Beyond Games, there are ethics. The positive 3D system of ethics is; Good, Constructive and Right. These are fundamentals for civilizations’ Quality of LEJ as well as LifeQuality. Game Over (GO), is anti-thesis to the war-Game against ‘the cradle of democracy’. The focus of this final blog should merely conclude the theme ‘The 5th Pyramid’. However, after serious re-thinking, Democracy is now included as the 4th Dimension to the LEJD model (Legal, Executive, Judicial & Democratic powers).
The ‘true’ 4th Dimension of Space is not time. However, 4D still includes time as a hyper-aspect as well as ether, mass and energy. This sudden appearance of hyper-democracy as the 4th Dimension enriches the political LEJD model with models of humanity like 3^3 sociology, LifeQuality and Games, - and thereby Freud/Jung psychosocial analysis and remedies. Finally, this concluding blog also is a teaser to a much more comprehensive and innovative future UU theme concerning Hyper-Democracy. Consequently, the Brexit event is considered an anti-LEJD symptom of 5th massive Pyramid hyper-Game towards the ‘Western’ democracies.
The theories of 4 dimensional Space is hard to grasp, since it is invisible, controversial and hardly detectible - still. However, recent detections of gravity waves in Space do legitimate the theories. The Extra UU2 provide some scientific explanation about the 4th Space dimension – hyper-space. Similar, hyper-existence with IT and Internet are certainly accepted as real in this century. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is more used than other address nowadays. Influences of virtual hyperspace are exponential growing in every aspects of civilizations – and causes sudden unpredicted changes in LEJD. LEJD 5D scenario models become even more relevant to maintain and to innovate its quality, - as well as hinder CCD and CdE. Furthermore, Democracy is said to be the 4th Parliamentary Power. Yet, the 4th dimension have both positive and negative axis, - democracy and anti-democracy. For example, to call the state-subsidized media/press for the 4th State-power, is an anti-democratic Game Gimmick of deception and mass-psychosis. In fact the 1st (of the 21) Conditions of ‘the 3rd International’ – ‘the 3rd Comintern’, is a script on how-to make para-organizations to cause CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) in prey-nations in order to execute high-treasonous CdE (Coup d’ Etat).
The term ‘Cyber’ has become the most used hyper-term in IT (Information Technology). ‘Cyber’ stems from ‘cybernetic’ that means ‘skilled in steering or governing’. Now it is mostly used in the terms cyberspace, cyberlaw, cybercrime, cyberwarfare, cyberterrorism, cybersex, and cyberbullying, etc. However, the term ‘Hyper’ is here not related to governing in particular, as in LEJ, but is rather related to the Democratic dimension. Hyper-democracy might appear by cyber-democratic means, though. Yet, hyper-democracy rather refers to the LQ (LifeQuality) of humanity at large scales. As Young talked about collective ID and Superior-Ego, the hyper-democracy exists independent of information technologies, - even without papyrus and pencil. Hyper-democracy exists in every single human as a holistic inter-relation./
The negative health aspects of the Pyramid Games were talked through in the previous UU 2016.juni.24. In brief, dominating Superior-Ego/Superior-ID relations in society, by undermining individuals’ Self (Ego), are highly unhealthy and cause mass-psychosis, mass-schizophrenia and mass-neurosis. This is abused to cause civil unrest, CCD and CdE. These terms can as well be adapted to the hyper-dimension as hyper-SE/hyper-ID (H-SE/H-ID) like; hyper-psychosis, hyper-schism, hyper-neurosis, hyper-phobia, hyper-mania and hyper-philia. Furthermore, there are hyper-LEJD powers like hyper-aristocracy (elite), hyper-plutocracy (death), hyper-stratocracy (military), hyper-timocracy (capital), hyper-autocracy (machine), hyper-anocracy (dictator), hyper-democracy (people), hyper-theocracy (god), hyper-adhocracy (random), hyper-technocracy (science) etc. However, such ‘undetectable’ hovering intangible entities, can be identified with meta-terms like; The Psychopathy, The Mass-psychopathy and The Sociopathy. They are in particular related to the 3rd Pyramid Game. Besides, such terms also relate to Jung’s theories of collective sense of Superior-Ego. See UU 2015.feb.20 and UU 2013.april.19 for further potentials by use of hyper-terms.
A reminder of what the 5 Pyramid Game seems appropriate now to conclude the theme. The other models of LQ, 3^3, 5D are summarized in UU 2016.mai.13 and theories were talked through in UU 2014.sept.12. The Most relevant UU Themes for ‘The 5th Pyramid’ are ‘LifeQuality’ (UU 2013.februar.01 - UU 2013.nov.29), ‘The Dane Europol vote (UU 2015.okt.02- UU 2015.nov.06) and ‘Tordenskjold Pirates’ (UU 2016.jan.08 - UU 2016.mars.11).
- (UU 2016.mai.13) “The Pyramid Game is not previously described as a psychosocial Game. It is, however, similar to other 3rd degree Underworld Games, - with potentials of 4th and even 5th degree. Pyramid might very well be a whole Game category that is common to other categories like KoC, GdE and GoT. Pyramid is commonly known by names like the ‘Pyramid scheme’, ‘Eight-ball’, ‘Airplane Game’ and ‘Gifting circles’. It is a Win-8xLose null-sum Game. The predator claims to have put money in the upper levels, while the recruited preys actually pay at the lowest level. The negative ethics for such Underworld Games are; ‘honesty is for suckers’ and ‘there is one born every minute’. Pyramid schemes are unsustainable and often illegal. A Pyramid scheme is also a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products or services. They are doomed to collapse, since a 13th level requires more than the world population to participate. As recruiting multiplies, it becomes quickly impossible, and most members are unable to profit as promised. Pyramid schemes are said to have existed for at least a century in different guises. However, there is no reason to assume that ulterior Games have not existed earlier, - just because they were not discovered. Actually and per definition, cloaking and deceptions are the very nature of Games. Pyramid Games have probably existed in multiple disguises, ever since the golden age of the real pyramids. Anyways, Pyramid Games have caused national riots like 1997 Albania and 2008 Colombia in addition to economic ruins for citizens, banks, global trade, and political organizations. (Ref Wikipedia) In this theme, focus will be set on anti-parliamentarian Pyramids intended to cause CCD in order to execute CdE (Coup d’ Etat).”
- (UU 2016.juni.24) “First, - a brief summary of the previous blogs. The core is as a 0th Pyramid and relates to Games of CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) and CdE (Coup d’ Etat) by; the Napoleon wars in Europe; the 1st Fatherland war of Russia; and the organization of the first confederal European union (the League of Nations) - 1813. The 1st Pyramid relates to 1863; the 1st International; the failed attempts to trigger European wars after the CdE/Throne in Denmark; and self-destructive war against Germany. The 2nd Pyramid relates to the 2nd International; 1913; the collapse of the second confederal union (Concert of Europe); and outbreak of ww1 in Europe that caused CdE in most European nations. The 3rd Pyramid relates to the extraordinary 3rd International; the 21 Conditions; the extraordinary mass-massacres; CCDs and CdEs in Europe and Russia. The 4th Pyramid relates to the 4th International; 1963; and the global terror-balance by cold and proxy wars. The 5th Pyramid relates to the attempts to re-organize to a 5th International; 2013; the 3rd Russian Fatherland war; the present CCDs and CdEs. The ‘legitimized’ International crimes of anti-democracy and anti-Parliamentarism concern new technologies of information, money, laws and mass media. However, since Moscow declared itself Roma3 by the theocracy about 1500, it is bond to heritages of Roma1 and Roma2; cultures of ‘the Pirates of 4th Crusade’, in addition to its ancient Muslim/Mongol relations. These appears very strong in times of crises, - like now – the eve of the 5th Pyramid Game.”
- (UU 2015.nov.06) The most evident anti-European thesis is ‘the Moscow-thesis’, ‘the International’ – ‘the 3rd Comintern’. “It was initiated with Lenin and the first European ww1, executed by Stalin and the second European ww2 and continued through the 50 years of coldwar towards European nations. The now published 21 Conditions proves the international crimes towards European (and American) parliamentary nations. “C1 In the columns of the press, at public meetings, in the trades unions, in the co-operatives – wherever the members of the Communist International can gain admittance – it is necessary to brand not only the bourgeoisie (civilians/borgere) but also its helpers, the reformists of every shade, systematically and pitilessly.” “C3 “In almost every country in Europe and America the class struggle is entering the phase of civil war. Under such conditions, the communists can place no trust in bourgeois legality. They have the obligation of setting up a parallel organizational apparatus, which, at the decisive moment, can assist the party to do its duty to the revolution (CdE Game). In every country where a state of siege or emergency laws deprive the communists of the opportunity of carrying on all their work legally, it is absolutely necessary to combine legal and illegal activity.” In brief, Pyramid Games are per definition ‘built to fail’ and should be completely self-destructive. The next Pyramid should eliminate the previous after done with the looting of their preys. However, the people, the preys, are not as unintelligent that the Game Player hopes and believes. Some surviving preys want their valuables back and might want retribution too. Therefore, very unhealthy aftermaths still runs from even the 0th Pyramid, and even from the beginning of civilization.
Generally, the cure, the treatment and the necessity, to reduce harm to themselves and the related, are basically the same as for group therapy. In comparison, the situation is similar to how society should deal with unsound mafia organizations to minimize the personal and societies traumas. It is a psychosocial Game of Game Over (GO). Still, the insight from outside ‘the Black Hole’s Event Horizon’ is minimal, - just like for Vaticanology and Kremlinology (see previous UU 2016.juni.24). Yet, there is hope with general knowledge of human and organizational natures. Russia did the sound change by introducing democratic transparency with ‘glasnost and perestroika’ to end the cold war. However, Oprichnina disagreed and the democratic selected president was replaced with an FSB agent in 1999 - the Puppet President Putin. Then the 3rd Fatherland war and 5th Pyramid was initiated. The war against the West operates fully now in Oprichnina secret service style of 500 years tradition from the constitution of Roma3. Still, the Game Over is rather simple. Spot the PROSA (Pro-Russian Oligarch, Separatist and Anarchists) that are obligated to the 21 condition of the Internationals, Pravda propaganda, Putinized strategies and other anti-parliamentary expressions, activities and passivities. National Penalty laws should be used as warning or contra-activity.
GO (Game Over) is the very anti-thesis to any Game, including the five Pyramid Games. Ending Games can be done by removing the Gain, exposing the ulterior of the Game, arrange counter-moves, change the Gimmick and/or disable the Game players. How-to Heal ‘Western’ LEJD is mainly about how-to end the 5th Pyramid Game, and the ‘zombies’ of the previous Pyramids. ‘How-to heal Dane LEJ’ was talked through and summarized in UU 2015.nov.06.
- “Surely international criminal organizations fight Dane ‘Rule of Law’ with hardcore Underworld Games. Ignoring such and believing the ulterior political deceptions, is a final stage of losing oneself as person, organization and nation. However, these UUs concluding views are both political and cultural. In order to suggest ‘Howto heal the Dane LEJ powers’, the 3D LEJ model is extended to the 3x3D at nations’ level. The model is a merged and innovative version of Freud and Jung theories, in addition to theories of LQ (LifeQuality), GCR (ethics) and 5D (scenarios).”
- The first pillar, the Legislative power (Lovgivende), was discussed in UU 2015.okt.16 to set focus on apparent indications on dysfunctionalities. “Estimates say that ca. 80% of the Dane voters want to stay with Europol. However, 3 parliamentary parties encourage Danes to reject that. Those parties and numbers of MPs are DF (Dansk Folkeparti = 37), LA (Liberal Alliance = 13) and EL (Enhedslisten = 14). That is 64 MPs out of 179, i.e. 35% of parliamentary votes. This indicates that several MPs already can be corrupted by ‘smooth criminals’ at the cost of their voters’ trust. As mentioned in the introduction UU 2015.okt.02 “This extraordinary Dane referendum can be fatal for any nation in the European continent as well. In a worst-case scenario (5D), Denmark might become a ‘Pirate Bay’, a ‘Kardemomme State’, an ‘Outlaw Haven’ and an ‘infected firewall’.” “Consequently, it is legal for EUROJUST, EUROPOL and CEPOL to counter-fight criminal manipulations of the upcoming Dane referendum, - while Denmark still has valid treaties with the pan-European authorities.” For 3D political model, the Dane parties DF, LA and EL are negative toward LEJ and main reasons why the LEJ Quality score is beneath the acceptable for European nations.”
- The second pillar, the Executive power, (Udøvende) was discussed in UU 2015.okt.23 to set focus on apparent indications on dysfunctionalities. “The Dane Executive power is known as the ‘Public Sector’. It is committed to provide products and services to Dane citizen and society as the Parliament and its Government order. A main reason to serious mismanages is obvious, - public servants are rarely investigated and put to trial according to the national penalty law. Some coldwar public servants are ‘untouchables’ to the Legal system.” Furthermore, “The relations in Dane and Nordic societies become far more transparent when knowing the 100 years rise of the Red Mafia and the accordingly corruption of LEJ (Legislative/Executional/Judicial powers). The public sector has cold war legacies that are not applicable, and even illegal, to this century’s Denmark and Europe. The conditions and potentials of the nations are well documented in the OECD report 'Government at a Glance' and the Produktivitetskommissionens rapport (UU 2015.juni.05 and UU 2015.juni.26). Furthermore, Denmark and Norway seem to have some of the same fatal malfunctions in Police and Military as concluded by the Norwegian ‘22/7 Commissions report’. As talked through in UU 2014.okt.17. “The economic crimes of scandalous public projects and services are mentioned in UU 2013.nov.01. UU 2013.sept.27 describes the basic professional knowledge about qualitative governing, maintain and innovating public services, - in addition to the massive critique in the 22/7 Commission’s report.” For 3D political model, the para-LEJ organization LO is negative toward Dane LEJ and main reasons why the LEJ Quality score is beneath the acceptable for European nations.
- The third pillar, the Judicial power (Dømmende), was discussed in UU 2015.okt.30 to set focus on apparent indications on dysfunctionalities. “The parliamentary LEJ system (the Legislative/Executional/Judicial powers) are obliged to Rule by Law. Thereby, it is criminal to cause improper ratification of Parliament’s laws and regulations, improper execution in the public sector and improper arbitrating and judging in the courts. In fact, there is no valid argument for such illegalities, like putting the blame on lack of resources, information or money. Those arguments are, however, too often abused in relation to the Judicial system. An alarming indication of critical system faults is that no judge ever seems convicted despite all the criminal scandals in the public sector that the free press expose. Such indications are typical for Mafia organizations too. It indicates that the Judicial cultures can be worse than for public servants in the Executing power”. “Confusion and misinterpretations about the legal system reduces the Judicial quality. It can cause punishment of innocents and rewarding of criminals. Such misjudgments are object for national Penalty law, - even for the judges. Clearly, international criminal organizations need to target key-personnel in the legal system to make their business gainful and to avoid penalties.” (UU 2015.okt.30.) For 3D political model, rivaling non-European unions are negative toward Dane LEJ and main reasons why the LEJ Quality score is beneath the acceptable for European nations.
- “Europe is the cradle of democracy.” This dogma is fundamental for any European nation. However, Europe has only 10% of the world’s populations, and Denmark merely 0.1%. Therefore, Europe is crucial to humanity and extra hard to defend. The Quality of Lives is as fundamental for democracy, nations and organizations, as for any person. This was talked through in UU 2015.april.10. “20 years ago, there was a realization that LifeQuality (LQ) was probably the most important word for any human. Consequently, it should be for human religion too. The LQ UU theme was blogged weekly for a year and developed to 4 sub-themes: ‘Basic theory’ (from UU 2013.feb.01), ‘Empires’ (UU 2013.mai.03), ‘National’, (UU 2013.aug.09) and ‘Meta’ (UU 2013.nov.08).
- “The final definition is in UU 2014.okt.17: “LifeQuality is defined as: A person’s totality of properties and potentials to satisfy stated and implied needs.” “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shows 5 main categories; Physical, Safety, Social, Respect and Self-realization.” The ‘stated needs’ are similar to the ‘Human Rights’. “The 193 UN member-states are obligated to secure their citizens’ rights concerning; private properties, self-determination, security, privacy, family, work, education, in addition to freedoms of thought, conscience, religion, expression and more.” Unfortunately, and evidently, anti-democratic nations opposes the Human Rights and Needs, sometimes aggressively with conning Underworld Games. Their need for self-defense in obvious, - even though opponents denies such existence, motives and actions.” The theme about ’the Dane Europol referendum’ is merely one anti-parliamentary cyber-attack to the cascade of 5th Pyramid Games of CCD & CdE towards western parliamentary systems. Previous cyber-attacks have been towards Greece as part of PIGS nations (Portugal, Italia, Greece and Spain), as opposite of BRIC nations (Brazil, India, Russia and China). The most recent cyber-attack on western democracies are Brexit, - and there are already announce cascades of Dexit, Netix, Bexit and Frexit. The putinized puppets in the national parliaments are very recognizable as they are parroting Pravda. A main GO counter-move is therefore to exposes the putinized puppets and the 5th Pyramid Game.
Previously, democracy was not included in the 4D or 5D political models, due to the commonly propagated misunderstanding that Time is the 4th Dimension of Space. However, Time is still a factor that can be used on any the political models to illustrate developments over time. Anyways, the 0D, 1D, 2D and 3D political models are still valid as earlier. However, it should be stressed that the ancient primitive political models, based on 0D and 1D, are declared obsolete due to inadequate foundation in political realities. Only Pyramid related politicians and mass-media still propagate such. Furthermore, the absurd geographically term ‘The West’, i.e. Europe and America, does not merely prove the 2D stone age illusions from Moscow’s Comintern about 2D Flat Earth and flat Sky, but also insane political perspectives on humanity. The World is round – period. Calling a region west, east, north or south is as absurd anywhere in the world except for a fixed point of the source, like the Kremlin. Such ignorant arrogance merely proves how Bad/Destructive/Wrong the Illusions of the International Comintern are. Simple 0D, 1D and 2D will experience democratic event as ‘ghosts in their machine’ and act psychotic and paranoid toward it. ‘The West’, i.e. US and EU, unfortunately experience powerful paranoid Games like ABD (Attack is the Best Defense), LYAHF (Let’s You and Him Fight), RPPP (Robbing Pete to Pay Paul) and DAC/UAC (Devide&Conquer/Unite&Conquer). Anyone sane left in that 0D system should free themselves before it collapses in itself. However, present generation civilians will probably be enlightened enough to run the Roma3 machine sanely. (See description of Games in UU 2014.aug.29)
Brexit is a hyper Pyramid Game toward the British Parliament in order to cause CCD, CdE and eventually re-connect UK to Nova-Russia and nova-Mongolia. The most apparent PROSA attacks prior to the referendum at 23/6 were; football Game-fixing and money laundry, Muslim refugee tsunamis, red mafia attacks at English football supporters in Spain, assassin of a British member of parliament in London and endless parroting Pravda by the mass media’s and certain politicians like Boris Johnson. Soon after, England surprisingly lost in football EM. Loosing soccer sounds extra humiliating in English. However, there have been considerably Chinese silent activities in the English Throne that are related to the Brexit Game. The encounters are described; "They were very rude to the ambassador," the Queen interjected. “They walked out on both of us,” the ambassador added." In 1997, Crown Prince Charles, described Chinese leaders as "appalling old waxworks".
Therefore, Brexit seems most of all a joint Russian/Chinese attempt to schiz Europe with threats and temptation of Asian trade, - like UK used to in the ‘Commonwealth'. However, neither nova-Mongolia nor nova-Russia means no pity or mercy in this 5th Pyramid Game. As the annexation of Hong Kong, UK did not dare to utter any objections while nova-Mongolia took control, like they did CdE in Beijing in 1949.
Now, the Pacific/Atlantic trade will increase considerably with the expansion of the new Panama Canal. China needs UK as a harbor. Similar CCD Games goes on in Greece, and other Mediterranean nations, in order to establish a joint nova- Russia/Mongolia harbor in the Mediterranean side of the Suez Canal. Nevertheless, one should distinguish the Pacific inter-seas motives from other conflicts in order to minimize the damages of all the CCD Games going on in the Mediterranean region. (See UU 2013.juli.19, UU 2014.mars.07 & UU2015.mars.06 for Roma5/UA and UU 2013.aug.02 & UU 2015.mars.27 for UAE.) It will be interesting for UK and EU to see the results of the Australian election in 2016-07-02, the Hong Kong election in 2016-09-04 and the USA election in 2016-11-16. Previously China has taken a seat in the Artic Council instead of EU. That is in Russia’s interest. Anyways, a referendum is not legally bounding to the Parliament that does not have to leave the EU, especially if it was manipulated like some match-fixers in football.
No need for panic - in 3^3 sense, - emocratic mass-movements are of the collective Drive and Belief, - and the Will comes to its senses eventually. Thoughtless and spontaneous over-reactions are the most hazardous. However, Brexit might show out in the end to be a 5D hyper-Game of high treason to causes DAC on UK and UAC on EU. At least, EU should beware of the Games and act upon it. It will strengthen the EU. As mentioned in UU 2016.juni.17. “The main gain of the Pyramid Game is to cause collapse of EU, like the collapse of the ‘League of Nations’ to trigger WW1 and the collapse of the ‘Concert of Europe’ to trigger WW2. Basically, there are Oligarchs’ Underworld Games where crimes of drugs/doping, slavery money laundry and weapons. Recent crises in Europe are as apparent as the fixed elections of the puppet presidents of Georgia, Ukraine and Russia. Other examples are; the Dutch vote that caused veto to Ukraine membership in the EU; the Greek monetary crises due to massive corruption from extreme left and right; the Dane Europol election where the international organized criminal won, the Turkish/EU Schengen cooperation boosted as political crises by certain media; the German internal refugee causing major LEJ instability and probably regime-shift; the PROSA riots related to football and referendum in Spain, France, Germany and Britain.”
The political systems of England and Norden are surprisingly correlated. England should compare the Political Games of Norway in the period of 2011-2013 with their own present political power-struggles in their Labour party. The Norwegian ‘Arbeiderpartiet (AP), ’Labour Party’, is unable to free itself from the 3rd Pyramid para-organization LO (The Confederation of Trade Unions’). AP wants to become a social-democratic party, like in the rest of Norden, but LO corrupts and hinder their democratic development. The conflict increased for AP when joining a Red-Green political alliance in Government. The AP/LO schizophrenic condition climaxed in 2011.july.22 by blowing up the government building in Oslo and massacre their youth organization at Utøya. A single boy was caught and he bragged about taking all the ‘blame’ for both these highly advanced and coordinated CCD/CdE attempts. However, the Prime minister calmly resigned and had to let the seat to the oligarch Støre, while Stoltenberg himself got the seat in NATO as general secretary. Even though far-fetched, some indications of the UK situation and 5D events seem to be hinted in the movie ‘Skyfall’. The conflict stems rather from the Throne than the State, although Labour is highly involved as a 3rd Pyramid para-organization. (UU 2013.des.06)
EFTA is a para-organization to EU with its EFTA court, the EFTA Commission (ESA), the EFTA Council. The EEA Treaty (European Economic Area) is practically the Maastricht Treaty between EU and EFTA. EFTA is highly dominated by Norway via LO influences and thereby the 3rd International of the Comintern, the Moscow Thesis. LO is basically still a 3rd Pyramid organization, as described in UU 2016.juni.03. LO is bound to and operates as describe in Condition 3 to Lenin/Stalin’s 3rd International, which says. “In almost every country in Europe and America the class struggle is entering the phase of civil war. Under such conditions, the communists can place no trust in bourgeois legality. They have the obligation of setting up a parallel organizational apparatus, which, at the decisive moment, can assist the party to do its duty to the revolution (CdE Game). In every country where a state of siege or emergency laws deprive the communists of the opportunity of carrying on all their work legally, it is absolutely necessary to combine legal and illegal activity.” There should be no doubt that EFTA can and will be abused to cause CCD and CdE in EU and thereby expand the 3rd Russian Fatherland War to Europe, just like before the 1st European WW and the 2nd. 5D scenarios considering 4D LEJD might provide vital points of views. Two previous articles might provide clues.
- (UU 2014.dec.05) “The Good Country Index shows that neither Russia nor China should dominate trade agreements. They are both about # 100 in the GCI. This is a reason why they both primarily uses force towards weaker parts to dominate them in unfair trade-relations. This is also a reason why it took so long for both Russia and China to be members of the global World Trade Organization (WTO) and get the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). In the recent years, the puppet president Putin has ruined all those achievements with further ulterior war Games towards the Georgian and Ukraine sovereign nations. Neo-SU has proved all too well to the world for unseeingly future that they are violators of the UNC and not to be trusted in neither war nor peace. In fact, SU1 and SU2 (Soviet Union and nova-SU) do constant trade-wars towards continents and nations like Europe, Norden and Norway.”
- (UU 2013.nov.01) “Public servants of the Executive power are obliged to execute orders from its Parliament/Government. If not doing so, they are to be prosecuted in accordance to the Penalty law by the Legislative power, - just like ‘bourgeois’ civilians. This obviously applies to legalities of this century too. As mentioned in UU 2015.juli.10, “There is no doubt that Denmark has be legally obligated for over 20 years by the Treaty (TEU - Traktaten om Den Europæiske Union).” Numerus of public servants have become criminal actors due to anti-European political actors’ misinformation within public sector. The dilemma is thoroughly talked through in UU 2014.okt.24 with similar focus on Norway’s relation to EU. “In 1994 the law-making Parliament ratified the EEA law concerning the European internal market instead of becoming a full member of EU. The new rules of competition caused considerable legal and commercial changes, - especially for the 3 constitutional powers; the Parliament (Legislative), the public sector and the legal system (LEJ). Suddenly, both private and public (oligarchic) cartel practices became illegal. The adaptions to legal practices are comprehensive, - which such dominant actors naturally resist. Today, 20 years later, there are just minor practical adaptions to the law. The media rarely seems to mention such illegalities and leaves the impression is that the law is practically neglected.”
This is important issues for Europol and Eurojust. Cyberwars are already highly relevant towards EU. In fact, these are European international hyper-organizations fighting PROSA in order to prevent abuse of hyper-democracy to cause the 3rd European collapse and 3rd European world war.
Finally, a controversial proposal global solution to secure the Democratic Dimension and LifeQuality. It is Parliamentary very simple, but shows out almost impossible due to low LEJ Quality. However, every nation in the UN should ratify the Human Rights to national Law, - as obliged half a century ago. The following citations talks through what NHRL and GHRL are about.
- (UU 2014.sept.12) “Anyways, altering global 3x3 4D Games is not an individual task. It can however be done by collective synchronized conscience of the Will. Knowing very well that global destructive Games of CdE will continue and have some peeks, it seems to be only one action such a humble individual can do: Attempt to kick-start a democratic mass-movement to realize a GHRL (Global Human Rights Law) by influence all united nations to finally ratify a complete NHRL (National Human Rights Law). It started last week but has yet no sign of taking off. However, this is my anti-thesis to Bad CdE Games in order to improve humanity’s chance for a better LifeQuality.”
- (UU 2014.okt.17) “LifeQuality is defined as: A person’s totality of properties and potentials to satisfy stated and implied needs.” “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shows 5 main categories; Physical, Safety, Social, Respect and Self-realization.” The ‘stated needs’ are similar to the ‘Human Rights’. “The 193 UN member-states are obligated to secure their citizens’ rights concerning; private properties, self-determination, security, privacy, family, work, education, in addition to freedoms of thought, conscience, religion, expression and more.” Unfortunately, and evidently, anti-democratic nations opposes the Human Rights and Needs, sometimes aggressively with conning Underworld Games. Their need for self-defense in obvious, - even though opponents denies such existence, motives and actions.”
- (UU 2015.april.10) “Despite knowing that UN has not eliminated warfare of all kinds, the belief that UN’s collective conscience has prevented a nuclear ww3 lead to the conclusion that any humans need and deserve a Global Human Right Law (GHRL). Also knowing that the UN do not have legal powers to make nations live up to their obligations, the path is multi-lateral NHRL. “All NHRL (National Human Right Laws) should at least include UNC (United Nations Charter) that provides the UN powers to investigate and mediate in international disputes and authorizes international economic, diplomatic, and military sanctions and force to resolve the disputes, - as well as the ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) and ICESCR (International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights).” (UU 2014.okt.17) GHRL has a separate Facebook page and an Avaaz petition page, - however still very pacified.” With this UU Theme ‘The 5th Pyramid’ and the introduction of Hyper-Democracy, the GHRL most certainly provide some innovative perspectives on how-to Heal LEJD and the QL of humanity. However, focusing on anti-democratic cyber-crimes in Europe, the Hyper-parliamentary Europol and Eurojust are definitely the International cyber-crime fighters. The Pyramid Game became very apparent in the Dane Europol referendum in 2015.dec.03. The Dane example of international referendum fraud should be investigated by Europol and brought to the EU Court. Furthermore, Dane, Norwegian and any other EU/EFTA nations should have their laws quality ensured in accordance to EU innovations.
Finally, something very different. Jon Bing wrote a book, hidden in the hyper-space of his computer, when he passed away. I am looking forward to read ‘Fremtidens fortid’ (The future’s past) when the situation is proper. Also, see the necrology at UU 2014.jan.24 b.
Relevante links
International Pyramids
GHRL – Global Human Rights Law
Fremtidens fortid’ (The future’s past), - Jon Bing last book
Articles about Brexit, UK Throne and China
EU referendum: What does Russia gain from Brexit?
The Alan Parsons Project will complete this extra UU theme of upgrading
models concerning LQ (LifeQuality). APP was basically a band consisting of
Alan and Eric with several guest musicians. It was successful with several
hits in the ’80 and ’90. Some albums were dedicated well-known books like ‘I
Robot’ (UU 2011.mars.04) and ‘War of the Worlds’ (Extra UU2 2014.sept.12).
This UU is dedicated the song ‘Pyramania’ as a sarcastic comment to the
bogus isms and mass-psychosis of the 5th Pyramid Game.
Alan Parsons Project – Pyramania + Lyrics
GGenesis is a favorite band from the youth. I got to know the original band about the period of ‘Selling England by the Pound’. This is from the period when the original band was at the top of its success. It climaxed though with a hard schism for the band when Peter Gabriel had to leave due to internal conflicts about personal and collective interests and creativity. (See also UU 2010.aug.20.) Once I experienced the cover-band Musical Box live. Then I had to realize that we cannot experience the live concerts as they used to be, anymore. Some videos from long lost performances can be seen on internet though. However, also realizing that people gladly see a play by Shakespeare or a concert by Mozart, without them performing anymore, made me see the value of high quality cover bands. This might be an interesting industry in competition to the cyber industry of virtual realities. Despite all critics, - cover bands are real, - not merely virtually real.
Anyways, the association to this song is Brexit – of cause. The rest of the album does also somehow relate. Enjoy.
Selling England By The Pound - Genesis + Lyrics [Full Remastered Album] (1973)
Finally, just a reminder that nobody expects a Spanish, or Chinese, Inquisition.
Monty Python 2x02 The Spanish Inquisition pt 1
“Comparatively, 4-dimensional space has an extra coordinate axis, orthogonal to the other three, which is usually labeled w. To describe the two additional cardinal directions, Charles Howard Hinton coined the terms ana and kata, from the Greek words meaning "up toward" and "down from", respectively. A position along the w axis can be called spissitude, as coined by Henry More.” “In 1908, Hermann Minkowski presented a paper consolidating the role of time as the fourth dimension of spacetime, the basis for Einstein's theories of special and general relativity. But the geometry of spacetime, being non-Euclidean, is profoundly different from that popularised by Hinton. The study of Minkowski space required new mathematics quite different from that of four-dimensional Euclidean space, and so developed along quite different lines. This separation was less clear in the popular imagination, with works of fiction and philosophy blurring the distinction, so in 1973 H. S. M. Coxeter felt compelled to write: Little, if anything, is gained by representing the fourth Euclidean dimension as time. In fact, this idea, so attractively developed by H. G. Wells in The Time Machine, has led such authors as John William Dunne (An Experiment with Time) into a serious misconception of the theory of Relativity. Minkowski's geometry of space-time is not Euclidean, and consequently has no connection with the present investigation.” (Wikipedia)
Carl Sagan - The 4th dimension explained.
Wikipedia – Four Dimensional Space
Fourth Dimension rotation of 4D spheres, tetrahedrons, and cubes
4th Dimension explained
4D pyramid
4D Cube
Every united nation should ratify a complete National Human Right Law (NHRL). Most nations have signed the UN HR conventions, but merely bits and pieces are yet ratified. Therefore, every member nation should have a NHRL in order to justify the Global Human Rights Law (GHRL). Such a legally valid ratification is surprisingly easy and quick to do. It happened in Norway in 1999.
The Human Rights are like a global ‘One for All – All for One’ declaration. The need for this became well understood by most humans and nations after ww2, - due to all the inhuman doings and destructions of nations and civilizations. Think about it, - it is now a 100 years since the world wars started. What would be the outcome with an operational UN and GHRL at that time? It probably prevented ww3. However, a national regime can suddenly turn bad to its citizens and neighbor nations. Everyone needs a protection against that and NHRL/GHRL is an insurance (1).
How to get your National Human Right Law (NHRL):
What You can do:
• Sing this petition to show your Members of Parliament (MP) that it is a
call for action now.
What some positive MP should do:Some democratic MP should be convinced that a NHRL is morally, legally and nationally right.
• Gather the text from the UN conventions UNC, UDHR, ICCPR and ICESCR (2), and bind them togehter to a single booklet. (Additional signed conventions, amendments and protocols should be included.)
• Add an introduction page with paragraphs that put the NHRL above any conflicting law.
Any MP can then propose in the Parliament that the NHRL should pass as national law.
This is how the ratification of the NHRL should happen:
• There will be a vote in the national parliament.
• MPs cannot morally decline the NHRL and expect to be re-elected by the citizens.
• Ergo, - a simple suggestion from one MP – and the nation should get its NHRL.
After the ratification:
• Have the results published.
• Inform the citizens of basic human rights.
• See to that the national law system actually follows up legally.
It works, - it happened in Norway with the NHRL ‘Menneskerettsloven’ in 1999.
(1) Almost all the 193 member states of the United Nations (UN) have committed to ratify the Human Rights into their national laws. The member-states are obligated to secure their citizens’ rights concerning; private properties, self-determination, security, privacy, family, work, education, in addition to freedoms of thought, conscience, religion, expression and more. Even though the UN conventions seems inconsistent, the states are still obligated to be concrete and realize the rights. (2) The UN fundamental inter-national obligations are stated in the UNC (United Nations Charter) where chapter VI provides the UN powers to investigate and mediate in international disputes. Chapter VII authorize international economic, diplomatic, and military sanctions and force to resolve the disputes. The UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) is the foundation of the later ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) and ICESCR (International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights). All this should be included in all NHRL.
GHRL Petition:
Monitoring the core international human rights treaties:
About Human Rights - Wikipedia:
Norwegian NHRL - ‘Menneskerettsloven’ in 1999.
Facebook Page: GlobalHumanRightsLaw
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