‘Pyramid Game Over’ provides 12 proposals to promote ‘Western’ Parliamentary Qualities. The ‘P5GO10 –PROSA Technocracy’, aims at the organized crimes towards the Western nations by abuse of Information Technologies (IT). PROSA Technocracy is this 5th Pyramid successor of the Cold War Bureaucracy. The present global mass-deployment of IT do cause irreversible global changes for humanity. The 5th Pyramid Game might cause irreversible damages. To discuss that, this blog will address the second dimension ‘Will’ of the 3^3 psychosocial model, - in relation to such PROSA crimes in ‘Western’ nations. Initially, there is a theoretical introduction, then some points of view, and finally some suggestions. In brief, this is a continuum and the next level of all the previous blogs concerning IT. Moreover, these final triad of blogs is also about the potential healing a 500 years old Nordic Syndrome.
The sociopathy of the 5th Pyramid Game aims to cause dystopias, like the previous 4 Pyramid Games caused CCD (Colony Collapse Disorders) and World Wars. Therefore, it is important that ‘Western’ Parliamentary Democracies strengthen their superiority over technocracy. In order to enlighten the issues, this main focus is set on the criminal ‘21 Conditions of the 3rd Integrational’. This will show that the previous failed CdE (Coup d’ Etat) -attempts are main reasons for present abuses of Information Technocracy in the Parliamentary System. All related organizations suffer from the corruption in economy, politics and legality, - as talked through in blogs like UU 2015.juni.05, UU 2015.juni.26, UU 2014.okt.17, UU 2013.nov.01 and UU 2013.sept.27.
The technocracy of this century represents the same counterpart in the democratic bourgeois citizens’ struggle for self-realization. However, most philosophers agree that such powers should support the citizens against bondage and misery, although it sometimes turned out differently. Now, technocracy is a recognized term, yet still considered hypothetical as a political power. It must relate to other terms like bureaucracy, cyber and statesman. Taken from Wikipedia:
- “Bureaucracy is ‘a body of non-elective government officials’ or ‘policy-making group’. Max Weber argued that bureaucracy constitutes the most efficient and rational way in which one can organize human activity were necessary to maintain order, maximize efficiency and eliminate favoritism. Still he also saw it as a threat to individual freedom with its rule-based and rational control. The word bureaucracy has developed negative, though, since growing too complex, inefficient and inflexible. The elimination of unnecessary bureaucracy has become a key concept in post-cold war managerial theory.”
- “Technocracy is an organizational structure or system of governance where decision-makers are selected based on technological knowledge that are members of a powerful technical elites or a supremacy of technical experts. The role of money, economic values, and moralistic control mechanisms would be eliminated altogether”. The selections of technocrats or bureaucrats are not democratic. Yet, a true technocrat cannot be influenced by party politics or other interest groups.
- “Cyber- is a term derived from the ancient Greek ‘cybernetic,’ meaning skilled in steering or governing. It is used in the terms like cyberspace, cyberlaw, cybercrime, cyberwarfare, cyberterrorism, cybersex, and cyberbullying. it is commonly used to describe policies and politics regarding computer systems and networks and many information technology industries.”
- “The Statesman, Politicus, is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato. It is an attempt to make a definition of the ‘statesman’ as opposed to ‘sophist or ‘philosopher’. The statesman possesses the knowledge of how to rule justly and well and do so in the best interests of the citizens. However, most rulers give the appearance of such knowledge and are really sophists or imitators. The ideal of how one arrives at this knowledge of power is through social divisions.” All the philosophies of constitutional ruling are based on positive philosophies of GCR (Good, Constructive and Right) as opposed to negative philosophies of BDW (Bad, Destructive and Wrong). Yet, some prioritize one value-system over the others. Even Plato’s personal trauma after a corrupted democratic referendum for execution of a colleague, did certainly set his focus in disfavor of democracy. Anyways, psychosocial Games like the 5 Pyramid Game are definitely negative. Consequently, no true statesman, technocrat or bureaucrat can be submitted to political, Parties, Unions and Games.
Any 3rd Pyramid Gamer has disqualified themselves as true statesmen, bureaucrats or technocrats. They are rather sophists or imitators, - and even the negative counterparts. To document that, a summary of the Gimmicks of the 3rd Pyramid Game follows: “The Communist International, refer to the conditions, most of which were suggested by Vladimir Lenin, to the adhesion of the socialist parties to the Third International (Comintern) created in 1919. The conditions were formally adopted by the Second Congress of the Comintern in 1920. Some of the 21 Conditions were:”
- C1. “The dictatorship of the proletariat must not be treated simply as a current formula learnt off by heart. Propaganda for it must be carried out in such a way that its necessity is comprehensible to every simple worker, every woman worker, every soldier and peasant from the facts of their daily lives, which must be observed systematically by our press and used day by day.” “The periodical and other press and all the party’s publishing institutions must be subordinated to the party leadership, regardless of whether, at any given moment, the party as a whole is legal or illegal. The publishing houses must not be allowed to abuse their independence and pursue policies that do not entirely correspond to the policies of the party.” “In the columns of the press, at public meetings, in the trades unions, in the co-operatives – wherever the members of the Communist International can gain admittance – it is necessary to brand not only the bourgeoisie but also its helpers, the reformists of every shade, systematically and pitilessly.”
- C2. “Every organisation that wishes to affiliate to the Communist International must regularly and methodically remove reformists and centrists from every responsible post in the labour movement (party organisations, editorial boards, trades unions, parliamentary factions, co-operatives, local government) and replace them with tested communists, without worrying unduly about the fact that, particularly at first, ordinary workers from the masses will be replacing 'experienced' opportunists.”
- C3. “In almost every country in Europe and America the class struggle is entering the phase of civil war. Under such conditions the communists can place no trust in bourgeois legality. They have the obligation of setting up a parallel organisational apparatus which, at the decisive moment, can assist the party to do its duty to the revolution. In every country where a state of siege or emergency laws deprive the communists of the opportunity of carrying on all their work legally, it is absolutely necessary to combine legal and illegal activity.”
- C18. “All the leading press organs of the parties in every country have the duty of printing all the important official documents of the Executive Committee of the Communist International.” There should no doubt left, that the Main Motive of the 3rd Pyramid Game was to organize CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) on the ‘”Western’ nations in order make hostile CdE (Coup d’ Etat). With the Gulag colonialization program, workers were radicalized by ‘Red Mafia’ methods - in order to make bureaucratic schizophrenia with ‘parallel apparatus’ within the prey nations. International masspsychosis were propagated by national mass-media, like TV, papers, radio, tele companies and cultural events. Such were subsidized by the nations’ own budgets and favored PROSA Oligarchs by regulations. All this is illegal and even treasonous by penalty laws, - executed by remote controlled Labour parties and Unions – like some avatars.
During the 5 Pyramid Games, the Information Technology (IT) has developed from 1) Pen, 2) Telegraph, 3) Telephone, 4) Television to 5) Computers. All these new technologies caused industrial revolutions that were abused by the para-Technocracy at their times, - inspired by concepts of parasite organizations. Therefore, some bits from previous blogs are relevant hints for the present and future Technocratic Games.
- (UU 2013.dec.13) «Orginally, IBM’s predessor, CTR (Tabulating Machine Company) by and Hollerith, had relation to Russia and Tsar Nicolas II before WW1, as well as Stalina Automobile Plant and Germany before WW2. It is publically silenced that CTR/IBM was an active and important actor for both Soviet Union (SU) and Germany before WW2. IBM might also have got ‘grandiose besserwised’ inspirations, re-valuations of ethics, ‘half truths’, imperial ‘take-it-all-politics’ and disfavors of democracy. However, Watson sr. and jr. are the patriarchs of IBM’s with democratic tendencies. They represented the motto ‘Think’. However, IBM became involved with the US government and military during the cold war. That was probably controversial in relation to Russia. Stalin’s close relation to Mao was further challenged with IBM’s engagement in the Korean war. An internal cold war inside IBM might have developed by those strong external influences.” The organizational Ego was about to split.
- IBM bought massively IT patent rights after WW2 and got monopoly on most existing IT. They combined it to the total 360 system. IBM was convinced that the world needs merely 5 computer systems. The perception was probably that each empire only need one system each, - where IBM is central for them all. However, when the PC got considerable market shares, Watson Jr. was allowed to make an IBM Personal Computer (PC). They needed to outsource the development, though. Microsoft made the disk operating system (DOS) and Intel made the central processor unit (CPU). Later in the process, IBM terminated the cooperation, when they finally realized that they could not own others’ Intellectual Properties in the OS or the CPU firmware. IBM’s attempts to make similar products has caused cascades of fiascos, like the OS2, a world record of deficit on 5 Mrd$, the Linux cloning and the sale of the whole Think technology to the Maoist empire.”
- “The original patriarchal image of Watson is hardly the present organizational identity. Other dominating IBM forces fought hard against Intel and Microsoft, - and consequently Watson’s democratic sympathies. Like IBM tries to influence the empires of the world, - the empires probably influence IBM’s identity and split the enterprise’s ‘Personality’. However, the most fundamental property lies in IBM’s name, an ‘International Business Machine’. Other values are irrelevant, - like moral, ethics, justice, - when threatens its profit. Such higher ethical values are considered non-existing, if they don’t comply with the calculator – the business machine.”
- (UU 2013.okt.11) “How Norsk Data (ND) suddenly disappeared form the industry in the 90’s is discreetly mentioned in UU 2013.okt.11. The discreetly is hereby annulled. The Game’s Motive was clear; ND was sacrificed to give the market shares to IBM in the Norwegian public sector. I know this very well, since I was a key-person in Teledirektoratet’s mercantile negotiations team for UNIX frame contracts. ND’s new generation computers, Dolphin, had true UNIX technology that should guarantee a success domestically and abroad. IBM’s OS version called AIX disqualified, because it was not as open as UNIX requires. Surprisingly, the mercantile and technically evaluations were overruled politically. ND was blocked out from Teledirectoratet without getting the vital 5 years frame-contract. The arguments were highly irrelevant and illegal. That TOL/TLM Game made a trend for the whole public sector and was the main reason for termination of ND.” “The termination of ND is merely a symptom on para-activities in the Markets. LO has seats on most sides of negotiation tables for public procurements. The anti-European Market practice continues, even after ratification of ‘Law for Public Procurement’ in 1999.”
- (UU 2015.nov.06) “Most alarming is the recent take-over of all IBM Intel Server in all NATO nations public and private sectors. (See UU 2014.nov.28.) Big Blue made Big Red by handing over the needed resources, network, servers and technology to execute considerable IT hacking, espionage, and info/money manipulations.” NATO nations’ public sectors do not seem to realize that most of their main IT systems are now legally in Chinese control too.” Dane public IT shows serious indications that the social Superior Egos is on a destructive paths that might become irreversible. The whole LEJ might be involved.” (UU 2014.dec.12)
- “It is most crucial to realize the sociopathic warlike 4th degree Games going on in the national IT & Tele enterprises, public ones as well as commercial ones. There are also evidently indications that Nor Tele sector is as abused as the Dane IT sector. Despite serious warnings from NATO allied, Telenor has let the Chinese anti-NATO Huawei massive installations of G4 mobile network. The equipment has all capacities for illegal monitoring, manipulation and other foreign secret services. When established, a concerned newspaper hired an independent security company that registered most serious unregistered monitoring of mobile communications in governmental, financial and industrial centers in the capital Oslo. The head of PST (Norwegian secret service, like Dane PET) denied any illegal activity and closed the case in 6 months. However, now the government has allocated 12 million Kr to fight illegal mobile monitoring. Now, a major corruption case causes major political scandals. The Telenor related company Vimpelton has been involved in heavy corruption in Uzbekistan for years. Nor Telenor and Dane TDC are apparently competitors in Denmark, but very close in reality. (See related links below.) This close relation TDC/Telenor relations to anti-NATO actors concerns America as well as European nations, - just like the Moscow thesis does. Unsound psychosocial neuro-systems, like some S-E/S-I relations, might be on destructive paths that might become irreversible.”
Major Technocratic organizations in all ‘Western’ nations are definitely main targets for ‘setting up a parallel organizational apparatus’ (C3). There is no doubt that major national and international providers of IT, Tele and Media are infiltrated and manipulated, - like some data- virus and parasite infections. Enterprises’ deviating behaviors, from the ‘Western’ democratic morals, ethics and laws, do most certainly indicate such infiltrations. Just like T. Gondii is a natural reason for persons’ disorders, - organizational parasites most certainly do to. Society must deal with and cure both profesionally.
Technocratic International IT Crimes escalates and are becoming too big for Western nations to handle individually. However, technically, such crimes are very easy to reduce to acceptable and legal levels. These issues has been addressed in several blogs, like:
- (UU 2013.okt.25) “IT crimes is a vast field that the 15 video-documentations in the Computer World -article provide some overview and insight to. Some circumstances are that; the search for hackers is too often outside the ‘firewall’, while it is often ‘an inside job’. In fact, ordinary IT supporters get full ‘administrator rights’ to the whole IT system, - and thereby get collective anonymous ‘administrators rights’ that includes full rights to read, change and delete any information in the whole IT system and any user’s data-files. However, upgrading the IT system to newer versions limits these rights to what is necessary for the ‘administrator’. Such restrictions can be the real reason for internal resistances towards modernizing of public IT – there are para-organizations within the enterprise. Furthermore, any citizen (in Denmark) has a public IT ID. However, the security by Java/Oracle is too often compromised that the security level for the citizens has become hazardous. It is symptomatic for such policies though, that the bank ID cards and CPR ID cards are without pictures and thereby not identifiable. All in all, as mentioned 20 years ago, it is alarming that the (Norwegian) Public department for economic crimes do not have a division for the public sector, - like public servants are some ‘untouchables’ to the Penalty Laws.”
- (UU 2014.mars.28) “Now, it is crucial that the NATO nations takes control over their own IT infrastructures. The timing have never been more critical and binding for the future. NATO considers now the threats of IT crimes larger than any other threats, - even larger than nuclear war. Some security methods are well known and should be deployed long ago, - like; an obligated use of advanced password procedures; using secure websites with https instead of merely http, controlled firewall rules; deployment and updates of antivirus and anti-spyware software; security clearance of IT personnel; limited IT ‘administrator’ rights and personally identifiable administrator acts.”
- (UU 2015.nov.06) “Sweden exposed a most alarming manipulating GdE Game that probably had been going on for decades in the Dane society’s ‘neuro-system’. Dane crises in the Executive power shows different indications. This was mentioned in UU 2014.nov.28: “The massive cybercrimes against the Police, Military, Tax-authorities Public health in CSC Denmark and IBM mainframes were executed by disloyal employees, remote computers in Pirate Bay and controlled from Asia. The delays in police investigation indicate massive organized crimes that also include employees in the Danish police force. Therefore, it is simply beyond any nativity to claim that this major operation was organized by two young sociopaths.” “Most alarming is the extensive use of the hackers’ favorite operating system - Linux. Anyhow, the ongoing trial in Denmark is most probably just the tip of an iceberg in all of the public sectors in all NATO nations.” (UU 2015.okt.23)
- (UU 2014.nov.28) “However, there were far more serious long term massive aftermaths. Although not apparently directly related, there are events and results that highly indicate so. Soon after Medvedev’s good-will tour (in US), there were massive exposes of so-called ‘whistle blowers’. Some of the most focused ones are: Bradley Manning who was convicted of violating the US Espionage Act that sentenced to 35 years in US prison. The Australian publisher and journalist Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief of the website WikiLeaks, which he co-founded after an earlier career in hacking and programming. Edward Snowden, a former system administrator for the CIA and a counterintelligence trainer at DIA that leaked masses of classified information from the NSA. Snowden is recently granted 3 years refuge in Russia and is offered Russian citizenship. Actually, it seems that he has been with SU all along and a citizenship will certainly label him with a history as another double agent. Anyways, even with the massive information about the global cyber wars, - the public knowledge is obviously merely from scenes at the stage.” (Taken from the BBC documentary ‘Putin, Russia and The West’ in UU 2014.nov.07, UU 2014.nov.28, UU 2014.nov.21 and UU 2014.nov.14.)
- (UU 2016.spt.02) “China has now personal identity and medical records of all Danes. Quite alarming and almost unnoticed. Unencrypted data-files with 5 million CPR (central personal register) identities and related data from SSI (Statens Serum Institut) was delivered via ordinary mail to the Chinese Visa Authorities in Copenhagen. Any resident in Denmark gets a CPR even though they are not a citizen. The event was claimed to be an accident and that the data has never been entered. However, it is highly likely that some organizations related to the secret services of China (MSS) and Russia (FSB) do abuse the data in violations to the Legalities of European Human Rights. 5th Pyramid ‘suckers’ might claim otherwise and prevents further investigations and not get official insurance that China (and Russia) do not Danes CPR and health data.”
The technocracy, like the bureaucracy, is incapable to perceive human qualities of the bourgeois citizens. Each citizen’s LifeQuality is at risk and do cause human catastrophes when a republican State becomes dominant in the society. Some previous quotes about the preys, the citizen, the peasants and the worker focus on that.
- (UU 2016.juli.15) “The Pyramid Games are described in the initial UU 2016.mai.13. Pyramid Games are based on the illegal ‘Pyramid scheme’, ‘Eight-ball’ and ‘Gifting circles’. 8 people are lured by one to ‘invest’ in illusions of repayments in a distant future, - not realizing that the Game is built to collapse and rather cause their ruin. The ethics to such Game masters are ‘honesty is for suckers’. The 5 Pyramid Games in this UU theme are related to the 5 Internationals. Those ‘suckers’ are lured to contribute to domestic CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) that weakens their prey nation enough to enable the main gains of CdE (Coup d’ Etat). Related sub-Games played by potential PROSA Pensioners are of all categories, - especially Underworld Games and Sexual Games like; NIGYSOB (Now I've Got You, You Son of a Bitch) and Schlemiel, SWYMD (See What You Made Me Do), ITHY (I'm Only Trying to Help You), LPAFJ (Let's Pull A Fast one on Joey), LYAHF (Let's You and Him Fight), DAC&UAC (Devide&Conquer & Unite&Conquer), ISR (It Started with the Retribution), ABD (Attack is the Best Defense), Jante/TUD (The Ugly Duckling), TLM (Two Little Maids), BGGG (Bad Guy, Good Guy), RPPP (Robbing Pete to Pay Paul), ODAB (One's Death – Another’s Bread) and the Russian BOOFY (Beat your Own and Others will Fear You). (UU 2014.sept.12.)”
- “In Norden, LO (The Confederation of Trade Unions) is the International para-organization that is bound to the obligations of the high treason of the 3rd International, - the Moscow Thesis. LO’s 100 years of political dominance and related LEJ inabilities, proves the seriousness of Parliamentary corruption. However, after 100 years of corrupting CCD and incapable of doing the CdE, LO members should finally realize that they merely contribute to continuous negative BDW ethics that never will realize their illusions of GCR. Most probably are able to see that, but ignore it. They do not dare to risk the processes of a true democratic reform of their Union. They know very well from history the brutal consequences from the Game masters.”
- (UU 2016.juli.22) “History proves that such cleansings of loyal citizens (bourgeois), with radicalized workers, were extremely violent before, under and after the WW2. The death tolls were tens of millions humans during the PROSA regimes of the puppet oligarchs like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot etc. Several previous UU blogs concern LO cultures at CCD and CdE levels, for example: The uncloaking of a Stalinist mass-psychopathic culture when overthrowing a matriarchal LO leader – the ‘Valla’ case (UU 2013.aug.30). The Stalinazist cultural root of WW2 is still dominant in LO (see Wikipedia link under), and the TV documentary about the boy Selmer that was donated to Soviet Union and became an unwillingly spy. It also indicates the cloaking of thousands of STASI agents in Europe during the cold war (UU 2014.juli.04). More recent is the ‘Treholt’ Game LPAFJ (Let's Pull A Fast one on Joey) as diversion to save other major PROSA agents (UU 2013.aug.30). The Game concept changed to SWYMD (See What You Made Me Do) in the massive organized CdE bomb and massacre in Norway five years ago today. The Judicial system proved that willingly scapegoats are more effective as diversion for the major PROSA agents (UU 01.Juni.2012), - until he also realizes he was no Nashi (Наши) hero, but just another 5th Pyramid Game ‘sucker’.”
The 3^3 model was described in UU 2016.sept.02 and further elaborated in the following quotes with focus on PROSA and RAF. The following paragraphs from UU 2015.mars.06 elaborates on this relation to the ‘Will’ Dimension and is taken from.
- “It was necessary to upgrade and extend the classic Freudian models to organizational levels in order to enable psychosocial analysis. The result is a joint Freud/Jung/Berne model called 3x3. This was further developed to the 3^3 (i.e. 3x3x3) model. It is explained and used from UU 2015.juni.05 to UU 2015.juli.24 about the Danish parliamentary election. “The terms are developed from-via-to: Id-Child-Drive, Ego-Adult-Will and Superior Ego-Parent-Belief. A second dimension of conscience is added in order to merge Jung with Freud’s 3-state; UnderConcience, Conscience and OverConcience. The third dimension contains of 3 subcategories of Drive, Will and Belief. These are interrelated via the conscience dimension. However, the subcategories are open for adaption and modifications to what is to be analyzed, for example persons, organizations, nations, empires or humanity. Furthermore, the subcategories are related to Game categories too, - which is not directly in the 3^3 model. For example, sub-categories for Personal level is; Drive (Sulk, Nerd, Jerk), Belief (Matriarch, Authority, Patriarch), while Parliamentary relates to Will (Legislative, Executive and Judging (LEJ, - or LUD in Danish) and National/Imperial relates to Drive (Throne), Will (State) and Belief (Temple). A combination with collective Game categories were discussed in UU 2015.feb.27, UU 2015.mars.06 and UU 2015.mars.13 where: Drive (RF, AF and WL), Will (KoC, GdE and GoT) and Belief (UNO, WoW and SET).”
- “The merged 3x3 Game model does mostly apply to the social ego-state Will. Freud and Jung call it ‘Ego’, but Bern called it ‘Adult’. This UU sets focus on three social Game categories of Will, namely KoC (King of the Castle), CdE (Coup d’ Etat) and GoT (Games of Temples). Such a large theme needs an archetype to grasp the idea, - a simple stereotype like Napoleon. The main reason to focus on Games is the simple truth that everyone lies and deceives. This reality is underestimated and have serious consequences, - as the Charlie incident in Paris showed.”
- “Alternatively, the social Game category ‘Coup d’ Etat’ (CdE) should rather be called GdE (Games d’ Etat) with CdE as its sub-Game category. The Game category ‘Game d’ Etat’ (GdE) is defined by Gimmicks of States and related public sectors. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato is said to be the Patriarch of the Republican State. The State is rather timocratic and plutocratic (capital), autocratic/anocratic (dictator), and technocratic. State is somehow aristocratic though, because Plato thought the Republic should be run by a totalitarian elite of intelligent men without personal possessions, wife or children, in order to be objective. Nevertheless, State has developed via later versions of the classic Roma1 to today’s empires (See UU 2014.april.25 and UU 2013.Mai.24). Most GdE are strictly ruled by Gimmicks of laws, regulations and procedures. They were simple and reasonable at start, but after 2500 years of political GdE, the Gimmicks have become too complex, contradicting and irrational for anyone to manage. The Gordian knots, the endless mazes and inconsistencies cause diluted needs for endless growth in order to maintenance the system. Consequently, no one fully understand the system anymore. The State-systems develop into a Belief-system, - rather similar to GoT.”
- “Nevertheless, the focus on the original CdE deserves some explanations. There is a terminological reason for the focus on CdE (Coup d’ Etat), because it was first used when writing about some European wars. It was first mentioned in UU 2014.juni.13, about Games of Coldwar factions like RAF in Europe. However, the term ‘Coup d’etat’ in relations to Games was first mentioned in relation to political evaluations after the Oslo 22/7-2011 bombing and massacres in UU 2013.aug.09. CdE was talked through as a 4th degree Game and a new Game category in relation to Napoleon. He is certainly an archetype of CdE Games, along with Julius Caesar, Ivan the terrible, and those mass-produced CdE despots in the previous century.”
- (UU 2015.jan.09) “Ulterior RAFs and alike exist in most nations and have variations like BRAF and GRAF.” The hypothesis of the present multiple RAFs is talk through several times and accumulated in UU 2014.juni.13. In brief, ‘Red Army Factions’, despite their extreme ulteriority, were disclosed in several European nations and probably exists in all. A RAF-dnk cell called ‘Blekingegadebanden’ was named after the disclosure of a weapon depot in Copenhagen. Besides, the hypothesis of RAF development is the pre-RAF as BRAF (brown-red), formed from the ww2 Stalin-Hitler alliance and Postwar-Games (Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact in 1939). This century’s RAF has become GRAF (green-red) where green as the color of Islam and do not symbolize of nature at all.”
- (UU 2015.jan.09) “Pro-Russian Oligarch, Separatists and Autonoms (PROSA) do not merely operate in Ukraine.” “This is based on present media observations on how the neo-SU CdE Games are played, where there are hierarchies of RAF cells organized, yet manically denied like in ‘Underworld’ Games of mafia bosses. The executioner in Oslo, Paris and Copenhagen are displayed as Autonoms, merely to disguise and protect the massively organized crimes behind.”
- “A new Game BOOFY was discovered when analyzing todays Russian Games in UU 2014.nov.14: “A Russian proverb saying is “Beat your Own and Others will Fear You”. Actually, it seems that an east-bloc Underworld Game ‘BYOOWFY’ of 3rd and 4th degree is identified. It seems to be legitimated in Roma3. Still, Putin does not seem to do the beating himself, but rather have someone else to do it, - like murky Oligarchs, street gangs, ‘jugend’, police, para-military or other ulterior secret services. That is simply the Game of LYAHF. The Game is however originally feminine and related to the rivalling tsarinas of the Winter Palace. (See UU 2014.mai.30.)”
Furthermore, surely, any Mafia plays Underworld Gamers on fear, kleptocracy and extortion. That goes for the PROSA Technocrats as well. Workers fear losing job and consequently ruin of families, homes and other fundaments of LifeQuality.
- (UU 2015.mars.06) “The newfound Game BOOFY, based on a Russian proverb saying, “Beat your Own and Others will Fear You”, seems far more widespread and fundamental than first realized. Although BOOFY was discovered in a CdE analysis, it is clearly tribal as in the Game category KoC of UW. It is based on Parents’ punishing their Children and causing traumas, that later cause projections of not-OK transaction to others. Adults’ experience of unexplained fear can stem from UW, which is related to UD and UB. These causes of personal fears can therefore be highly personal and different for anyone. A common, but negative solution, is the use of projections, which was mentioned in UU 2015.feb.20 “Emotionally, it seems that some outbursts of accumulated negativity are as necessary as flushing the toilet. It should however not be directed towards other people, but to sanitary systems. Furthermore, general expressions in misery might mistakenly be perceived as directed hatred and suppressed thoughts might need emotional outbursts to be relieved. Unfortunately, Hate is abused as means in Games. Games of Terror are unfortunately the reason for this UU Theme ‘Charlie’.”
- (UU 2016.juli.22) “However, true Parliamentary authorities must differ between willing and forced PROSA workers, when investigating such PROSA crimes. In fact, criminal law is stricter to public servants than to civilians. Yet, public servants are rarely sentenced for their crimes even though the scandals of low quality services and expenditures are far too high. It is proof though, of too much fraud and corruption, - like in mafia-dominated markets (UU 2015.okt.23). Most public laborers are forced by violent mafia organizations that are related to the so-called ‘Red Mafia’ (see video link). The threats of Underworld Games were talked through in the previous UU 2016.juli.15 ‘P5GO03 – PROSA Pension’. Although any member of a high treasonous organization can be guilty by association, there are exceptions, - like for civil criminal relation, - by supporting the true Parliamentary system to improve the LEJD Quality by uncloaking the criminal ‘parallel organisational apparatus’ (C3).”
- (UU 2014.dec.19) “(Some) events can be related to the theories of S-E and S-I at an organizational level. There are Drive (ID/sexual) related Games at 3rd degree at play. This fits rather Jungian theories, because of his concerns about collective synchronization, archetypes and sub-conscience biological powers that can overrun reasoning and empathies.”
- (UU 2013.okt.25) “Freudian stereotyping of IT actors was originally; IBM as ‘Jerk/S-E/Patriarch’, Microsoft as ‘Nerd/Ego’ and ‘Users’ as ‘Sulk/S-E/Matriarch’. The IT world has developed on several areas though. The most obvious seems to be the democratization of IT. As mentioned in UU 2013.april.19, humanity seems to have passed its 3-years state, neuro-physically by the internet, and naturally can now develop its Ego, - self-realization. It is decisively important that destructive Games are not dominant as 5D scenarios (UU 2013.april.26).”
- (UU 2013.okt.25) “Some main points from the IT Rivalries are useable, since the theory is not particularly bound to time. Suppliers are particularly incapable to dominate CBA for procurement to Public Sector, because they are subjective and single sided. One does not want some ‘Rainman’ as family counsel, even though he can improve the economy and functionalities.”
Finally, these are attempts to sum up to some conclusive proposals, in addition to all the hints in this blog, in order to promote ‘Western’ democratic parliamentary nations during this phase of the 5th Pyramid Game:
- Laws are simply any society’s operating system (OS). Realizing that the technocratic state machine is simply like a computer, - it is obvious that; it has many faults due to decay, outdating and manipulations; that there are critical upgrades and fixes that can be deployed immediately; and that should have decades ago to reduce crimes. Knowing the warlike Games of IT industries in the public sectors, and the unsound organizational mentality behind, - it is obvious that the very same Games are played in all of LEJ (Legal, Executive and Judicial Parliamentary Powers). Much of the delays, incorrect and terminated ratifications of Parliamentary Law are obviously not due to technical errors, - but to PROSA Technocrats. It is all about protecting PROSA crimes and criminals, - as stated in the 21 Conditions of the 3rd International. The solution is simply, - Rule by Law.
- The term ‘The 4th State Power’ is a mass-propagated illusion. The real 4th Parliamentary power is Democracy, not technocracy and bureaucracy. That mass-psychopathy was a main reason for the genocidal warfare towards humanity in the previous century. Realizing that 5D history, it is obvious for anyone that Humans are above machines, - never the opposite. The solution is simply, - Rule by Human Right Laws.
- There are hyper-democratic solutions to the mass-propaganda and mass-psychosis of PROSA media, as stated in the 21 Conditions of the 3rd International. A cure for mass-psychosis is to disconnect from the mass-media of the 4th Pyramid Game, - i.e. state dominated para-media of TV, Radio and Papers. It is very simple to end the subscriptions. Next, use the computer and internet instead. Soon anyone realize what the world media offers this century. Have a look at the extra UU TED talks to get an idea of what the rest of the world talks about.
- What is the value in the criminal market for a citizen’s personal identity, medical record and potential links to most personal data in society? Let us say the average is 1000 € pr. Dane. If so, the black market price for that delivery is about 5 billion €, - that is about 3 % of the Dane GDP. This obvious crime towards the whole Dane population is irreversible, - yet silenced, as if it was an unfortunate accident or unimportant. However, there is no doubt that this is a major IT Crime of the 5th Pyramid Game that definitely will compromise Dane citizens human rights, economy and security. This example merely indicate the tip of the iceberg of 5th Pyramid crimes towards ‘Western’ nations. Such will most certainly escalate in Denmark (and Norway), since the International Criminal Organizations won the Europol/Eurojust referendum in Denmark in 2015.dec.03.
- The Bureaucracy need innovation of technocracy. It is not that different from upgrading any IT system to virtual solutions. There are Return of Investments (RoI) in 2-3 years due to the savings from bounding maintenance costs of Oligarchs ineffective, expensive and faulty IT systems. Knowing very well that the Coldwar in the public sector was to double the numbers of employee, as para-organization, - it is about time to free all the resources from the Coldwar bondages. However, most important, even though Big Blue was pro-NATO once, - Big Red is now anti-Western and anti-democratic. There is no way that loyal public servants can ignore that vast security threats Big Red opposes. Therefore, Build new bureaucracies with today’s technologies and migrate loyal public servants to the ‘new buildings’.
Afterword. Some might wonder why it started, - this engagement in such issues expressed in this theme ‘The Fifth Pyramid’. It is indicated in UU 2013.april.26 (translated to English): “ ... it should be mentioned that this theoretical part of the theme ‘IT and LQ’ is a continuum of the Master of Science Thesis from the Norwegian School of Management. The main objective for the study was to find the optimal solution for both public and private sectors in the European Internal Market. That was about 20 years ago when LO and IBM were highly influential at the institution. In order to get my thesis and MSc title recognized, I was asked to remove a chapter about industrial-political rivalries in the thesis. I had no real choice except do the self-censure and cloak the findings. A few years later, the European study was closed in Norway and sold to Shanghai/China. Ever since, it has been impossible to work with my true profession in these 20 years, both in Norway and Denmark. However, the competency is maintained as a hobby, here as these blogs called UU”. This UU Theme ‘The 5th Pyramid’ is an escalation of the never-ending story.
Music: Kraftwerk was one of the first band to take robot music seriously. They lived into the role and made music that they thought robots would do in the future. The quality of the sound was far beyond what anyone else could. However, the lyrics and melodies were not that impressive. They were as without fantasy, - just like robots. At the time, there was hardly any pc. The pocket calculator was high tech. but finding Pi and all kinds of square roots was not exciting in the long run. The tech is certainly different now, with personal computers for all family members. Now, children learn to conquer virtual worlds before the even learn to write, they down- and uploads movies on the internet, and do not remember any telephone number, - not even to their own home. I can remember the first job and was impressed by a box on 1x1x1 meter that contained a disk with 10 MB. I even had to program by manual switches. That was the time when Kraftwerk was very futuristic and popular. The band is previously mentioned in UU2011.feb.18 and UU 2013.okt.25
Kraftwerk - Pocket Calculator / Dentaku (live) [HD]
Kraftwerk - Pocket Calculator (studio)
Relevant Links; International Pyramids
Definitions Wikipedia.
Penalty law, Norway & Denmark
Cut the TV cables and watch via PC on the internet. Then one find masses of open and enlightening information, - like these 12 TED Talks. Some speakers have several speeches.
Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley
Alex Kipman: A futuristic vision of the age of holograms
Olivier Scalabre: The next manufacturing revolution is here
Hubertus Knabe: The dark secrets of a surveillance state
Christopher Soghoian: Government surveillance — this is just the beginning
Michael Sandel: The lost art of democratic debate
Scott Fraser: Why eyewitnesses get it wrong
Atul Gawande: How do we heal medicine?
Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world
Simon Anholt: Which country does the most good for the world?
Paul Piff: Does money make you mean?
Benjamin Barber: Why mayors should rule the world
... A 13th TED talk that is even banned by TED.
Banned TED Talk: The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake at TEDx Whitechapel
(‘Science’ is not always truly scientifical.)