A New year, halfway in the Global SDG program, - there is now about time to consider the state of the united nations’ thrive. The SDGs were made in 2015 and we are 1/3 in this decade of IR4/IS4. Like the new years’ blog traditions, - it is time to evaluate the past and plan for the future. Yet, the status, reasons and consequences differ slightly from certain politicians, organisations and nations points of view. However, there are some objective and trustworthy surveys and reports that rather should be guideline for the rest of the SDGs. This blog will also evaluate some ‘fake news’ as the deliberate masspsychoses the jeopardizing Games really are.
There is published “The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023: Special Edition”. See the detailed report for all the SDGs at web-links and the Extra UU videos. Here is a summary to the general introduction to the SDG Progress at the midpoint:
“At the midpoint of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, a sobering reality emerges: the world is falling short of meeting most of the Goals by 2030. We uncover both successes and challenges, bringing attention to areas requiring urgent attention for significant challenges. We acknowledge the existing gaps and calls for a redoubling of efforts on a global scale. By harnessing the power of data, we can gain valuable insights and drive effective actions towards realizing the 2030 Agenda. Half of the 140 targets that can be evaluated, show moderate or severe deviations from the desired trajectory. Also, more than 30% of these targets have no progress or regression below the 2015 baseline.”
The 5 urgent priorities are: “1. Recommit to transformative SDG actions. 2. Advance inclusive policies for equality. 3. Strengthen capacity for SDG progress and recommit financing for all SDGs. 4. Strengthen the UN system for certain SDGs. 5. The World leaders have to unite in SDG summit for rescue plan for breakthroughs.” Moreover, the 3 most required actions are to: “1. Equipping governance and institutions for sustainable and inclusive transformation. 2. Prioritizing policies and investments that have multiplier effects across the goals. 3. Securing a surge in SDGs financing and an enabling global environment for developing countries.”
Though, the ‘Good Country Index’ (GCI) of 2014 does also provide annual statuses for 163 united nations. The GCI was thoroughly talked through in blogs like UU20141212 and UU20160923. ”The GCI is a composite statistic of 35 data points that are mostly generated by the United Nations (UN). The data points are combined into a common measure that ranks the seven categories; Science and Technology, Culture, International Peace and Security, World Order, Planet and Climate, Prosperity and Equality, Health and Wellbeing. “The scores of GCI might surprise. Nine of the top 10 countries are in Western Europe, where 4 are Nordic. Contrary, the ranking of anti-SDG BRICS countries is like Russia = #95 and China = #107.” However, now, Norway has dropped out of the top 10 list due to its recent dysfunctional governance, - which calls for UN/EU help and support to the SDG 16 ‘Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions’.
Moreover: “The GCI is interesting in relation to the value-system called GCR (Good/Constructive/Right). GCI and GCR are practically compatible and supplementary. The approximation is close enough to be virtually similar. Originally, the GCR was related to the 3 Freudian ego-states at individual and social levels. However, the GCR advanced to the 3D political axis in relations to the political meta-systems; Throne/State/Temple. Besides, the three axes have negative as well as positive scales, which can de-cloak anti-forces of civilizations, - like CdE Game-players.”
Also: “All the GCI factors are closely related to the definition of LifeQuality (LQ) since they relate to the Human Needs of the Maslow hierarchy; Physical, Safety, Social, Respect and Self-realization. Furthermore, like LQ, all the GCI factors are related to UN HR treaties the UNC (United Nations Charter), the ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the ICESCR (International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) (UU20141017). LQ is directly related to true political democracy and consequently the conditions for individual and social mental health.”
Anyways the different point of views on Qualities. What should the united civilized nations focus on to get on the SDG 2030 track? Obviously, SDG 16 ‘Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions’ is the very core factor that certainly dysfunction. None of the other SDG can succeed with dysfunctional, corrupted and disinformed institutions. Clearly, Peace and Justice are highly required for certain nations Institutions, - simply ‘Rule by Law’, - not anti-UN plutocracy. This critical priority is thoroughly talked through in blogs like ‘AI and the Balance of Powers’ (UU20231203), ‘Institutions (SDG 16)’ (UU20201002) and ‘Hyper Democracy’ (UU20201107).
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023: Special Edition
The Good Country Index
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Mark Ambor - Good To Be
“At the midpoint of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for the UN Sustainable Development Gaols, a sobering reality emerges: The world is falling short of meeting most of the Goals by 2030. While certain areas have witnessed progress, there remains a concerning proportion of targets that are either progressing too slowly or regressing.” (UN) Moreover, “Today as never before, we desperately need a world made of good countries. We will only get them if we strive for them: with our leaders, our companies, our societies, and of course ourselves.” (GCI) Here are some videos from GCI and the UN that informs further.
Good Country Index (GCI)
Which country does the most good for the world?
UNStats - The SDG Report 2023: Special Edition
UN Data Commons for the SDGs - Halftime