SDG2030/P5GO-1h –Crispr warfare

Crispr technology can be abused for bio-weapons, - as talked through in the previous blogs. Hence, this blog hypotheses that the historical bio-wars throughout the millennia is now escalating by abusing the new technologies of this 4th Industrial Reform (IR4). The civilized united nations must take immediate actions, due to the grave reasons for the UN banned ABC weapons in the first place. Thus, modern bio-warfare has the potentials to cause catastrophic consequences for humans, humanity, civilizations – as well as the flora and fauna. Thus, the main challenges to minimize the present bio-experiments, -weaponry and -warfare are the disinformation, denials and psychosocial Games. Hence, this blog talk through some of these issues.

The blog ‘Bio wargames’ (UU20230115), provides a summary that shows the bio-warfare through the millennia; the plagues of Egypt, via the European Black death and Spanish flue, to the present pandemic -Sars-Cov-2. The historical bio-wars were legitimized by theocratic blame-Games at deities. Yet, such devine support has never been confirmed by any divinely, – which rather shows that bio-warfare are of the psychosocial Game category GoT (Games of Temples). Thus, such theocratic Gamers have disclosed themselves as highly blasphemous, by blaming their deities for their theocratic crimes towards Humanity.

The previous blog ‘Crispr weapons’ (UU20230122) examines this decade’s weaponizing of biological IR4 tools, like Crispr and Gene Drives. Alarmingly is that a functionality DNA manipulation called ‘knock-out mutations’ that often result in random disruptions and altered genes functionality. Moreover, Gene Drives are simply deployed like a vaccine and can cause irreversible and hereditary alterations. This powerful tool is legitimized by restoring the balance of ecosystems by eliminating invasive species. Alarmingly, though, Crispr Gene Drives can too easily cause massive human changes, - even for assimilation, purging and genocides. Now there is certainly an urgent need for global control of the black-market industry of synth pharmacies, like narcotics, drugs and false vaccines.

An earlier blog 'Tengri Kremlin’ (UU20220529) talks through the historical GoT (Games of Temples) of the East vs West with inbreed of genes, ethics, politics and religions. Now that GoT Gamers threaten to trigger Games of DOOM ((Digging Our Own Morgue) with A-weapons (UUUU20220814-UU20221016). Such worst-case scenarios can most certainly happen if the plutocratic ethics of BRICS are allowed to overrule the UN defenses - causing global CCD (colonial collapse disorder) due to some organisational AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). For example, the present hybrid war-propaganda seems to legitimize a dooms-day scenario by doing ‘copy-cat’ of the occult ‘John’s Revelation with the mass-psychosis of ‘the 4 horsemen of doom’ (disease, division, famine and slaughter).

Anyhow, there are suspicious events and circumstances of the Covid disease prior to the Ukrainian war of division, slaughter and hunger. A few examples are: The plutocratic BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South-Africa) did not merely start the pandemic, but also initiated new variants in waves. The European PIGS nations (Portugal, Italia, Greece and Spain) were especially hit hard. The Danish so-called ‘Mink scandal’ was a total genocide of all Dane minks by illegal orders to police and military, which favored the rivaling Russia and China fur industry. The Chinese Lockdown of Megacities (UU20220710) caused a high rate of pensionists’ deaths, halt of most health care, caused bankruptcies of enterprises, especially private SME. All in all, the ‘accidental’ pandemic appears also to be bio world war.

This centennial war-Game of ‘Rus vs Rus vs Rus’ seems to escalate far beyond the UN tolerances, - following the PPP’s 2 recent visits of to the PPX. There are now reasons to question whether the PP’s have become dPP, aPP or pPP (double-, altered-, or para-Puppet President) (UUUU20221218). If so, - the representation of Russia or China is not legit in the UN Security Council anymore – and definitely not any of their ‘veto’. There is no way that the UN can allow more anti-UN veto in the UNSC.

Most fortunately, the new UN procedures enables the UNGA to overrule UNSG veto. For example, the UNGA overruled Russia’s veto on banning their invasion war towards Ukraine. Likewise, the UN should issue a preventing ban on use of Crispr gene-drives as Bio-weapon as well as hazardous and unethical experiments on humans, flora and fauna. Such a banning will probably get a Chinese veto in the UNSC, though. However, with the new UN procedure, the banning can be issued to the UNGA as well – which most certainly will overrule such UNSC veto – and become bounding for all United Nations – including BRICS nations like China.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Communications_Construction#Notable_projects  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Horsemen_of_the_Apocalypse
Coronavirus Worldwide Graphs
UN Sustainable Development Goals https://sdgs.un.org/goals
The first P5GO blog  http://bloguu.azurewebsites.net/uu_2016/UU20160513.html
See all UU blogs at: http://bloguu.azurewebsites.net/

Unite – VETO

Extra UU - Vaccine and lockdowns

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Was COVID-19 made inside a Chinese lab? | Under Investigation

The Last Mink - a documentary of the culling of all mink in Denmark (2021)
Coronavirus and the money behind vaccines | FT Film
Does a vaccine spell the end of the coronavirus pandemic? | DW Documentary https://youtu.be/ExcB9ISbccg
Zero-Covid strategy in China | DW Documentary
Zero-COVID Shanghai: The Lockdown That Scarred A Generation | CNA Correspondent | China https://youtu.be/J_JOVJAKCqs 

The Last Mink - a documentary of the culling of all mink in Denmark (2021) https://youtu.be/4eVWD6wgf2o Coronavirus and the money behind vaccines | FT Film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BuCt2vtVjc Does a vaccine spell the end of the coronavirus pandemic? | DW Documentary https://youtu.be/ExcB9ISbccg Zero-Covid strategy in China | DW Documentary https://youtu.be/5L8ZkwePFZ8 Zero-COVID Shanghai: The Lockdown That Scarred A Generation | CNA Correspondent | China https://youtu.be/J_JOVJAKCqs