This 4th Industrial Reform (IR4) will change how we are – not merely how we do. This century will truly be re-evolutionary, in the sense that we are changing the evolution of flora, fauna, humans - and even Humanity. Our biological changes will be as unpredictable and rapid as the IT changes were during the 3rd IR. Moreover, this 4th Reform of cyber technology is also essential for the development and utilization of the new bio-tools - like Crisper and Gene Drives. Merging IT and Bio, - the mapping of the whole human genome was done. Now we know our DNA - and we will most certainly biologically change ourselves – for better and for worse. Therefore, a ‘Sustainable Gene Development’ should be prioritized in the United Nations’ SDG - and made as legally obligated like the UN Charter– even though some submissive underdeveloped or immature states are ordered different. Hence, this blog continues the focus on such issues.
Humans have always manipulated genes through the millennia. The historic methods are by natural selection with mate-matching, inter-breeding, farming and pest exterminations. There is nothing new in that, - which points out that we will continue the manipulations with these IR4 tool that makes it 1000 times more efficient. Yet, the BBC documentary (see the Xtra UU) shows there were unimaginable challenges, competitions and drama during code-breaking. Still, they had to use some crude methods of cell-crushing, partial analyzes and assumed resembling of the gigantic jigsaws. Thus, there might be considerable errors in the final DNA/RNA survey. Those errors in the final maps can jeopardize our present gene-altering dramatically. Surely, no scientist will ever admit to be wrong. So here is a dilemma, - here is our basic hazard of ultimately denials.
The mapping of the human genome is complete. It is like an enormous digital table – with four digits (C, G, A, T). instead of two digitals (0, 1). Thus, the computing tools are perfect for genealogical diagnosing, manipulating and designing any of the human’s nature, properties and function. Also, since it was a one-time program to use these vast resources for a single survey, - these resources and knowledge is now free to further programs – like mapping all flora and fauna and how to utilize the information. Sooner or later, we will certainly have the maps and tools to alter anything in our bio-sphere (UU20220101). Now, - that surely calls for some investigations of the previous experiences of similar situations – and definitely on how to manage the crises far better this time.
There are some ethics that surely will be violated again. The Chinese manipulations of human embryos was punished by their state, rather for revealing the secret than for actually doing it, though. There are however, clear guidance that germ-cells should not be manipulated, although sematic-cells, and even stem-cells, might. However, one can except more experiences legitimized by the unethical saying ‘It's Easier To Ask Forgiveness Than To Get Permission’. For example, there are projects to biologically exterminate female mosquitos in order to effectively stop their spreading of deceases to humans. Also, bananas are biologically modified (GMO) in order to make them immune to a ‘banana plague’. Moreover, killer fungus is altered so that infected termites are not detected by the hive’s guards.
Now the human genome is mapped, what is next? Certainly, the IR4 bio-tools will benefit Humanity tremendously. It is also aligned with our sustainable development goals, especially SDG3 ‘health’, SDG14 ‘Life in water’ and SDG15 ‘life on land’. In fact, even extinct life, that we thought was lost forever, can be recreated. Moreover, flora and fauna, that still are in the melting permafrost of this ice-age, can come back to life. Anyways, vaccines might be so efficient and inexpensive, that the benefits for collective healthcare far outnumber the costs for any person as well as any nation. Moreover, the next pandemic might be coordinated via the World Health Organisation (UNWHO). In brief, there will be considerable social reforms following this IR4 – just like the previous IRs – that should be handled far better this time. There are also some higher philosophical issues to consider, - as touched upon in the blog ‘The Infant Humanity’ (UU20211204).
There will certainly be more genetic pandemics if denials and veto are continued to be abused again. There is a lot to learn from the IT history for the planning for theses Gene challenges. There are numerous of do’s and don’ts, but a top 10 list from the UN.WHO as forceful as the UN Charter and should be passed in UNSG. However, it will probably be vetoed. Most fortunately though, such a veto can now can be overruled by the UNGA – just like the banning of the Russian invasion war towards Ukraine. Still, the UN needs a far more efficient legal court system to stop criminal nations in due time.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
See all UU blogs at:
Needles and Pins – The Searchers (Instrumental)
“It’s happened. The first children genetically engineered with the powerful DNA-editing tool called CRISPR-Cas9 have been born to a woman in China. Their altered genes will be passed to their children, and their children’s children. Join CRISPR’s co-discoverer, microbiologist Jennifer Doudna, as we explore the perils and the promise of this powerful technology. It is not the first time human ingenuity has created something capable of doing us great good and great harm. Are we up to the challenge of guiding how CRISPR will shape the future?”
CRISPR in Context: The New World of Human Genetic Engineering
Gene editing: should you be worried?
DNA Science - Human Race and Genetics Documentary
Full Free Documentary: Modified Human DNA - Journey to the Cell's Core
What is DNA and How Does it Work? - Basics of DNA
Trailer TV series: “Unnatural Selection"