The ‘Rule of law’ is a fundamental and vital statement in all the civilised united nations. The 3rd constitutional power, the Judicial, function as the quality ensurance to the balance of power for the LEJ (Legal, Executive and Judicial). The court, the Judicial power, is the cyber function to the constitution, to ensure feedback and correction when outlaws execute illegalities. Such a well-function Judicial cyber-system sustains and develops the civilisations’ Quality of Constitution. However, when being dysfunctional, - the civilisation will decline and fall into uncivil Underworld Games of crime. This blog sets the focus at the Judicial power in the Dane post-occupied cold-war phase, - and the obvious remedies to start the healing of the war-damaged Constitution.
As mention in the previous blogs, concerning the Dane Legal and Executive powers, there is now some critical destructive unbalance in the Constitution. The grave cyber condition is due to the Comintern’s deliberate warfare towards western nations. It was stated by Lenin in 1920, executed by the Stazi conspiracy of 1939, hence the Coup d’ Etat (CdE) of Denmark the same year, and continued during cold-war from within ‘Embedet’ (the Executive power). However, the CdE failed, the eastern Denmark did not become like the eastern Germany (S.U. Prussia). Still, the post-war Judicial processes rather seem like some Nazi-Stazi Games of CAD (Cloak & Dagger) when the Stazi allied to the nazis were betrayed in favour of the USUK Game. In fact, those immature BOOFY Games (UU20150306) rather scared Denmark into NATO, EU and ECHR. Still, there are great need for profound restorations, maintenance and healing to do after that half a century of dysfunctionalizing the Dane LEJ Constitution.
Legally, the Judicial court power is described in the Danish Constitutional law in § 59–65. In brief, “Judges answers to no-one, and in general cannot be fired or forcefully moved to a new position, unless due to a restructuring, or by verdict from other judges.” “All judges except for the President of the Supreme Court are appointed by the reigning monarch, following recommendations (orders) from the Minister of Justice on the advice of the Judicial Appointments Council.” (Wikipedia) Now, as the new documentary about the whistleblower ‘The Black Swan’ (‘Den Sorte Svane’) by TV2 proves, the ‘Red Mafia’ overrun the Judicial and Executive Powers completely like some nova parallel organisational apparatus (POA). Those untouchable oligarchs seem far beyond the ‘Rule of Law’, hence are sociopathic and destructive.
However, Denmark’s cousin-nation, Norway, did not have similar cold-war dysfunctioning of the LEJ powers, - although, war-damaged in other ways. Denmark could, and should, revise and ratify their Constitutional Law and functioning by actually ratifying and publish their international laws, – in accordance to this century’s obligations. Most of all, - to state to the Executive and Judicial employees what the Dane Legislation also is, - which they are legally obliged to act on.
Internationally, the ratifications include the treaties of the UN, the EU, the ECHR, and the NATO. Moreover, Denmark should also implement the Norwegian harnessing of the Judicial power to resist any hybrid Judicial warfare, - as well as to sentence criminal clerks and judges by the Penalty law. Such Legal and Judicial empowering is crucial to sustaining the Quality of LEJ, - and prevent the forceful illegalities in the Dane Executive power (UU20220724 ‘The Big Red’). Certainly, the Judicial power want a well-functioning cyber prosecution authority (anklagemyndigheden), - that do not occasionally act like some Red Mafia Godfather. (UU20230101 ‘Global Sustainability Court’)
The Dane court system has to be restored to some proper quality of Constitutions. ‘The New King in Town’, - is the most powerful authority to do so, - like restoring the trueful Dane ‘Rule by Law’. Actually, - the king approves all employment of judges to the Courts. Moreover, the king has full power of the Executive institutions, - including the ‘prosecution authority’. As argued in the previous blogs, the Executive institutions does indeed massively shortcut the Judicial power, by redirecting their own institutional crimes to their Parallel Organisational court Apparatuses (POA), - like ‘Arbejdsretten’ (Labors’ Court).
In fact, the Penalty Law’s wording is stricter to ‘embeds-folks’, judges and similar public servants. Still, nearly no penalty trials are executed in those POAs. Such abnormal deviations to the ‘Rule by Law’ are utmost alarming, - as in inverted ‘false negative’ of faulty cybernetics. Still considering all their resources, time and capital - wasted on improper judgements, - the Legislative powerlessness of the Constitutional seems nothing but systematically corruption.
Conclusively, although the 3 constitutional powers are sovereign, there are certainly need for some cybernetic quality ensuring mechanisms between the three in order to maintain the balance of power. The Legislative power certainly need intersecting institutions both to the Judicial and Executive powers, - like the Judicial has a government to the Executive. Likewise, the Judicial power need means to monitor, propose and act on the Executive Power’s prosecution authority and a Legislative power’s Control & Constitutional committee. In brief, the Judicial power must be empowered to correct obviously judicial failures in the Legislative and Executive powers. Without such mutual cybernetic quality ensurance, - there will not be any proper ‘Rule by Law’ – just like a ‘Cardamom City-state’.
Courts of Denmark
UN Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Institutions)
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Judge Smith - The Trick of the Lock
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Trying to find some documentaries of Danish judicial facts on videos, - was rather hard, - as in not publicly available. Therefore, the following videos are rather and general about the European and American Judicial powers. Hopefully, some basic educational material will be made for democratic cyber quality feedback.
Corruption is mainly capital-driven; hence the oligarchic state-capitalism is the most corrupt at all by the Red Mafia. A most obvious proof is the massive prejudicial short-cut of the Judicial power by the Executive power’s Prosecution institution (anklagemyndigheden). The brief trailer shows backstage how the Executive power is corrupted and that none of the corrupted public embeds-folk ever get prosecuted for such penalty crimes.
It is discussed, though, whether the Whistleblower is still a Trickster too.
TV2 documentary: Den Sorte Svane (The Black Swan)
NRK full documentary: Den Sorte Svane (The Black Swan)
Trailer Den Sorte Svane Critical documentary debate, Den Sorte Svane
How does the EU pass LAWS?
How the Court works – the basics
Introduction to Constitutional Law: 100 Supreme Court Cases Everyone Should Know