SDG2030/QoH – xIQ (multi-intelligence)

There are many kinds of intelligence. Most humans have an IQ over the average in some kinds and under in others. Nevertheless, the Humanity need to be extraordinary in all kinds of intelligence, in order to reach the SDGs before 2030. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehend our Humanity’s multi-intelligence (xIQ). This blog is therefore an attempt to shift the focus from unintelligent views on intelligence and rethink such for the SDG tasks.

Traditionally, intelligence is defined as the ability to perceive or conclude on information, to retain it as knowledge and to applied it for adaptive behaviors. That includes abstraction, logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, empathy, reasoning, planning, creativity, examination, and problem-solving. The intelligence quotient (IQ) indicates the mental age, whereas the average is 100 and the standard deviant are 85 and 115. Still, intelligence is also mistaken for memory, instinct, intuition, rituals and habits. Also, the term AI (Artificial Intelligence) is still as questionable as instincts, mania and rituals. (UU20210801)

New theories of multiple intelligences (xIQ) propose specific modalities, rather than a single, general ability. In some official theories there are the 8+ different kinds of intelligences with modalities for; 1, Musical; sing, play and compose; 2, Visual; with the mind's eye and 3D; 3, Linguistic; words, languages, reading, writing and telling,; 4, Logical, abstractions, reasoning, numbers and examination,; 5, Bodily, motions of body and objects; 6, Interpersonal: Social skills of sensitivity, moods, feelings, temperaments, empathize, motivations, and discussion; 7, Intrapersonal, Introspective, self-reflective and -awareness, predict own reactions or emotions,; 8, Natural, recognizes flora and fauna, natural productively (hunting, farming, biology). Also, 9, existential (spiritual) intelligence was proposed, by rejected. Besides, other modalities could be considered as intelligence, like; teaching; humor; cooking; sexual; creativity; meta-intelligence; managements; etc.

All the modalities of intelligent are needed to reach the 17 SDGs before 2030. The SDGs concerns; 1, No Poverty; 2, No Hunger; 3, Good Health; 4, Qualitative Education; 5, Gender Equality; 6, Clean Water and Sanitation; 7, Affordable and Clean Energy; 8, Decent Work and Growth; 9, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; 10, Reduced Inequality; 11, Cities and Communities; 12, Consumption and Production; 13, Climate; 14, Submarine Life; 15, Life on Land; 16, Peace; Justice; and Institutions; and 17, Public/Private partnerships for the SDGs.

Consequently, such complex relations make numerous combinations of modalities for the xIQ to the SDGs. Still, the challenge is to utilize these lists to discover the needs, requirements and potentials. For example, the SDG-11 ‘Cities’ might be most important one because the number of urban people have exceeded the rural. Is there really any SDG or xIQ that SDG-11 does not include? Innovating the SDG-11 requires a comprehensive plan to transform metropolises to ‘Gaiapolises’, - possibly by the means of the IR4/SR4 (4th Industrial and Social Reform). Moreover, the SDG-14, ‘Submarine Life’ is probably the most challenging and complex of all. The needed innovations for submarine tools, vessels and constructions require most of the xIQ modalities. Imagining the needed submarine communities, and even cities, to sustainable the submarine flora and fauna by submarine farmers, workers and manager.

Apropos, remember the so-called ‘Nerds’? They raised their social status from introvert ‘wierdos’ to high-tech superstar during the IR3. Even romantic poets became ‘rock-stars’ when provided electricity. Yes, it’s simply intelligent to realise that most kinds of jerks, sulks, geeks, freaks, dreamers, outlaws, punks and other outcasts. are intelligent - in some not-yet realized ways. It might help to use the tools related to the 3D psychosocial model of Drive, Will and Belief (see blogs like UU20220101 and UU20160916)

What is the xIQ of Humanity, then? There is no number – like in Mensa quantifying. First, as mentioned in UU20210801, the Humanity is considered being at an IQ age like an infant. Next, there is no other Humanity to compere those modalities with, - so what could the average and deviations be? Lastly, measuring Humanity’s multi-intelligence (xIQ) is as pointless as unintelligence. Still, there are room for lots of improvements will we Sustainably Develops the Goals of Humanity.

UN Sustainable Development Goals
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Wonderful World (instrumental) - Sam Cooke