SDG2030/QoH – King of the Constitution

“There must be a reason there’s a king of the castle” - and also like there is a reason why Denmark had no king the recent half century. Still, the Constitutional Law clearly states the constitutional powers to the king. Hence, this blog focus on the Danish constitutional damages of the past century’s wars and some proposals on how to heal the constitution. Thus, this is a hard blog to write, - because it focuses on some constitutional traumas, taboos and vital remedies. Still, ‘the new king in town’ has the powers to restore, sustain and upgraded the Danish constitution.

Fundamentally, the Danish constitution has legally obliged itself to the world’s civilised treaties like the UN charters, the ECHR, the TFEU and the UN SDGs. These LEJ obligations (Legislative, Executive and Judicial) are agreed on by the national parliament as superior to any national contradictions. Such issues are addressed in previous blogs like UU20240107.

Some individual parliamentarians contradict their own parliamentary legislation, though. Such deliberate disinformation cannot possibly be due to political ignorance, - but rather due to unlawful disrespect for the Danish constitution. Such political Games misguide some public servants to execute criminal acts. Alarmingly, the present hybrid warfare toward the western constitutions seems to be some refurbished version of the Comintern’s war-declaration towards ‘the West’ in 1920. Now, Folketinget seems mainly to be ‘Left-winged’ and statesmen depended. (Such issues are summarized in the blog UU20220522 ‘Kremlinology’ and related to blogs about previous Danish parliamentary elections UU20151016.)

Historically, the Danish parliamentary system had two-chambers. ‘Riksdagen’ comprehended ‘Landstinget’ (‘a congress) and ‘Folketinget’ (‘a house’), - located in the king’s castle, Christiansborg. There was a constitutional proposal to make a combined parliament of 210 members where the ‘house’/Folketinget held 140. A public referendum was ordered that resulted with a highly qualified majority (91%) to pass that law. However, the referendum was annulled by claims that merely 44,46% voted, whilst requiring 45%. Hence, the Danish ‘congress’, the ‘throne’ and ultimately the constitution, suffered greatly. Intriguingly, the annexed executive power, managed to disable half the legislative power, its judicial relation and empower itself tremendously, - like some autocratic renaissance of 1863. (See blogs like UU20180316)

The Danish constitution was occupied by a CdE Game of the nazi-stazi conspiracy in 1939. That was legitimated with the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact of 1939, - hence executed by the allied comrades Stalin and Hitler. That was the same anti-western Kremlin regime that triggered the WW2 towards the European nations by some 4th degree Games of TLM, LYAHF and BOOFY. (See blogs like UU20180119). However, their TLM (Two Little Maidens) Game of CaD (Cloack and Dagger) turned their mutual trickster minds to ‘enemy mine’.

The post-war occupation regime had to minimalize the constitutional power of the Danish throne to uphold its own power and to avoid the Judicial power. Hence, the Danish government was abused as some ‘reversed parliament’ by the embed regime, to overrule their own parliament. Still, no prime-minister will ever get such power. Formally, the Constitutional Law was altered in 1953 in order to upgrade Landsting and alter the king’s succession order. This cold-war dysfunctional process caused ‘Folketinget’ to replace the legislatively king’s brother with the young, grieving and inexperienced daughter. However, the new queen did hold stand for the kingdom and did possibly prevent a full scale CdE of the Danish constitution. Moreover, Folketinget holds 179 members, not 210 or 140 members. Where are the rest the parliamentarians? Where is the ‘upper house’ / Landsting?

However, the constitutional war damages have not been healed and still holds organized crimes in the embeds institutional powers. Now, the king has the LEJ powers to heal the Danish constitution, - back ‘fra skrot til slot’. The constitutional law states that the King rules over the Executive power and half the Legislative power. Moreover, the throne has 150 employees – about the same number as the present parliamentary House/Folketinget. Such issues will be talked through in the coming blogs. Meanwhile, issues of the 3D LEJ superpowers can be found in blogs related to UU20160923. Still, the main solution is to make surveilling intersections between the 3 LEJ powers, - like as there is a government, - there should be a constitutional quality ensuring comity ruled by the Judicial power.

UN Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goal 16

King of My Castle - Wamdue Project

Extra UU – The Dane Parliament

Borgen is a Danish political drama television series. In Denmark, Borgen, lit. 'The Castle', is the informal name of Christiansborg Palace where all three branches of Danish government reside: the Parliament, the Prime Minister's Office, and the Supreme Court, and is often used as a stand in term for the Danish Parliament (Folketinget). Four seasons, each comprising 8-10 episodes, have been made. (Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borgen_(TV_series) )
Borgen (TV Series 2010–2022) Trailer