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4d6zUIxfes